Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.54310 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 10:04] [Report] 1475071492459.jpg (123203 B, 764x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
123203 B

Anybody got Trey Waldman nudes? Never thought about him until I saw this pic of his glorious ass and DAMN does he have a nice one.

IG: treywaldman

No.54334 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 14:16] [Report] []

WOAH!! I hope there are pics or vids of him presenting hole

No.64880 : Anonymous [2016-12-24 00:16] [Report] []

That mug too, could only imagine what his moaning face is like.

No.65023 : Anonymous [2016-12-25 07:09] [Report] []

Guys, he's not gay. lol

No.65026 : Anonymous [2016-12-25 08:59] [Report] []

>>65023 looks pretty gay.

And if not, why is that even a factor regarding this?

No.54318 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 11:11] [Report] 1475075474367.jpg (296692 B, 1000x752) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
296692 B

Super hot double cum show of FlNCH93 and his sexy friend. Only caught the last couple minutes on CB. Will someone please download ad re-up to or something?

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.54332 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 13:47] [Report] []

Long haired dude looks like a young Property Bro LOL

No.54489 : Anonymous [2016-09-30 03:29] [Report] []

BUMMP! This is totally hot!

No.54868 : Anonymous [2016-10-03 16:25] [Report] []

Back at it! Together again, right now!

No.62844 : Anonymous [2016-12-09 17:21] [Report] []

Apparently they're cousins, hot! Please someone download this

No.62849 : Anonymous [2016-12-09 18:13] [Report] []

>>62844 I highly doubt they're real cousins lol. They're just saying that to satisfy viewer's fetishes. Family members aren't allowed to broadcast with each other or else they'd be banned.

No.54319 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 11:30] [Report] 1475076654690.png (2624715 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2624715 B

Anyone please try to catfish him and get his nudes!! His name is santo condorelli and he is is straight!

No.54330 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 13:11] [Report] 1475082701959.jpg (23603 B, 500x278) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
23603 B

Anyone have the video of Alex Greene and Brad Smith (xxxcaliboyxxx)?

No.54333 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 14:06] [Report] []


No.54398 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 09:53] [Report] []


No.54419 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 13:59] [Report] []

BUMP! +1

No.54771 : Anonymous [2016-10-02 19:27] [Report] []


No.54365 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 19:47] [Report] 1475106445096.jpg (702320 B, 1710x1373) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
702320 B

Does anyone know if they fucked in the ticket show and /or has the video of it? His name is Durio on chaturbate

No.54376 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 22:18] [Report] []

Nope - they didnt fuck in this ticket show as far as I remember

No.54368 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 20:10] [Report] 1475107831420.png (1203097 B, 1334x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1203097 B

Is there a hero out there who can tell me what this video is from!? OR who they are???

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.54441 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 19:30] [Report] []

I have wanted to know the answer to that question for years!!! The straight friend is so hot and has such a great dick! Wish I had a friend like that!

No.54540 : Anonymous [2016-09-30 14:47] [Report] []

Somebody must know something...

No.54955 : Anonymous [2016-10-04 15:53] [Report] []

There's like a split second where a logo starts to animate in at the end. Can anyone place it ?

No.72965 : Anonymous [2017-02-08 11:52] [Report] []

BUMP!! Somebody must have some info.

No.72967 : Anonymous [2017-02-08 12:04] [Report] []

There's a logo animating on at the end but can't place it.

No.72979 : Anonymous [2017-02-08 14:22] [Report] []

I would pay good money to know the answer for this.

No.54369 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 20:14] [Report] 1475108067079.png (539142 B, 637x633) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
539142 B

Anything on this guy? He goes by Christian and is 26 yo.

No.54370 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 20:14] [Report] 1475108090235.jpg (115746 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.54467 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 21:24] [Report] []

Holy fuck I need him inside me

No.55057 : Anonymous [2016-10-05 19:17] [Report] []


No.54383 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 01:10] [Report] 1475125850993.jpg (76431 B, 1080x1349) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
76431 B

Anybody have anything on this hottie?! NavyJack on IG

No.54405 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 10:42] [Report] []

Oh shit yes! Anyone?

No.54388 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 04:45] [Report] 1475138703599.jpg (71289 B, 750x674) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
71289 B

Any of these 2 hotties?

Matheus Lula on right SC - theuslula, IG - mat_lula and
Mike Clark SC and IG - maclarkk2

19 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.85656 : Anonymous [2017-04-20 03:50] [Report] []

I want to see a video of him so bad! I see matheus at my gym all the time. He's fucking hot!😍

No.85657 : Anonymous [2017-04-20 03:52] [Report] []

I want to see a video of him so bad! I see Matheus at my gym all the time. He's fuckkng hot!😍 But yeah I'm sure he's a whore lol

No.86811 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 17:42] [Report] []

>>84929 too bad Mike is losing his hair #fivehead lol

No.86856 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 21:52] [Report] []

>>86811 I just choked 😂😂 its so true. These Orlando queens r the biggest Photoshop hoes ever. I can count the amount of good looking guys in that city on one hand. My friend fucked with Mike a couple of times. Nothing gag worthy just like Matheus sub par ass thats part of why they are still single 💅

No.86899 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 00:28] [Report] 1493267332779.jpg (68658 B, 750x449) [YIS] [GIS] []
68658 B

>>86856 going, going, gone! 🤣

No.86909 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 01:47] [Report] []

He has great eyebrows though

No.54397 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 09:47] [Report] 1475156838504.jpg (355024 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
355024 B

Anyone got nudes of this guy?

Tumblr weightandsea
Insta ty ler j pe ti to

No.54403 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 10:31] [Report] 1475159475036.jpg (91717 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
91717 B

Anybody got nudes of poisoneyez ? He has duckface due to abusing cosmetic surgery but he also has a godly ass.

IG: poisoneyez

8 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.72831 : Anonymous [2017-02-07 15:54] [Report] 1486500849227.jpg (18956 B, 480x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
18956 B

there's ass proud and there's this huge bitch

No.72832 : Anonymous [2017-02-07 15:54] [Report] 1486500884609.jpg (61793 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.72833 : Anonymous [2017-02-07 15:55] [Report] 1486500909312.jpg (65916 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.72837 : Anonymous [2017-02-07 17:09] [Report] []
No.72857 : Anonymous [2017-02-07 19:34] [Report] 1486514050385.jpg (22641 B, 296x400) [YIS] [GIS] []
22641 B

Gotta say, I took for granted this guy was a hooker before seeing any profile LOL. At least now we have dick pics.

No.72858 : Anonymous [2017-02-07 19:34] [Report] 1486514066718.jpg (28027 B, 549x400) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.54415 : Ronnie [2016-09-29 12:35] [Report] 1475166955485.jpg (127434 B, 500x500) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
127434 B

Who this

No.54435 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 18:03] [Report] []

So hot, vids?

No.54486 : Anonymous [2016-09-30 02:54] [Report] []

he used to be on tumblr and had a few videos up but its all gone/deleted now

No.54558 : Anonymous [2016-09-30 17:47] [Report] []

I have some of his vids somewhere

No.54669 : Anonymous [2016-10-01 17:42] [Report] []

Any cum vids?

No.54418 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 13:58] [Report] 1475171891479.jpg (380722 B, 1536x1938) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
380722 B

Might be a long shot but does anyone have anything on him? His username on instagram is jpinheiro

No.54424 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 15:20] [Report] 1475176845287.jpg (32796 B, 783x783) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
32796 B

Anyone got anything on this guy? I'm betting it's probably pretty big. Had a crush on him for years. Names Kevin Pereira.

No.54440 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 19:25] [Report] 1475191533546.jpg (135199 B, 1024x850) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
135199 B

Begging for someone with a good gaytorrent ratio to please reupload the videos here on a good site where I can download it:

I've been dying for this guy, I know one video of his is on Pornhub but I want the other videos as well.

No.54492 : Anonymous [2016-09-30 03:59] [Report] []

Can you post the Pornhub link of him please ?

No.54628 : Anonymous [2016-10-01 13:02] [Report] []
No.54729 : Anonymous [2016-10-02 11:11] [Report] []


Oh Lord Jesus thank you!

No.54732 : Anonymous [2016-10-02 13:00] [Report] []

anyone got skaden1-1/ex-campuslogryhole/privatedr3w/bigmussmike videos?? can you upload!!

No.54444 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 20:27] [Report] 1475195241864.jpg (150735 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
150735 B

Does anybody have videos of javicute4u / Javier Wilson from CB? He shows off a lot but I've never seen a cum show. Wondering if they exist.

18 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.76228 : Anonymous [2017-02-27 00:36] [Report] []

Anyone can reupload the link ?

No.78376 : Anonymous [2017-03-11 01:22] [Report] []

does anybody have an update of him??

No.81528 : Anonymous [2017-03-27 17:19] [Report] []

bump for this

No.81578 : Anonymous [2017-03-27 22:11] [Report] []

One of the hottest cb guys, too bad he doesn't seem to want to put on a good show.

No.88835 : Jordi [2017-05-06 04:20] [Report] []


No.92030 : Anonymous [2017-05-20 08:30] [Report] []


want cum video !!

closed No.54449 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 20:39] [Report] 1475195990252.jpg (0 B, 750x1018) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Aussie power btm. Takes dick like a champ
jack Stratton smith

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.54453 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 20:40] [Report] 1475196044390.jpg (0 B, 750x1282) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.54454 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 20:41] [Report] 1475196060093.jpg (0 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.54455 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 20:41] [Report] 1475196084910.jpg (0 B, 1440x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.54456 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 20:41] [Report] 1475196098085.jpg (0 B, 1280x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.54457 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 20:41] [Report] 1475196109882.jpg (0 B, 1920x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.54458 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 20:42] [Report] 1475196121836.jpg (0 B, 1920x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []

closed No.54464 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 21:21] [Report] 1475198510864.png (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail


9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.64513 : Anonymous [2016-12-21 06:01] [Report] []

He's gorgeous

No.71288 : Anonymous [2017-01-29 10:18] [Report] []


No.72132 : Anonymous [2017-02-03 07:41] [Report] []

Who does he fuck in Sydney?

No.78849 : Anonymous [2017-03-13 21:28] [Report] []


No.78880 : Anonymous [2017-03-14 01:09] [Report] []

Last I heard he has a boyfriend but still likes to be a slutty tease. Dom top which I don't doubt since he is packing. Makes it interesting that his bf is allegedly bigger than he is

No.82669 : Anonymous [2017-04-03 04:17] [Report] []



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