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closed No.349792 : Anonymous [2021-07-15 21:54] [Report] 1626400482189.jpg (0 B, 1242x1401) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
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This ex-failed model Tyler

No.349793 : Anonymous [2021-07-15 21:55] [Report] 1626400539915.jpg (0 B, 1242x1550) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Tried to make it as a model some years ago but failed

No.349796 : Anonymous [2021-07-15 21:57] [Report] 1626400642305.jpg (0 B, 1242x1232) [YIS] [GIS] []
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So he found a rich guy to partner up with

No.349797 : Anonymous [2021-07-15 21:58] [Report] 1626400686211.jpg (0 B, 1382x1843) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Too bad he’s still a little whore

No.349798 : Anonymous [2021-07-15 22:06] [Report] []

Even models who don't 'fail' - however you define that term - still seek out sugar daddies or scort. I've fucked 3 or 4 lovely fashion models who escorted on the side and who've had varying success (but I'd never consider them failures at modelling).

No.349881 : Anonymous [2021-07-16 08:19] [Report] []

>>349797 hot! Are there more of him? Please share

No.349891 : Anonymous [2021-07-16 08:35] [Report] []

>>349798 he failed failed. No success at all. And he’s not an escort. He just has a rich boyfriend he cheats on

No.349909 : Anonymous [2021-07-16 10:17] [Report] []

I know this guy. Total narcissist and loves getting bred like the little skinny bitch he is. He told me his boyfriend is too vanilla for him so I’m not surprised he is whoring around.

No.350571 : Anonymous [2021-07-20 09:33] [Report] []

Cute. Would love to fuck him


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