Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.397490 : Anonymous [2022-04-11 16:25] [Report] 1649708722293.jpg (242941 B, 1125x1529) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
242941 B

Anything on him please?
his jff is

No.397647 : Anonymous [2022-04-11 21:49] [Report] []

Why does he look so familiar...?

No.397718 : Anonymous [2022-04-12 07:33] [Report] 1649763184628.png (635080 B, 504x711) [YIS] [GIS] []
635080 B

Not much going on here. Looks like just another queen in desperate need of instattention.

No.397791 : Anonymous [2022-04-12 09:39] [Report] []

All the kool kids doing their thang on toktok these days. Insta for parents. FB is for grandparents. MySpace is for.......of forget it.

No.397806 : Anonymous [2022-04-12 10:57] [Report] []

I subbed to his JFF and it has basically one really hot scene. The rest is just stupid little clips that aren't worth shit.

No.397879 : Anonymous [2022-04-12 18:11] [Report] []

Was this one hot scene sex or jerking off?

No.398317 : Anonymous [2022-04-14 13:52] [Report] []

>>397806 do you have that vid?

No.398370 : Anonymous [2022-04-14 16:12] [Report] []


No.400141 : Anonymous [2022-04-20 09:29] [Report] []


Following up on the scene...

It was a sex scene between he and his BF. Like 20 minutes.... lots of positions... pretty vocal... Not amazing angles but a lot of fun to watch.

It's one of my favorites, really. I wish he made more than one, though.


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