Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.26385 : mgreene [2015-12-21 10:58] [Report] 1450713514658.png (666821 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
666821 B

Anyone know who this cute boy is or if he has any more stuff?

No.26406 : Anonymous [2015-12-21 18:58] [Report] []

Seriously? This was answered just Yesterday.

No.39977 : Anonymous [2016-06-12 20:42] [Report] []


No.26396 : Anonymous [2015-12-21 15:48] [Report] 1450730932891.jpg (19250 B, 432x324) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
19250 B

Any videos of Jeff Neils would be greatly appreciated! Does anyone know if he goes by any other name?

No.26399 : slamm [2015-12-21 17:20] [Report] []

He gets fucked so much on gayhoopla I don't suppose he'd need another name.

No.26452 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:24] [Report] []

Hahahaha true that! Any videos anyone ;)?

No.26407 : Anonymous [2015-12-21 19:12] [Report] 1450743144803.jpg (61227 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
61227 B

Anyone got any nudes of this guy? Layton_taylor on instagram. Seems he's a bit of a model.

No.26529 : Anonymous [2015-12-23 17:31] [Report] []

Nothing? :(

No.26417 : Anonymous [2015-12-21 21:09] [Report] 1450750165776.png (1119493 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1119493 B

Anyone got any nudes on this handsome Instagram user? Aheragui is his user name

No.26450 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:01] [Report] []

>>26417 damn hot. Bump af.

No.26425 : Anonymous [2015-12-21 23:10] [Report] 1450757430151.jpg (151463 B, 1024x811) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
151463 B

Anybody got anything on ghost91 from chaturbate? Biggest effing cock!

8 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.49534 : Anonymous [2017-01-03 03:55] [Report] []

anyone have a good vid on this guys cant find one.

No.49535 : Anonymous [2017-01-03 06:04] [Report] []

Does anyone has videos of santzs90?

No.49536 : Anonymous [2017-01-03 08:18] [Report] []

that vid is already gone!! Repost any again, pls?

No.49543 : Anonymous [2017-01-03 18:02] [Report] []

That vid no longer available, upload that again ? Please

No.49943 : Anonymous [2017-02-07 12:29] [Report] []

Anyone have a good vid of this guy?

No.50326 : Anonymous [2017-03-30 18:37] [Report] []

This guy is hot. too bad the link doesn't work. :/

No.26448 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 10:40] [Report] 1450798852503.jpg (67679 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
67679 B

Anyone have jBrandon Schinaman's leaked video or more nudes?

No.26455 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:43] [Report] []

I second this. What about his sex tape. Anyone?

No.26451 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:06] [Report] 1450804006568.jpg (18950 B, 339x361) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
18950 B

Anyone got an clips from MasonBrookesXXX ? has a twitter account but he seems to have old ones :
a cam4 model supposedly and did a show once. If anyone has it please share :)


No.26969 : Anonymous [2016-01-01 18:35] [Report] []

He sells pics and videos but you have to ask him on whatsapp for the prices are

No.26453 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:26] [Report] 1450805199746.jpg (33771 B, 579x326) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
33771 B

Can someone please share a link to download this video.....please ;)

No.26454 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:41] [Report] []

Get a membership with Sean Cody. It's on there. If not then try pornhub

No.26516 : Anonymous [2015-12-23 11:41] [Report] []

Anyone with this video please

No.26517 : slamm [2015-12-23 12:44] [Report] []

Click on my name.

No.26519 : Anonymous [2015-12-23 14:15] [Report] []

Thank you thank you so very much!! Merry Christmas to you!!! :D

No.26458 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:54] [Report] 1450806875732.jpg (96402 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
96402 B

Anyone have nudes if Brendan Colcord / Brendannyc? I used to have a bunch on my old phone years ago but can't find them

No.26459 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:56] [Report] 1450806966677.jpg (60888 B, 612x612) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.26460 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:56] [Report] 1450807004518.jpg (23544 B, 480x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.26461 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:57] [Report] 1450807076837.jpg (67226 B, 612x612) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.26462 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 12:58] [Report] 1450807105611.jpg (67110 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.41216 : Anonymous [2016-06-25 20:34] [Report] []


No.26463 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 13:23] [Report] 1450808631193.jpg (108016 B, 750x721) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
108016 B

His Tumblr is Hisdopeass. Don't know his Twitter.

No.26464 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 13:24] [Report] 1450808670671.jpg (115667 B, 750x913) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.26465 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 13:24] [Report] 1450808694304.jpg (129912 B, 750x742) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.26471 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 18:31] [Report] []

He has nudes all over tumblr. Just Google Hisdopeass + nudes.

No.26505 : Anonymous [2015-12-23 04:24] [Report] []

Any videos?

No.26472 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 18:38] [Report] 1450827530328.jpg (88794 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
88794 B

Anyone have anything from Instagram hottie hotfer93, aka Luis Fernando?

No.26482 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 20:32] [Report] []

YES PLEAASSSE! anyone???

No.27266 : Anonymous [2016-01-06 12:50] [Report] []

Is that his real name? I think we matched on Tinder but he didn't go by Luis...

No.34914 : Anonymous [2016-04-22 13:09] [Report] []


No.26478 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 20:19] [Report] 1450833550222.jpg (231204 B, 960x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
231204 B

This guy goes by "Brent .R" (with the period) on FB.

No.26487 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 20:54] [Report] 1450835660126.jpg (827436 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
827436 B

Meant to ask: anyone have more on him? Here's another.

No.26865 : Anonymous [2015-12-30 14:59] [Report] []

also goes by fullmetalfitness on instagram. nothing?

No.37368 : slamm [2016-05-16 15:55] [Report] 1463428551383.jpg (42559 B, 512x511) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.37369 : slamm [2016-05-16 15:57] [Report] 1463428624122.jpg (107289 B, 800x335) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.37370 : slamm [2016-05-16 15:58] [Report] 1463428707319.jpg (172942 B, 800x328) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.37450 : Anonymous [2016-05-17 10:22] [Report] []

You've actually have two guys here. Fullmetalfitness is Brent Robb, and I'm working on him. The other guy is JT Holman

No.26481 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 20:30] [Report] 1450834244018.png (584032 B, 1199x543) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
584032 B

Any one have the cam shows from this guy? ore any nudes hi is "Gun Show" in the cam guys .com

No.26486 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 20:38] [Report] 1450834706858.png (301565 B, 492x727) [YIS] [GIS] []
301565 B

some one???

No.26527 : Anonymous [2015-12-23 17:12] [Report] []

BUmp for more!

No.26598 : Anonymous [2015-12-25 09:19] [Report] []

I have most of the "hot videos" if anyone wants to trade for other tcg vids.

No.26599 : Anonymous [2015-12-25 11:15] [Report] []


No.26700 : Anonymous [2015-12-27 15:37] [Report] []


No.26816 : Anonymous [2015-12-29 17:28] [Report] []

pls post videos!!!

No.26483 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 20:33] [Report] 1450834423609.jpg (101543 B, 600x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
101543 B

Hi! I know this guys in named "Alex" on the FraternityX videos... Anybody knows if he has any other porn name or if he is in any other video/studio doing porn? Thanks!

No.26484 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 20:34] [Report] 1450834460141.jpg (135769 B, 800x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.26485 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 20:36] [Report] 1450834600700.jpg (123090 B, 800x450) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.26489 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 21:08] [Report] 1450836496943.jpg (92491 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
92491 B

Anyone have nudes of flyfella / Houseoffail?

4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.30194 : Anonymous [2016-02-13 00:36] [Report] []

He said he posted some revealing stuff last night for 15 mins. Did anyone get it?

No.30220 : Anonymous [2016-02-13 12:31] [Report] 1455384715118.jpg (75590 B, 500x669) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.30328 : Anonymous [2016-02-15 00:33] [Report] 1455514431536.jpg (387940 B, 956x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.40501 : Anonymous [2016-06-17 18:37] [Report] 1466203024949.jpg (201529 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.42453 : Anonymous [2016-07-08 07:58] [Report] 1467979125310.jpg (286646 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.43439 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 15:04] [Report] []

anyone ever find that video?

closed No.26493 : Anonymous [2015-12-22 22:49] [Report] 1450842587945.jpg (0 B, 882x1167) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Anyone got anything in tarek1989

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.26513 : Anonymous [2015-12-23 06:39] [Report] []

It's TA1989

No.26633 : Anonymous [2015-12-26 12:04] [Report] 1451149440856.jpg (0 B, 899x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.26730 : Anonymous [2015-12-27 22:29] [Report] []

>>26633 that ain't him. He's got a tattoo on that wrist and that and the floor looks too fake looks like it was edited or something. Not real

No.26731 : Anonymous [2015-12-27 23:33] [Report] []

>>26633 was excited for a bit but then noticed too that it looks off or edited. look at the right edge of the dick pic looks like it's messed around with. bummer it's a fake one :/

No.26732 : Anonymous [2015-12-27 23:34] [Report] []

>>26633 left edge not right edge my bad

No.43475 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 19:13] [Report] []

i do think that pic is legit.

No.26520 : Anonymous [2015-12-23 14:23] [Report] 1450898612947.jpg (94274 B, 557x839) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
94274 B

Any nudes on @pela_inn from Instagram? I couldn't find anything online

No.26521 : Anonymous [2015-12-23 15:23] [Report] 1450902225187.jpg (104916 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
104916 B

gabriel conte anyone?

No.26695 : Anonymous [2015-12-27 14:03] [Report] []



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