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No.325064 : Anonymous [2021-03-15 15:02] [Report] 1615834962724.png (0 B, 1042x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
No thumbnail

cb's n00bgains. Anything on him? Also, does anybody know any info on him? His social media, for instance?

No.325068 : Anonymous [2021-03-15 15:09] [Report] []

not that anyone asked, but here's a fun story: I've been following this guy on cb for hella days, but I was never able to have sound on for reasons, despite him clearly talking to his viewers a lot (which I'm normally very into).

a couple of months ago my circumstances changed and I turned the sound on. huge mf mistake haha. the dude is a pathological narcissist, and not in a fun dommy way. like he's just an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.

can't wait to see what you monsters dig up on him. ^.^

No.325089 : Anonymous [2021-03-15 15:55] [Report] []

>>325064 his onlyfans is such a rip off. Don’t waste your money

No.325117 : Anonymous [2021-03-15 18:23] [Report] []

>>325068 sounds like he could use some dicking to loosen up

No.325164 : Anonymous [2021-03-15 21:48] [Report] []

he has a nice pink hole when he shows it off

No.325182 : Anonymous [2021-03-15 23:06] [Report] []

>>325089 Actually, ive been planning to subscribe to his of, but i havent seen any reviews of it, so ive been quite hesitant. May i ask whats on his of? are there cum shows?

No.325194 : Bo [2021-03-15 23:34] [Report] []

Here are a couple of his camshows from 2015, including one where he cums. Enjoy!

No.325205 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 00:13] [Report] []

He's boring amd too full of himself. I dont recommend

No.325226 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 04:18] [Report] []


You’re an idiot. He’s hilarious with a very dry sense of humor. He’s a lot of fun if you don’t take what he says seriously. He clearly doesn’t.

No.325239 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 07:29] [Report] []

>>325226 nah, he's taking the whole thing super seriously and it's actually almost sad to watch. wait 'til someone asks where he's from, you can almost see the veins in his forehead expanding and he starts huffing like "pfft, you know what, pff, I love being asked that, I just love being asked that, pff, maybe have you tried reading, you know, the bio?" etc etc like it gets his blood pressure up so high.

so where does he live? haha

No.325288 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 12:03] [Report] []

>>325194 thanks so much! if you ever come across some more, please do dhare them!

Also, to those who have subscribed to his OF, it is any worth?

No.331095 : Anonymous [2021-04-09 18:16] [Report] []

Hello! Anymore from him?

No.331625 : Anonymous [2021-04-12 06:32] [Report] []

please re-upload :)


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