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No.414694 : Anonymous [2022-08-08 19:54] [Report] 1660002881470.jpg (166934 B, 613x934) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
166934 B

Anything on this guy? I know he has a BF but has anything leaked in the past? Body looks amazing.

No.414696 : Anonymous [2022-08-08 19:56] [Report] 1660002982333.jpg (572192 B, 750x1031) [YIS] [GIS] []
572192 B

>>414694 this is his IG

No.414701 : Anonymous [2022-08-08 22:32] [Report] []

>>414694 that body hair is sexy

No.414725 : Anonymous [2022-08-09 01:54] [Report] []

Some juice & body hair = hot. Any dick pics out there?

No.414847 : Anonymous [2022-08-09 18:41] [Report] []

He’s sexy af

No.415007 : Anonymous [2022-08-10 18:22] [Report] []

100% prime beef. Let’s get the nudes. Who is his bf?

No.415053 : Anonymous [2022-08-11 00:56] [Report] []

>>415007 his BF shows up on his IG stories from time to time. I don’t think he has an IG account or at least Quincy never tags him if he does.

No.415073 : Anonymous [2022-08-11 08:07] [Report] []

>>414694 fuckin hot

No.415187 : Anonymous [2022-08-12 01:40] [Report] []

Nice body but he's very feminine.

No.415195 : Anonymous [2022-08-12 05:32] [Report] []

>>415187 But? Is that a flaw? An undesirable characteristic? Rethink that. Would you say, “Nice body, but his eyes are brown?”

No.415207 : Anonymous [2022-08-12 07:30] [Report] []

>>415195 how can you compare acting feminine to having brown eyes. Eye rollll

No.415238 : Anonymous [2022-08-12 12:17] [Report] []

>>415195 not all of us like sissy fags. Get over it.

No.415278 : Anonymous [2022-08-12 19:36] [Report] []

He used to be on Grindr before his bf. Wonder if he sent any pics back then.

No.415329 : Anonymous [2022-08-13 10:20] [Report] []

>>415207 the point was that you should accept it as a neutral trait. It doesn’t have to be hehe thing, but it doesn’t make it a flaw.

No.415344 : Anonymous [2022-08-13 13:28] [Report] []

>>415329 if I don’t like it and am not attracted guys acting fem then it is a flaw. Your point is pointless.

No.415370 : Anonymous [2022-08-13 18:34] [Report] []

>>415344 your preference does not make something you don’t like a flaw. You’re clearly not playing with a full deck.

No.415472 : Anonymous [2022-08-14 13:41] [Report] []

>>415370 you must not understand how flaws work. Go paint your nails

No.417456 : Anonymous [2022-08-30 04:29] [Report] 1661848152300.jpg (677932 B, 2048x1536) [YIS] [GIS] []
677932 B

Fuck this is so hot

No.417579 : Anonymous [2022-08-31 09:43] [Report] []

>>417456 Not normally into chest hair but this is making me feel things

No.417723 : Anonymous [2022-09-01 17:44] [Report] []

>>417579 I agree that he makes the fur work, He looks so warm

>>415187 Also, so what if he's effeminate. Girly gay dudes can be really sexy, also they can be the biggest freaks. 😈


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