Archive/Dongs 2020

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No.100342 : Anonymous [2019-04-21 19:22] [Report] 1555888920241.jpg (672360 B, 1123x1558) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
672360 B

I’m just going to bring this one back

No.100451 : Anonymous [2019-04-22 02:06] [Report] []

Don’t get the hype. His body is shot and he can ditch the pornstache

No.100768 : Anonymous [2019-04-22 19:18] [Report] []

I think he pulls it off really well. Anyone have anything?

No.100788 : Anonymous [2019-04-22 19:51] [Report] 1555977089094.jpg (428874 B, 1242x1225) [YIS] [GIS] []
428874 B

>>100451 Please, tell me more about how his body is "shot." I mean, I'm not a fangirl of his by any stretch of the imagination, but what an unnecessarily dick thing to write.

No.100879 : Anonymous [2019-04-22 23:08] [Report] []

>>100788 ah the nature of the internet. Natural instinct is to tear it apart.

No.101472 : Anonymous [2019-04-24 02:56] [Report] []

oh god yes please

No.102180 : Anonymous [2019-04-25 13:41] [Report] []

Hope is a thread that always comes back...maybe this one will yield?

No.102858 : Anonymous [2019-04-26 20:08] [Report] []

know for a fact he's sowing his wild oats in sf, just don't know if he's trading pics

No.103269 : Anonymous [2019-04-27 19:48] [Report] []

I can tell you that photo was taken from on top a parking garage in Cleveland.,-81.6875778,43a,35y,6.19h,77.66t/data=!3m1!1e3

No.103622 : Anonymous [2019-04-28 17:33] [Report] []

>>103269 well i mean, yeah, he used to live in cleveland...

No.103664 : Anonymous [2019-04-28 19:35] [Report] []

The top picture is one of his better ones. You can't really see his one weird eye, or all those gaudy tattoos on his legs.

No.105789 : Anonymous [2019-05-03 18:53] [Report] []

>>103664 omg he doesn't have a weird eye, quit trolling

No.112153 : Anonymous [2019-05-21 15:22] [Report] []


No.149035 : Anonymous [2019-09-09 18:31] [Report] []

his pix have to be out there!

No.149066 : Anonymous [2019-09-09 21:17] [Report] 1568078267447.png (4900120 B, 828x1792) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.149263 : Anonymous [2019-09-10 16:12] [Report] []

>>149066 lets see that sex tape!

No.149581 : Anonymous [2019-09-11 19:15] [Report] []

>>149066 the boyfriend is a solid 9. Let's see that.


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