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No.54081 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 21:50] [Report] 1474854657993.png (92794 B, 438x329) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
92794 B

Anyone have Casanova muscle also known as alphamaleflex videos?

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.54187 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 04:28] [Report] []

Oh really... tell me more, how can I get my hands on them?

No.54751 : Anonymous [2016-10-02 15:34] [Report] []

yes plz post

No.56220 : Anonymous [2016-10-17 20:37] [Report] []

Anyone willing to share these videos?

No.59207 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 12:10] [Report] []

doubt anyone will share for free

No.59326 : Anonymous [2016-11-16 10:22] [Report] []


No.59540 : Anonymous [2016-11-18 00:21] [Report] []


No.54082 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 22:12] [Report] 1474855934024.jpg (85287 B, 950x707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
85287 B

any videos of gorillaman223 from cb? can't believe how hot he is!

No.54144 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 18:28] [Report] 1474928881744.jpg (103693 B, 948x713) [YIS] [GIS] []
103693 B


No.60775 : Anonymous [2016-11-26 16:23] [Report] []


No.77600 : Anonymous [2017-03-07 07:43] [Report] []

>>54082 I have a few videos....

No.77714 : Anonymous [2017-03-07 18:39] [Report] []

>>77600 aaand... do you care to share them?

closed No.54088 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 22:56] [Report] 1474858564165.jpg (0 B, 749x952) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Fucking gorgeous stud from Washington DC.

Who's got the noodz?


7 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.54316 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 11:01] [Report] 1475074895836.jpg (0 B, 568x1130) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.54339 : Anonymous [2016-09-28 15:50] [Report] []

>>54316 really awesome body and cock. Love how smooth he is. Pretty sure he's a bottom tho.

No.54408 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 11:30] [Report] []

He is so yummy.

No.54428 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 15:35] [Report] []

Any more? Thanks. x

No.55509 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 03:23] [Report] 1476084190713.jpg (0 B, 750x1282) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

He's on hornet.

No.55530 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 10:36] [Report] []

No.54096 : Anonymous [2016-09-25 23:49] [Report] 1474861784504.png (1050996 B, 1374x1020) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1050996 B

Does anyone know who this CB model is and if there's more of him?

No.54897 : Anonymous [2016-10-03 22:41] [Report] []

bumpu for ID?

No.54099 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 01:21] [Report] 1474867281372.png (398852 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
398852 B

male model matthew holt, jerking nude on cam:

11 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.57668 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 19:46] [Report] []

He's not on a cam site, it was a private cam.

No.57727 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 12:55] [Report] []

He was on Chaturbate. Ive seen the video with the chaturbate logo on it. Don't under what name he had his profile.

No.57738 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 13:56] [Report] []

please post the video from CB

No.84463 : Anonymous [2017-04-13 22:25] [Report] []

Bump. Anyone have videos?

No.84474 : Anonymous [2017-04-13 23:44] [Report] [] anyone...pls post

No.84670 : Anonymous [2017-04-15 02:04] [Report] []

pls post the video..

closed No.54102 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 02:14] [Report] 1474870487310.jpg (0 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Anybody have anything on these 2? The one on the left is a pilot. His SC is hankcain. He's from Charlotte, NC. He's on grindr.

IG - flyhankcain

6 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.54954 : Anonymous [2016-10-04 15:49] [Report] []

Awesome! Thanks!

No.56122 : Anonymous [2016-10-16 19:31] [Report] 1476660699806.jpg (0 B, 750x895) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Any more of Hank or any of these studs?

No.56231 : Anonymous [2016-10-18 00:09] [Report] []

Bump - he's so sexy.

No.56873 : Anonymous [2016-10-23 22:44] [Report] []

Anymore on him? His Snapchat story made it look like he posted something by accident then deleted it today...

No.56883 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 00:25] [Report] []

>>56122 need pics of the three of them fucking! That prob went down lol

>>56873 damn, the day I don't check my snaps. Hope someone caught it

No.56892 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 01:21] [Report] []

What was on his Snap?!

closed No.54120 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 12:21] [Report] 1474906869761.jpg (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Damn Liam Jolley is a tease!

210 posts and 67 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.83099 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 02:02] [Report] []

>>83015 would love to see this video!

No.83154 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 13:23] [Report] []

If that didn't work then watch it here.

No.83337 : Anonymous [2017-04-07 13:43] [Report] []

Lads Busted Twitter account has been suspended and can't get the video to work Anyone else able to repost a new link please? Thanks in advance.

No.84860 : Anonymous [2017-04-16 03:13] [Report] []

>>83153 there must be something longer sureley?

No.85923 : Anonymous [2017-04-21 17:04] [Report] []

can someone reupload the vid?

No.54132 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 15:22] [Report] 1474917740615.jpg (61470 B, 540x540) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
61470 B

Anyone recognize this guy? More pics here: realcatfishedguys[dot]tumblr[dot]com/post/150778656137

No.54157 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 19:36] [Report] []

>>54132 i dont have any pics of this guy but his instagram is /thefrezza

im 99.9% sure that's not his nudes cuz he's a gay man (married to some bear), so I doubt he'd have some woman holding his dick

No.54167 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 23:03] [Report] []

>>54157 Yeah, that last pic is definitely not him.

No.54212 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 12:56] [Report] []

>>54167 the last pic is a str8 porn actor called max deeds

No.54141 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 18:11] [Report] 1474927882599.jpg (36775 B, 490x490) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
36775 B

Anyone recognize this guy? Any vids?

No.54149 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 18:56] [Report] 1474930618468.jpg (732354 B, 2265x1373) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
732354 B

Anyone able to download this and upload it again? This guy is really amazing!

Link here! Much appreciated

No.54158 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 20:01] [Report] []

Here ya go, re-uploaded here:

No.54246 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 17:55] [Report] []

OP Here - The link is without the paywall so it worked! I thank the uploader very much :D

No.54156 : van kaz der waard [2016-09-26 19:34] [Report] 1474932858233.jpg (156228 B, 750x742) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
156228 B

anything on this hottie?

No.54181 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 02:36] [Report] []

Damn wtf is that?

No.54162 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 21:18] [Report] 1474939120536.jpg (41152 B, 643x572) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
41152 B

Does anyone have any cum vid of demian__J?

No.54163 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 21:37] [Report] 1474940241277.jpg (858653 B, 1746x2318) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
858653 B

Anyone have the videos from user deus_ex_meme on reddit? He deleted his eroshare and apparently his eye contact video was one of the best? interested in seeing it

24 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.61119 : Anonymous [2016-11-28 21:13] [Report] []

does anybody know any of his social media accounts? or have any more videos of him?

No.72681 : Anonymous [2017-02-06 18:37] [Report] []

>>59862 Can someone please re-upload the videos for deux_ex_meme? (Guy in the original post in this thread.)

No.72686 : Anonymous [2017-02-06 19:40] [Report] []



You can download the files using the above magnet link with μTorrent:

No.72690 : Anonymous [2017-02-06 19:56] [Report] []

>>72685 Thanks a ton! <3

No.72709 : Anonymous [2017-02-06 21:56] [Report] []


How did you get this piC?!?!?!

No.73104 : Anonymous [2017-02-09 08:53] [Report] []

No.54165 : Anonymous [2016-09-26 22:32] [Report] 1474943528148.jpg (239854 B, 650x975) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
239854 B

Any nudes of Quinn Biddle? Such a beautiful and handsome guy

No.54406 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 11:14] [Report] []

he does work on AAG and Thundersarena. on Thundersarena his name is Eagle. but sadly. no nudes. yet

No.54425 : Anonymous [2016-09-29 15:25] [Report] []

I've got some. He went to Wabash College in Indiana. I got them from him before he really made a name for himself. Willing to trade if anyone wants. Shoot me an email

No.70040 : Anonymous [2017-01-21 23:20] [Report] []

Second this!

No.71866 : Anonymous [2017-02-01 14:23] [Report] []

Anyone willing to share his nudes?

No.76037 : Anonymous [2017-02-25 15:18] [Report] []
No.76112 : Anonymous [2017-02-26 06:47] [Report] []

>>76037 Is that from AAG's live chat? If so, it's probably not worth the time.

No.54172 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 01:19] [Report] 1474953552099.jpg (214855 B, 1024x811) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
214855 B

Does anyone have videos of user "jewsten" from chaturbate?

also known as pink-justin on tumblr

6 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.54671 : Anonymous [2016-10-01 18:06] [Report] []

>>54623 You're a good man, Charlie Brown. Thank you!

No.60006 : SailorKrypton [2016-11-21 02:32] [Report] []

Can someone repost this video? thanks.

No.64275 : Anonymous [2016-12-20 03:00] [Report] []

>>54623 can you post these from upstore

No.64466 : Anonymous [2016-12-21 00:07] [Report] []


No.64605 : Anonymous [2016-12-21 19:30] [Report] []

Could someone please share the videos outside of a paywall?

No.91499 : Anonymous [2017-05-17 20:14] [Report] []

Bump - I know it's been a while, but wondering if anyone has his CB videos that they could be so kind as to put up on wetransfer??? :)

No.54177 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 01:32] [Report] 1474954364349.png (657827 B, 634x675) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
657827 B

Anyone has a rentmen premium account ? I just found out Seth Fornea's profile on it and I'm dying to see the 3 videos he posted on it. Here it is:

25 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.67342 : Anonymous [2017-01-08 11:04] [Report] []

Since he is escorting now I think it'd be easier to get a hole pic from him. It is just a matter of someone with a premium rentmen account asking him for it.

Maybe wait until he is back in NY, right now he is in Brazil getting some brazillian dick lol

No.74583 : Anonymous [2017-02-18 09:55] [Report] []

He has been very active on grindr and scruff too. He lives on Harlem and goes by 'Seth' on scruff.

No.74640 : alex84 [2017-02-18 16:53] [Report] []
No.88106 : Anonymous [2017-05-03 12:09] [Report] []

hi there,
anyone has premium access to rentmen videos?

No.88147 : Anonymous [2017-05-03 15:45] [Report] []

Any updates

No.89045 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 04:57] [Report] []

anyone has a premium account to machofactory site?

No.54184 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 03:24] [Report] 1474961075096.jpg (242993 B, 1105x1592) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
242993 B

Anyone get a chance to save the video of crlosgomez aka v4niityy?? He's such a hot guy and I'd love to see it. Can someone hook me up with a link?

No.54188 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 04:29] [Report] 1474964958521.jpg (61139 B, 446x804) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.54193 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 06:44] [Report] []

>>54188 k33w33 from XTube


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