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No.12091 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 13:57] [Report] 1530899857856.jpg (113614 B, 750x937) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
113614 B

more pics of jayallxn

No.10012 : Anonymous [2018-06-30 13:50] [Report] 1530381059325.jpg (245840 B, 1051x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
245840 B

Anyone have a vid of T@tl3r H0ld3r?

No.12068 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 12:08] [Report] []

Any luck?

No.12000 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 04:44] [Report] 1530866658682.jpg (125251 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
125251 B

Anyone got anything on ANTHONY SANCHEZ?!?!?

No.11482 : Anonymous [2018-07-04 11:24] [Report] 1530717842681.jpg (210707 B, 1500x1000) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
210707 B

Anything to this twink?At least I want to find his name.

No.11588 : Anonymous [2018-07-04 19:08] [Report] []

Goes by a couple names. Luky Svit comes to mind

No.11608 : Anonymous [2018-07-04 21:00] [Report] []

Variously: Luky Svit, Elias Cooley, Denis Rizzo, Lukas, Tony Conrad depending on the studio.

No.11666 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 00:05] [Report] []


Real name = Lukáš Kožíšek

No.11778 : lol [2018-07-05 10:58] [Report] []

Also,porn videos on him?

No.11994 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 04:17] [Report] []

Love his vids!

No.9465 : Anonymous [2018-06-28 14:56] [Report] 1530212189531.jpg (1135982 B, 1125x1118) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1135982 B

Anyone have anything on this stud?

No.9528 : Anonymous [2018-06-28 20:14] [Report] []

fuck yes please

No.10975 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 23:28] [Report] []

he’s straight... I doubt there’s something out there

No.11357 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 23:13] [Report] []

>>10975 that doesn’t make any difference lol

No.11983 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 03:17] [Report] []

He did frontal nudes for a semi relevant fashion photographer but I really doubt we will see those anytime soon.

No.11932 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 23:07] [Report] 1530846479873.jpg (163513 B, 750x860) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
163513 B

Anything on this beautiful Aussie?

No.11976 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 02:27] [Report] []

Oh god I’d give up solid food for a week just to see it

No.11941 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 23:42] [Report] 1530848563053.jpg (757448 B, 1242x1256) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
757448 B

Anything on Kane?

No.11938 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 23:38] [Report] 1530848318052.jpg (1293003 B, 1242x1709) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1293003 B

How about this Sydneysider?

No.11937 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 23:36] [Report] 1530848189105.jpg (851133 B, 1242x1395) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
851133 B

Who has the goods on this Aussie?

closed No.10644 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 06:53] [Report] 1530528813462.png (0 B, 1868x1130) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Let's hear all about Jeremy Cormier! He's worked every disgusting Daddy out there starting with Bryan Singer to David Geffen to Peter Thiel and so on. There has to be tons of pics and tea out there him.

Bryan Singer is on the far left and Jeremy Cormier is in Bryan's arms just to his right.

22 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.11736 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 08:18] [Report] []

Bryan Singer is a predator and pedophile. Anyone connected to him and friends with him are equally as evil and disgusting as he is. Jeremy had willfully whore himself to Bryan when he was younger and now he is manipulating young hot boys to be molested by Bryan. You are who you surround yourself with and Jeremy is pure evil. I can't believe Kevin Miller is friends with Jeremy and a part of this fucked world. Why would anyone with an Ivy League Degree and great looks be mixed up with shitty and shady people like Jeremy and Bryan. I'll be staying clear away from all of them including Kevin. But I wouldn't mind seeing a few dick pics on here.

No.11746 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 08:49] [Report] []

This whole thread just sounds like more bitter old losers. These dudes could be everything you say but then again you're keeping up with them and their lives, so who is winning? And that's if I believed half of it, which I don't. Not that it would matter if was true.

No.11747 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 08:58] [Report] []

This is why I never take anything serious in this site. We've all seen stories and heard talk about Singer. But just like every other post here where anonymous people act like they are better than or have the moral high ground over the person if topic, the still wanna see pic/vids. Like let's bring it really down to earth for a second. Are we really talking about someone being a pedophile and a predator in the same breath that we request pics about those associated with said person?

No.11792 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 12:09] [Report] []

Really surprised nobody is posting pics and vids of Jeremy. He films himself all the time and keeps a big collection of vids of himself and others. There must be a ton people could upload (which seems a bit hotter than just spilling tea... even if it’s true)

No.11795 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 12:14] [Report] []

Speak for yourself bitch I care!
Mostly because it's a fun read.

No.11921 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 22:36] [Report] []

>>11795 I second that. It's fun and it's the truth. The blasted it out there on social media and flaunt it in every day life. It's all free game man!

No.5649 : Anonymous [2018-06-15 20:58] [Report] 1529110739016.jpg (1786672 B, 1125x2126) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1786672 B

Anyone have anything on this guy named Austin from Melbourne, FL?

No.5711 : Anonymous [2018-06-16 01:36] [Report] []

Love a muscle man

No.7463 : Anonymous [2018-06-21 21:47] [Report] []

Bump for this Florida boy. Anything on him?

No.11907 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 22:02] [Report] 1530842548431.jpg (304346 B, 1123x1983) [YIS] [GIS] []
304346 B

Here you go.

No.11909 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 22:05] [Report] []

Where is that photo from? Any more info on him?

No.11917 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 22:31] [Report] []

What a small small pee pee

No.9521 : Anonymous [2018-06-28 19:59] [Report] 1530230355348.jpg (0 B, 750x937) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

anyone have hes onlyfans videos?

5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.10210 : Anonymous [2018-07-01 02:34] [Report] []

>>10139 nevermind, found it

No.10791 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 15:51] [Report] []

>>10210 post them

No.10901 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 20:49] [Report] []

>>10791 there are far too many to post. around more or less 800 files in total

No.10977 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 23:29] [Report] 1530588596224.jpg (0 B, 675x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.11883 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 20:36] [Report] []

wheres the link to find them ..just people claiming they've got them..

No.11916 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 22:27] [Report] []

who is this guy ?

No.11901 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 21:36] [Report] 1530840966029.jpg (99219 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
99219 B

Anything on hestonr Heston Russell

No.10457 : Anonymous [2018-07-01 19:07] [Report] 1530486439174.png (3681568 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3681568 B

Has anyone ever got him to unlock? I really want to see that ass. He’s in SF.

No.11556 : Anonymous [2018-07-04 17:05] [Report] []

We really need to see more of him. He’s always on the apps. There must be something out there.

No.11586 : Anonymous [2018-07-04 19:02] [Report] []

That looks like a really nice cock...

No.11875 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 19:45] [Report] 1530834324609.png (357127 B, 685x456) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.11890 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 20:51] [Report] []

>>11875 Johnny Stone.

No.11837 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 15:44] [Report] 1530819889267.png (4443709 B, 3356x1898) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.11889 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 20:50] [Report] []

R1cky Roman, Jo5h Moore and Log@n Moore. Cocky Boy5

No.11877 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 20:11] [Report] 1530835868106.png (7767828 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
7767828 B

Who could this bubble butt jock be?

No.11471 : Anonymous [2018-07-04 10:13] [Report] 1530713584103.png (1517253 B, 1040x1170) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1517253 B

Anything on Brian? He lives in Columbus, OH.

No.11868 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 18:47] [Report] []

bump for this hottie


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