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No.446366 : Anonymous [2023-02-23 14:25] [Report] 1677180338130.png (693929 B, 471x831) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
693929 B

Sometimes a man just makes you grunt "jesus fucking christ" when you see him pic

No.446402 : Anonymous [2023-02-23 18:25] [Report] []

And then Jesus said to the man, “Arise for now of your hair you are fully shorn. Go forth and serve God in all hygiene.”

(John 11:7–11)

No.446411 : Anonymous [2023-02-23 19:40] [Report] []

He looks like a typical low class gay porn star...the type Sean Cody has been resorting to after Onlyfans cratered their business model of seducing hard up, actually hot, hunky, men.

Imma pass.

No.446430 : Anonymous [2023-02-23 21:58] [Report] []

He’s not as hot on his IG.
He’s like the one instagay that isn’t filled with Botox and filler

No.446442 : Anonymous [2023-02-23 22:44] [Report] []

>>446411 100% agree. Low-class. Ink covered trash that Sean Cody loves to use these days. Probably uncut. Doesn't seem to tan, occassionaly uses the gym, completely unremarkable facial features. This sort of looks like a self post IMO.

No.446443 : Anonymous [2023-02-23 22:45] [Report] []


He still looks pretty rape-able to me


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