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file sharing solution for male general

We've come up with a solution for our users in regards to sharing files on this site. Instead of visitors hoping other people will reupload files onto random file hosts every time a link no longer works, we have a solution for easily and permanently hosting files without any complications. The service will simply be uploading a zip (archive) file and getting a link in return to post to the boards.

How you can help male general

What male general needs from the userbase is the funds to run the service. We plan to ensure all of the files will stay available at all times. If we can reach $1000 USD, we will be able to develop and release the service in a timely manner. That amount will be enough for basic development and at most one year of service (future cost to run it depends on how popular the service becomes).

All uploaded files will be listed publicly on a page for easy access for everyone, but on a three week delay. Donators will be given access to a new board that is for donators only. That means donators can share content and links between themselves first. No mod queue delays either. Access is monthly and is granted at $5 per month or $30 per year.

Early donation bonus

Pre-release donators receive bonuses

Each bonus can only be applied once but they can be stacked, for a total of 64 months of access for a $100 donation. All additional donations are at the normal rate.

How to donate

Donations can be made using cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum (and whatever else they offer) through Coinbase, or donating through Liberapay. We are keeping track of all donations and will contact you when funding is complete to give you accounts on the new site. If you haven't heard from us after we've announced that we've released the site, let us know through our contact page.

Previous donations

Previous donations through other services are counted under Liberapay.

Liberapay donations

Donate with Liberapay.
Donate using Liberapay
Choose the correct custom funding amount; it can be changed or canceled after the first payment (FAQ farther down on the Liberapay page).

Cryptocurrency donations

You can donate to male general directly on the Coinbase site or click the button to open the Coinbase widget. We require an email address to provide you with the benefits of donating. We will manually send an email to confirm your donation when funding is complete.

Updates and progress

$515/$1000. Let's reach our goal!
   Coinbase: $60
   Liberapay:   $455

2020-05-21 - $10 in donations!
2020-05-07 - $10 in donations!
2020-04-27 - $5 in donations!
2020-04-21 - $5 in donations!
2020-04-09 - $5 in donations!
2020-03-20 - $60 in donations!
2020-01-30 - $10 in donations!
2020-01-29 - $60 in donations!
2020-01-18 - $10 in donations!
2020-01-12 - $20 in donations!
2020-01-01 - $5 in donations!
2019-11-22 - $5 in donations!
2019-11-15 - $10 in donations!
2019-11-11 - $10 in donations!
2019-11-09 - $5 in donations!
2019-11-01 - $5 in donations!
2019-11-01 - $5 in donations!
2019-10-27 - $5 in donations!
2019-10-26 - $10 in donations!
2019-10-04 - $10 in donations!
2019-10-02 - $10 in donations!
2019-10-01 - $5 in donations!
2019-10-01 - $30 in donations!
2019-10-01 - $10 in donations!
2019-10-01 - $10 in donations!
2019-09-20 - $10 in donations!
2019-09-19 - $30 in donations!
2019-09-09 - $30 in donations!
2019-09-05 - $30 in donations!
2019-08-26 - $10 in donations!
2019-08-03 - $30 in donations!
2019-08-01 - $15 in donations!
2019-07-29 - $30 in donations!
2019-07-29 - We are starting the donation drive!

Assistance or more information

Contact us through the methods listed on the contact page.

To the best of our ability, we will try to keep all files available.

11025 people have viewed this page. Have you donated?

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