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No.59087 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 15:26] [Report] 1479155197261.jpg (244431 B, 738x910) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
244431 B

Anyone have anything of IG- yungdaddy
He keeps popping up on tumblr

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.59098 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 16:45] [Report] []

His ig is yungdadddy, not yungdaddy like op posted

No.63195 : Anonymous [2016-12-12 15:27] [Report] []

Nothing new?

No.65491 : Anonymous [2016-12-28 11:28] [Report] []

He has to have nudes he's on grindr all the time

No.68316 : Anonymous [2017-01-14 17:05] [Report] []

Has anyone has success chatting with him on Grindr?

No.75266 : Anonymous [2017-02-21 16:15] [Report] []

He is hot!

No.83397 : Anonymous [2017-04-07 19:12] [Report] []

gotta be something

No.59088 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 15:31] [Report] 1479155478871.jpg (48204 B, 451x571) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
48204 B

has anyone the nudes of musician francesco tristano? heard, he posted some nudes on twitter and send selfies of himself ...

No.59092 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 15:49] [Report] 1479156585520.jpg (32562 B, 450x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.59356 : Anonymous [2016-11-16 15:35] [Report] 1479328508924.jpg (18751 B, 224x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.59485 : Anonymous [2016-11-17 17:22] [Report] 1479421360304.jpg (53498 B, 960x637) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.59760 : Anonymous [2016-11-19 13:05] [Report] 1479578723712.jpg (161993 B, 775x1003) [YIS] [GIS] []
161993 B

there must be something

No.63815 : Anonymous [2016-12-17 02:20] [Report] 1481959255186.jpg (27534 B, 596x364) [YIS] [GIS] []
27534 B

no one?

No.59094 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 16:04] [Report] 1479157464078.jpg (7296 B, 194x259) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
7296 B

AAnything on johnwoodv? Somebody said he had a porn out there

No.59169 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 02:15] [Report] []

I'm dying to see him naked, buuump

No.59096 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 16:29] [Report] 1479158999449.jpg (419735 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
419735 B

Anyone have full nudes of dadblunts[dottumblrdotcom] there are plenty k good ones on taylorsbulge[dottumblrdotcom] but I need a nuuuude!

No.59336 : Anonymous [2016-11-16 11:04] [Report] []


No.59402 : Anonymous [2016-11-17 01:51] [Report] []

Yes! Surely someone has them, please share!

No.59100 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 17:23] [Report] 1479162237080.gif (1527121 B, 250x196) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1527121 B

anyone know anything about the second joel dommett video?

No.59149 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 22:09] [Report] []

wow hot!

No.59243 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 16:49] [Report] []

oh my YES! if any gets it please share!!!!

No.59359 : Anonymous [2016-11-16 15:56] [Report] []

>>59343 Thanks but that's the first video. We're looking for the second.

No.62834 : Anonymous [2016-12-09 15:29] [Report] []

any news on the second video

No.59101 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 17:27] [Report] 1479162428391.jpg (28986 B, 477x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
28986 B

anyone know who this is?

No.59180 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 06:09] [Report] []

>>59101 Pretty sure it's Mike Mann :)

No.59102 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 17:50] [Report] 1479163853653.jpg (62420 B, 500x488) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
62420 B

Does any body have any more on this guy. He is Matty553 on instagram and used to have a tumblr called boy-runner88. Link to every picture I could find.

No.60870 : Anonymous [2016-11-27 12:40] [Report] 1480268427625.jpg (366291 B, 1280x1448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.60871 : Anonymous [2016-11-27 12:41] [Report] 1480268466896.jpg (389958 B, 1280x1546) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.61183 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 08:14] [Report] []

bump as hell

No.66887 : Anonymous [2017-01-06 03:23] [Report] []


You find anything?

No.59109 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 18:35] [Report] 1479166518926.jpg (105651 B, 749x920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
105651 B

Any nudes of Max Cholon
Insta MaxCholon
Looks huge!

No.63196 : Anonymous [2016-12-12 15:29] [Report] 1481574590289.jpg (66794 B, 750x626) [YIS] [GIS] []
66794 B

Found this

No.59121 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 19:18] [Report] 1479169114526.jpg (13513 B, 270x480) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
13513 B

I don't remember his reddit name, but he used to post on ladybonersgw, anyone got his nudes?

26 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.61605 : Anonymous [2016-12-02 07:30] [Report] []

bump for more dick

No.62622 : Anonymous [2016-12-08 09:25] [Report] []

what about a dick in his ass, is that better than perfection? lol

No.62663 : Anonymous [2016-12-08 12:00] [Report] []

oh yeah great ass

No.63764 : Anonymous [2016-12-16 19:33] [Report] []

seriuosly how does this thread keep bumping to the top with no new replies??? delete it or post something new

No.69612 : Anonymous [2017-01-20 03:24] [Report] []

I wish someone actually posted his dick

No.77515 : Anonymous [2017-03-06 19:40] [Report] []

>>69612 I agree

No.59134 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 20:22] [Report] 1479172956590.jpg (99423 B, 735x929) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
99423 B

Restarting this thread. This boy is perfect. Anyone have more pics?

Archived thread: malegeneral (.com) /archive/dongs-2017/res/54242.php

instagram: erixmith
snapchat: erricsmith
twitter: erixxmith
gmail: ericlsmith95
2nd instagram: randomlynew

10 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.64122 : Anonymous [2016-12-19 00:07] [Report] 1482124054462.jpg (161199 B, 852x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
161199 B

old pic. obvs a lifelong bottom.

No.64123 : Anonymous [2016-12-19 00:12] [Report] 1482124336963.jpg (151573 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
151573 B

>>64122 addtl evidence

No.64124 : Anonymous [2016-12-19 00:12] [Report] []

fuck he's gorgeous. more pics please. are there nudes out there?

No.67065 : Anonymous [2017-01-07 01:47] [Report] []


No.67240 : Anonymous [2017-01-07 21:40] [Report] 1483843251434.jpg (138682 B, 750x949) [YIS] [GIS] []
138682 B

anyone have more?

No.92164 : Anonymous [2017-05-20 19:55] [Report] 1495324530436.jpg (628416 B, 1242x1717) [YIS] [GIS] []
628416 B

Still perfect. More please.

No.59135 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 20:25] [Report] 1479173101431.jpg (34607 B, 474x357) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
34607 B

Any vids of reichen lehmkuhl?? There were a few new pics of him that surfaced off him wanking on Skype.

7 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.59650 : Anonymous [2016-11-18 18:07] [Report] 1479510477022.gif (1197568 B, 324x216) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.59660 : Anonymous [2016-11-18 19:22] [Report] []

>>59650 post a video please...

No.59989 : Anonymous [2016-11-21 00:38] [Report] []

yes please!!!

No.60065 : Anonymous [2016-11-21 15:38] [Report] []


No.60328 : Anonymous [2016-11-23 03:12] [Report] []


No.60942 : Anonymous [2016-11-27 21:34] [Report] []

Yeah, let's see the video please!?

No.59153 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 22:34] [Report] 1479180885733.jpg (25168 B, 640x360) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
25168 B

Anyone know who this hot dude is?

No.59154 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 22:41] [Report] 1479181311064.png (3985604 B, 1125x2001) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
3985604 B

I know a few of you are from the LA area. Do any of you have pics of this guy from UCLA or know who he is?

No.59166 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 01:24] [Report] 1479191043883.jpg (49062 B, 612x811) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
49062 B

Who is this hottie?

No.59331 : Anonymous [2016-11-16 10:41] [Report] []

Pedro Pertile

No.59333 : Anonymous [2016-11-16 10:43] [Report] []

Search for "Pedro P" on sexflexible for him there's a nude of him

No.59172 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 03:05] [Report] 1479197101052.jpg (28223 B, 503x283) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
28223 B

Does anybody know where I can find the full version of this video
Papithugz Cristobol/Vice

No.59173 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 03:49] [Report] 1479199774567.jpg (108929 B, 584x815) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
108929 B

Someone has to have something on this guy, his name is Taylor Phillips and he lives in Chicago

No.59179 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 05:49] [Report] 1479206996619.jpg (278520 B, 1095x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
278520 B

Tumblr user: arcampbell94

Anyone have anything? He acts sweet and innocent on tumblr but I'm sure he has something out there

No.59181 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 06:32] [Report] []

I don't think its a act, i truly believe he is that sweet and innocent. He is like the human incarnation of a golden lab puppy.

No.59183 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 07:47] [Report] 1479214045946.jpg (118556 B, 500x625) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
118556 B

Has anyone seen Candykens hot friend Julian Beiser? Instagram is Makeitrainonyou sc is Julian-beiser anyways dude's super hot and looks pretty hung thought I'd give it a go.

No.59195 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 09:49] [Report] []

Are there any jerk off pics/videos of Candy Ken? Seems very possible.

No.59223 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 14:29] [Report] []

Bump for Candy Ken .. he does lots of teasing and there are pics of him with a hard-on but never saw anything too sexual.

No.59232 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 15:36] [Report] []

No for Julian. Y'all should consider looking him up his picture I posted does him no justice.


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