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No.8682 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 05:30] [Report] 1530005414566.jpg (210235 B, 692x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
210235 B

ID anyone?

No.8703 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 06:57] [Report] []

holy shit!! who is he?

No.8725 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 07:41] [Report] []

>>8703 Logan Stevens. One of my all time favorite bottoms. Went bareback very early, before most mainstream porn stars did.

No.8739 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 08:44] [Report] []

When/where is this photo from? I don’t remember Logan even looking this good

No.8909 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 22:48] [Report] []

went bareback early on - is now HIV+ and fucks bareback all over LA. fact.

No.7972 : Anonymous [2018-06-23 18:03] [Report] 1529791403138.png (684994 B, 581x591) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
684994 B


london guy, says he's XL on grindr

No.8080 : Anonymous [2018-06-24 04:03] [Report] []

Hot. Yes please!

No.8581 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 22:42] [Report] []

normal dick and he's a big size queen btm

No.8357 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 09:05] [Report] 1529931933933.jpg (1052061 B, 1242x1429) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1052061 B

Anything out there on this one?

instagram markusedward_

No.8358 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 09:05] [Report] 1529931948406.jpg (488441 B, 613x836) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.8800 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 13:35] [Report] 1530034546004.png (1641321 B, 1392x1180) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1641321 B

Anything of either of these guys?

No.8876 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 19:44] [Report] []

Yes pls

No.8857 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 18:09] [Report] 1530050951775.jpg (520790 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
520790 B

What's the 411 on this one? Does he give up the goods on his OnlyFans? He gives the impression that he's straight but he's certainly putting his butt out there for the world to see.

No.7157 : Anonymous [2018-06-20 18:58] [Report] 1529535488094.png (1423748 B, 1173x725) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1423748 B

Anyone know where I can find more of this blond guy on the right? Who is he and does he have more videos?

11 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.7920 : Anonymous [2018-06-23 14:28] [Report] []

>>7744 did they ever fuck on cam?

No.8030 : Anonymous [2018-06-23 23:35] [Report] []


Ed is bi

No.8528 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 19:13] [Report] []

I think he's a "buy sexual" not an actual bi.

No.8529 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 19:14] [Report] []

Link isn't a virus. It's probably the pop-up you got...but they're not worth clicking anyways. It's just them talking.

No.8798 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 13:34] [Report] []

i dont now how he gets so many viewers with his shitty shows, i also think he is buy sexual. anyone knows what happened with that balding guy? he and ed had a falling out

No.8844 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 16:58] [Report] []

More videos pls

No.8525 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 19:12] [Report] 1529968338018.jpg (726885 B, 737x997) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
726885 B

Anything on these guys from Nashville?

No.8555 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 21:16] [Report] []

God I hope so

No.8760 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 11:05] [Report] []


No.8829 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 16:18] [Report] []

Someone go and get us something!

No.8764 : coles [2018-06-26 11:26] [Report] 1530026787295.jpg (162358 B, 700x1050) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
162358 B

Does anyone know the real name of John Culver / Cole? He has already done gay porn for the site 'str8chaser / active duty' and has an abandoned channel in chaturbate called 'warrior_44' but can not find any info on...

No.8816 : rtfrtfh [2018-06-26 14:30] [Report] []

he is beautiful! o/

No.8815 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 14:27] [Report] 1530037653099.png (1189294 B, 1334x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1189294 B

Does someone know who they are or the name of the video??

No.8792 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 13:28] [Report] 1530034099012.jpg (140281 B, 640x1092) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
140281 B

anything on this hottie

No.8794 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 13:29] [Report] 1530034163723.jpg (133138 B, 639x985) [YIS] [GIS] []
133138 B

Pics or videos of this muscled bottom?

No.8750 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 10:11] [Report] 1530022271014.jpg (1904080 B, 1242x1727) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1904080 B

Anything on Ray?

No.8777 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 12:34] [Report] []

Omg ! Yes please !

No.8384 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 10:51] [Report] 1529938261587.jpg (453350 B, 640x853) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
453350 B

Anyone have anything of Josh L@r@ out of Dallas, Tx? IG: j0shymichael (0 is an o) Thanks!

No.8584 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 22:57] [Report] []

We chatted before. He’s actually got a pretty long dick.

No.8747 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 10:00] [Report] []

Sure jan!

No.8763 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 11:12] [Report] []

>>8584 You’d be my favorite person if you could find the pic or get another one 😁

No.8702 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 06:52] [Report] 1530010366170.png (640947 B, 710x350) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
640947 B

Let's make a Puerto Rico thread. Anyone have anything (anyone) to share?

No.8707 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 07:15] [Report] 1530011726449.png (1376137 B, 734x1320) [YIS] [GIS] []
1376137 B


No.8709 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 07:15] [Report] 1530011755391.png (1990344 B, 950x1188) [YIS] [GIS] []
1990344 B


No.8711 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 07:16] [Report] 1530011768383.png (1629431 B, 950x1188) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.8713 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 07:16] [Report] 1530011781611.png (2240346 B, 956x1194) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.8718 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 07:19] [Report] 1530011958803.gif (7319169 B, 600x1065) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.8721 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 07:21] [Report] 1530012104472.gif (24479687 B, 600x750) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.8460 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 15:06] [Report] 1529953608420.jpg (107790 B, 1080x1350) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
107790 B

Any links from Alec Nystem videos to onlyfans?Please

No.8672 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 04:47] [Report] []

His videos are in this VK group

No.8578 : Jesus Marcano [2018-06-25 22:37] [Report] 1529980650592.png (513654 B, 465x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
513654 B

Jesus3marcano Instagram

No.8668 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 04:15] [Report] []

Anything else on him?
He's really hot.

No.8068 : T@yl0rMiller [2018-06-24 02:37] [Report] 1529822241067.jpg (414112 B, 1242x1490) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
414112 B

Any of him?

No.8582 : Anonymous [2018-06-25 22:42] [Report] []

yes please

No.8639 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 02:18] [Report] []

omg his photos are blowing up right now.
He looks like a classic A&F bruce weber model

No.6995 : Anonymous [2018-06-20 03:47] [Report] 1529480836457.jpg (13374 B, 360x270) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
13374 B

Any videos of him? He is hot_russian_grisha in chaturabte

No.8634 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 01:43] [Report] []

Nothing yet?

No.5407 : Anonymous [2018-06-15 03:48] [Report] 1529048894425.jpg (34420 B, 375x500) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
34420 B

Anyone has videos of b r u n o h u n e s d from chaturbate? Upload them to webtransfer please

No.5731 : Anonymous [2018-06-16 03:26] [Report] []

He is so hot. Please somebody upload this videos from

No.8633 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 01:34] [Report] []

Damn he is hot still nothing?


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