Archive/Dongs 2021

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closed No.382221 : Anonymous [2022-01-04 19:56] [Report] 1641344185490.jpg (0 B, 472x266) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
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Did Er1ck @dame go back on NY1 after the Cbate show after all?

No.382275 : Anonymous [2022-01-04 23:00] [Report] []

LOL it's a new year a new beginning :)

No.382327 : Anonymous [2022-01-05 06:47] [Report] []

I haven’t seen him on air. I hope he’s ok. He always seemed like a sweetheart but man those videos were piggy beyond belief.

No.382343 : Anonymous [2022-01-05 10:30] [Report] 1641396611185.jpg (0 B, 2132x1274) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.382356 : Anonymous [2022-01-05 11:53] [Report] []

>>382343 Is this a new CB show??

No.382367 : Anonymous [2022-01-05 13:02] [Report] []

I think that clip is dated 10/4/21

No.382378 : Anonymous [2022-01-05 13:27] [Report] []

>>382367 wow. I was under the impression this started only over the Christmas-New Years holiday. He's been pounding his puss on cam longer than I knew. Where's the vid?

No.382382 : Anonymous [2022-01-05 13:41] [Report] []

bump for the new vid

No.382390 : Anonymous [2022-01-05 14:18] [Report] []

someone posted a link to the longer video but the threat and link got taken down, can a kind soul post it again please!

No.382392 : Anonymous [2022-01-05 14:28] [Report] []

I really hope this guy is ok. He seems to have suffered a bit of a breakdown/lapse in judgement/extreme horniness/and-or substance issue.


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