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No.352887 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 13:46] [Report] 1627753572966.jpg (708340 B, 1125x932) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
708340 B

Any t or nudes of these Chicago elites?

No.352891 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 13:52] [Report] []

wait, so did he finally come out or nah?

No.352893 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 13:58] [Report] []

Which one are you referring to?

No.352914 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 15:22] [Report] []

"elites" and Chicago don't belong in the same sentence

No.352921 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 15:43] [Report] []

L@chl@an has referred to him and his friends as elites in his IG stories quite a few times

No.352929 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 16:03] [Report] []


No.352930 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 16:06] [Report] []

klan goals!!!

No.352931 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 16:12] [Report] []

Elite? Ok girl. Maybe elite cum dumps, but even that’s a stretch

No.352935 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 16:23] [Report] []

>>352930 category is: KKK realness!

No.352939 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 16:27] [Report] []

>>352935 *kkkategory

No.352940 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 16:32] [Report] 1627763524553.jpg (1257943 B, 1242x1540) [YIS] [GIS] []
1257943 B

He’s pretty but he looks dead inside

No.352949 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 17:36] [Report] []

Wha wha. White person has white friends and people whine about it. Give me a fucking break.

No.352969 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 18:30] [Report] []

And I love how so called 'liberal' white gays are now being bitten in the ass by the monster of aggressive 'diversity' they helped create and unleash. An average white gay can't have other white gay pals now without being labeled 'racist' and 'non-inclusive'. Be careful of what you wish for, ladies.

No.352981 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 18:59] [Report] []

>>352935 LMFAO

No.352992 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 20:09] [Report] []


No.352993 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 20:10] [Report] []

>>352891 lol "elites". who tf gives two shits about these nobodies

No.352997 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 20:29] [Report] []


The reality is, good looking white men will live their lives regardless of the jealous chatter on forums like this. You will stay unnoticed, while they enjoy living amongst others.

No.353000 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 20:56] [Report] []

>>352935 and what do you call a group of black/poc friends? Unemployed lol

No.353002 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 21:01] [Report] []

>>352969 they were always going to have all white friends. It’s called “performative activism” for a reason. These guys are keyboard warriors and champagne socialists. Hypocrisy of the highest level. All for twitter and Instagram likes and funneling POC money to their OnlyFans. These whores need to stop and get some real jobs and know what it’s like to not go on vacation every week.

No.353009 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 21:42] [Report] []

As much as I smirk at their bankrupt and outmoded ideology, I do have respect for grassroots socialists. It's the white messiah millionaire turned 'socialist' I actively despise for his/her hypocrisy.

No.353010 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 21:46] [Report] []

OK but who has the nudes?

No.353018 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 22:06] [Report] []

>>352997 100%

Whites are just hotter, smarter, better fucks. Better jobs, more money. That's why this shithole country is going down the drain.

Let's just round up all the coloreds, pull em from their keyboards and send em back to where they came!!!

No.353022 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 22:09] [Report] []

>>352969 $20 bucks says all these queens have BLM on their main profiles.

No.353028 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 22:35] [Report] []

>>353022 totally! And gross. Also, “elites?” Jfc

No.353030 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 22:37] [Report] 1627785468689.jpg (346964 B, 1125x1877) [YIS] [GIS] []
346964 B

They don’t care scout anyone except guys who look just like them. Pathetic.

No.353033 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 23:02] [Report] []

If you collected just $1 from every queen who unthinkingly puts BLM on their profile, you'd be be a retired millionaire. It's monkey see, monkey do.

No.353037 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 23:31] [Report] []


Sorry princess. No one is obligated to spend time with you.

No.353038 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 23:41] [Report] []

>>353033 meanwhile theyre the same ones on Grindr who will automatically reject anyone with some melanin.

No.353043 : Anonymous [2021-07-31 23:48] [Report] []

>>353018 white guys are not better fucks. lol what a joke

No.353049 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 00:20] [Report] []

They all hate crimed me one time. RACISTS 🤡

No.353052 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 00:27] [Report] []

>>353049 I knew it, racist pigs.


No.353055 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 00:30] [Report] []

>>353052 😂🤣🤣😂

No.353066 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 02:58] [Report] []

>>353052 Right on

Fuck Antifa
Fuck Woke
Fuck Integration
Fuck "Diversity"


No.353075 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 05:38] [Report] []


No one is talking about WP. But no one is obligated to be your friend just to make you feel better.

No.353104 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 11:00] [Report] []

>>353030 whoa, I live in the building where they are. None of them live here so how the hell did they get access to the pool?

No.353118 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 14:30] [Report] []

>>353104 some dumb guy who probably got manipulated into letting them inside to use the pool.

No.353149 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 17:21] [Report] []

>>353104 Hitler let them in, duh

No.353204 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 20:56] [Report] []

>>353009 Socialists need to be liquidated. We need an American Pinochet.

No.353207 : Anonymous [2021-08-01 21:00] [Report] []

>>352887 If that is elite in Chicago, Chi town is in trouble.


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