Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.88802 : Anonymous [2017-05-05 23:47] [Report] 1494042438639.png (1389034 B, 1164x770) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1389034 B

Does anyone have stuff on Beau Brown? He's that tall guy in the youtube reactions channel. I'll be willing to trade :)

His IG is big_beau

No.88803 : Anonymous [2017-05-05 23:53] [Report] 1494042786331.jpg (74381 B, 564x860) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
74381 B

Anything on Will Grant?

No.88806 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 00:09] [Report] []

U can buy from J buyer

No.88808 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 00:22] [Report] 1494044542346.png (319166 B, 640x482) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
319166 B

Anyone got anything on bjdiego from cb?

No.89077 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 08:46] [Report] []

yeah who is he??

No.88812 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 01:13] [Report] 1494047616772.jpg (254945 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
254945 B

Anyone willing to share some DukeCourage?

17 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.89442 : Anonymous [2017-05-08 09:30] [Report] []


so that's in order of appearance? thanks for replying.

No.91618 : Anonymous [2017-05-18 12:29] [Report] []

anyone have updated links for the videos? link is dead

No.91632 : Anonymous [2017-05-18 14:44] [Report] []

He is on chaturbate with same name. Can someone re-upload the videos please?

No.91677 : Anonymous [2017-05-18 18:54] [Report] []

Please post the 2 videos like again !!

No.91678 : Anonymous [2017-05-18 18:54] [Report] []

Please post the 2 videos link
again !!

No.91816 : Anonymous [2017-05-19 10:57] [Report] []

anyone? please!! :)

No.88817 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 01:39] [Report] 1494049156893.jpg (111462 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
111462 B

Who is he? where can I find more?

No.89076 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 08:46] [Report] []

bump to that!

No.89733 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 12:49] [Report] []

Justover8 on reddit... also on eroshare, but you can see that as he posts those links to reddit


No.88818 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 01:43] [Report] 1494049420293.png (2675116 B, 3360x2100) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.88861 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 10:02] [Report] []

He's so thick... anyone know who he is?

No.89737 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 13:00] [Report] []

weird - same face and same bathroom

but what happened to his lip tattoo on his butt

No.89740 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 13:04] [Report] []


google images says Deniz Mehmet an athelete - but then when you google that name on it's own you get a completely different looking athlete...

No.89785 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 16:12] [Report] []

>>89740 Your Google must be broken hey. I get the same guy.

No.90050 : OnTheHunt [2017-05-10 16:39] [Report] 1494448785880.jpg (77718 B, 1069x422) [YIS] [GIS] []
77718 B

I'm having the same google problem "Deniz Mehmet" - this can't be the same guy

No.88821 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 02:04] [Report] 1494050671399.jpg (510354 B, 1024x811) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
510354 B

Anyone have a video of chicitywill on CB?

No.90924 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 00:53] [Report] []

Yes please!

No.88834 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 03:39] [Report] 1494056368292.jpg (103470 B, 640x730) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
103470 B

Anything of him?

No.88850 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 07:35] [Report] 1494070556679.jpg (118089 B, 750x924) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
118089 B

Anyone have anything on this guy? Insta:gar(underscore)rowland

16 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.90290 : Anonymous [2017-05-11 18:23] [Report] 1494541390832.png (1697854 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90294 : Anonymous [2017-05-11 18:30] [Report] 1494541845893.jpg (142513 B, 750x878) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90334 : Anonymous [2017-05-11 22:41] [Report] []

He's cut and has short pubes

No.90380 : Anonymous [2017-05-12 03:12] [Report] []

Someone please bait him

No.90881 : Anonymous [2017-05-14 20:06] [Report] 1494806810218.png (1499514 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.92204 : Anonymous [2017-05-20 22:53] [Report] 1495335211125.png (1267377 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []

closed No.88854 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 08:16] [Report] 1494072984566.jpg (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Can we please get another thread and hope that someone posts the videos, provides a link to them or even just has an email we can contact to buy them please!? Before it goes away again like last time! This guy is too much of a hot dickface not to get this to more people!

3 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.88877 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 11:52] [Report] []


who is he?

No.88891 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 13:37] [Report] []

>>88877 alex cohen (was seductivevibrations on tumblr/insta and /u/cowardfool on reddit)

srs tho where is that video

No.88897 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 14:33] [Report] []

Oh, so what's so special about him?

No.88903 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 15:09] [Report] []


lol, just read. So much drama.

No.88904 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 15:11] [Report] 1494097881045.png (0 B, 540x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.88908 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 15:16] [Report] []

Yeah, the threads for him haven't stayed up long for some reason recently. Maybe he knows lol

No.88855 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 08:51] [Report] 1494075065647.jpg (60766 B, 640x1032) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
60766 B

Does anyone have any nudes of GlobalFight user Franthell? I'd love to see more of him.

No.88867 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 11:02] [Report] 1494082930579.jpg (168934 B, 540x888) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
168934 B

whos this?

No.88874 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 11:38] [Report] 1494085109428.png (1056656 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1056656 B

Does anyone have the video of Ken ott getting cummed on the face ?

No.88879 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 12:07] [Report] 1494086865205.png (516236 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
516236 B

Anyone got naked pictures of him?

No.88887 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 13:22] [Report] 1494091376998.jpg (44972 B, 640x670) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
44972 B

anything on this guy? his insta is @sammy_bkr

No.88914 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 16:10] [Report] 1494101400133.png (453292 B, 589x551) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
453292 B

Anybody want to share any nudes or vids of tylerjh?

No.88964 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 20:02] [Report] []

People confuse him for some porn star but they look nothing alike. I did hear that he had a threesome or got eiffel towered by Thomas Bromas or w/e the fuck his name is an his husband.

No.88966 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 20:11] [Report] []

jeez, do all these well off circuit queens know one another?

No.89039 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 04:43] [Report] []

This guy is pure sex, the porn video exist, the problem is nobody saved it, I would pay real money for something from this guy, I can't even understand why he didn't make a Chaturbate account or something, With that face and body the money would flow like crazy.

No.89046 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 05:03] [Report] []

On the old thread someone posted a screenshot from a webcam video and it's clearly him, sadly the anon never posted the full video.

No.89146 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 12:11] [Report] []

>>89039 sshh you're attracting scammers to you

No.88918 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 16:43] [Report] 1494103428888.png (2194697 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2194697 B

Anything NEW (key word) on lance or his apparent bf?

No.88962 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 19:58] [Report] []

None here, but then again, I forgot about this fruitloop a couple eyars ago.

No.88920 : Anonymous [2017-05-06 17:02] [Report] 1494104553545.jpg (89868 B, 937x1402) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
89868 B

can anyone id this guy?


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