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No.381176 : Anonymous [2021-12-30 10:10] [Report] 1640877059148.jpg (437965 B, 1096x1984) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
437965 B

Anything on Nico Greetham?

No.381316 : Anonymous [2021-12-31 03:04] [Report] []

Please oh please oh please

No.381321 : Anonymous [2021-12-31 04:23] [Report] []

>>381176 training for what is easily one of the worst shows that aired this season?

No.381400 : Anonymous [2021-12-31 14:15] [Report] []

Yeah but his body is A+

No.381436 : Anonymous [2021-12-31 17:40] [Report] []

That crop is homophobic. Show that D print, you coward!

No.381743 : Anonymous [2022-01-02 16:44] [Report] []

Did anyone else think his post was super douchey? Like good body and everything, but far from unattainable. Not worthy of bragging about, especially not acting like it's soooo special.

No.381771 : Anonymous [2022-01-02 19:35] [Report] []

>>381743 I think it’s great. He’s saying that this isn’t how a normal person who has a life and likes food looks. And he’s right. A-list celebs don’t look like this everyday. They do it for a role. The more we acknowledge that, the faster we dispel can unhealthy body image issues that this is a healthy and normal. way to look.

No.381778 : Anonymous [2022-01-02 20:19] [Report] []

>>381176 hot body and nice hair but he's such a butterface

No.381928 : Anonymous [2022-01-03 15:10] [Report] []

>>381743 it was the opposite of douchey. Yeah, his body isn’t unattainable but it is disciplined. You can’t go to the gym two hours a week and expect to get that and he was setting expectations

No.381941 : Anonymous [2022-01-03 16:42] [Report] []

That's not unattainable lol. He's no peak body standard. Like get over yourself.

No.381987 : Anonymous [2022-01-03 23:58] [Report] []

>>381941 no one said anything about being unattainable. It very much is but like we’re all saying he’s setting expectations about what is possible (with a trainer, discipline, chef, etc).

No.381999 : Anonymous [2022-01-04 02:36] [Report] []

>>381987 Yeah, he literally said "this outcome is not obtainable to live a ‘normal life’ that doesn’t revolve around the body image." Never said it's unattainable or special.

OP too salty about something and ignores his own screencaps.

No.382058 : Anonymous [2022-01-04 11:24] [Report] []

>>381928 unattainable? That is a dancer body. Don’t even need to religiously lift weights everyday to get that body.

That body is made by general everyday movement/exercise and good diet.

Now obtaining his athletic ability(not body) is a different story.


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