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No.310739 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 09:41] [Report] 1611326482474.jpg (507072 B, 750x1046) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
507072 B

Can we talk about @barrettpall complete meltdown on social media lately? Attacking all the most liberal gays for not being liberal enough hahahaha

No.310741 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 09:44] [Report] []

>>310739 ya he’s lost it. Attacking people who are on his side instead of the real problem !

No.310755 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 10:12] [Report] []

>>310739 He made some good points about gays traveling and partying during Covid. But now he thinks we want to hear from him about every fucking thing that happens.

No.310757 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 10:19] [Report] []

He wants to "lean in" on discussions of race. Groundbreaking.

Let's be honest, can we? He's an attention whore and attention whores will use ANY platform to bring attention to themselves.

For instance, remember when the MeToo movement was the hot thing of the moment? Guess who inserted himself into it? Correct! Barrett Pall! Imagine that.

People who use worthy causes as a means to promote themselves (while wearing a tank top!) are vile.

Barrett Pall is vile but because he's got great hair and lots of angles to his face people hang on to his every word. They're enabling someone with emotional problems.

I tried to watch his latest "discussion" and after he said "lean in" for the third time, I couldn't take it anymore and turned him off.

If he were a 52yo overweight bald guy with bad teeth, bad skin, and a bulbous nose no one would pay attention to his virtue signaling.

I don't know Barrett. I've never met Barrett, but we all know someone exactly like Barrett - and we can't stand that guy.

He's the guy you hear talking about how Republicans have no compassion but then while you're doing bench presses, he stands next to you and sighs while he waits for you to finish.

Like I said, he's vile.

No.310761 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 10:31] [Report] []

>>310739 He’s the type of gay who thinks he sounds smart but just...isn’t. You can tell from his writing and demeanor how simple he is. I’m sure he means well, but there are FAR greater enemies than Yummertime lol

No.310762 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 10:33] [Report] []

Why does he consider himself a real model? Its not like hes garrett neff was ever even in the industry legitimately

No.310763 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 10:35] [Report] []

>>310739 it’s the insta live cry sessions for me -_-

No.310766 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 10:39] [Report] []

hilarious how he tries to attack every blogger who actually still has a career while both his modeling and blogging career has hit rock bottom

screams jealously to me sis

No.310767 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 10:52] [Report] []

He’s handsome I guess but I hate all his photos. They’re so over filtered that he looks artificial and not like a real human

No.310820 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 14:47] [Report] []

I see this BS of “not being liberal enough” day in and day out on social media and not just from him....

I don’t get it cause I’m on that side of the fence so I’m not invalidating the importance of such topics, but it’s just all these blanket judgements I see from so many people that in various forms or another say that if I’m not shouting into the void of social media about whatever social issue is trending at all hours of the day for others to see, then that means I’m “part of the problem”.... nah bitch, that’s where you can fuck right off. I don’t post to my social media with the intention to appeal to and seek validation from the SJW’s and I definitely don’t use social media as an accurate means to judge ones character or moral compass. That doesn’t mean I don’t post anything in relation to certain social topics, just that I don’t do it to appease others. If someone chooses to get their panties in a wad because they see I specifically haven’t shared my thoughts on a trending social topic in an insta story or some shit, that’s absolutely on them and their sniveling little bitch ass for formulating such a ludicrous unspoken expectation. Some may call that privilege, I call it being none of your business because my life, actions, and morals live in the real world, not in cyberspace on my socials that I only check once or twice a day.

... sorry, such a tangent. Guess that’s my verbal diarrhea of the day tho lol

Anyways, what did Yumm3rtim3 even do? Cause I absolutely don’t want to sit through a 30 min video from this guy lol. I haven’t seen or heard a peep of anything happening so it can’t have been that monumental. But then again, everything is monumental for the ultra woke SJW’s...

No.310857 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 17:15] [Report] []

I've met the guy before and actually (tried to) have a long conversation with him. I actually think that he's not all there (being serious and not joking for a moment). He has this incredibly inflated ego that comes through every sentence he speaks and it's not just a confidence thing - he honestly believes that he is in a higher position to judge everyone and that anyone who has a different opinion is personally attacking him. Unfortunately, he's not as intelligent as he would assume, and anyone who meets him and speaks to him will work that out pretty damn fast. He's very quick to play the victim card, but will never own his own mistakes. To summarize, he's just an emotionally exhausting gay influencer, who like so many influencers, spends too much time telling everyone that they're so much better than the other gay influencers. It's a circular mindfuck.

No.310862 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 17:20] [Report] []
>>>310820 Marry me.
No.310870 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 17:44] [Report] []

>>310862 Barrett needs a mental health professional stat. Boy is unhinged.

No.310874 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 17:48] [Report] []


No.310907 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 19:19] [Report] []

>>310739 this basic looking miss filter midget is the type of faggot who puts “#blacklivesmatter” on his ig bio but blocks all non white people that dont meet his shallow standards on grindr 😂 He is the type of neoliberal trash who screams “YAS QUEEN” on platitudes but doesnt support policies that better the lives of the people he fake advocates for

No.310910 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 19:24] [Report] []

>>310739 I feel the gays like him that especially add #BLM on their profiles do it just for show. The majority I bet don’t even have any Black friends.

No.310923 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 20:20] [Report] []

He was in my NYU comm. classes though I don’t believe he actually “graduated”. He rarely attended class...

No.310945 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 21:19] [Report] []

He sounds woke, which already bodes poorly for his overall IQ.

No.310961 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 21:41] [Report] []

He made some points about that midget POS d@nrockwellfitness though.

So I don't really care about his activism.

No.310996 : Anonymous [2021-01-22 23:45] [Report] []

>>310961 sometimes people on social media just want to escape and see hot boys and there is nothing wrong with that. Barrett makes it seem like a crime if you aren’t shouting about BLM 24/7

No.311169 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 12:29] [Report] []

In a post about him last year, someone who went to college with him said his knickname was "Baby Wipes" - he carried them with him because he didn't like using toilet paper.

Middle-age is not going to be kind to her.

No.311202 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 14:06] [Report] []

>>311169 this guy is annoying but what's wrong with using wipes?

I thought most gay men used them.

No.311204 : alphatopfit [2021-01-23 14:12] [Report] []

I fucked him, very handsome guy.

No.311206 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 14:15] [Report] []

>>311202 First of all, they clog plumbing. But more importantly, most of those wipes have chemicals in them that can cause more bacteria to grow around your hole and more rashes. So if you don't mind getting yeast infections & unsightly red bumps, by all means use them. We actually make things worse by trying to sterilize our skin and eradicate all bacteria.

No.311211 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 14:31] [Report] []

Ever heard of Histrionic Personality Disorder? One look at this mad bitches Instagram profile confirms he suffers from it.

No.311222 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 15:11] [Report] []

He cares so much about what people think about him,it's sad

Just enjoy your life, post pics and go

No.311223 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 15:15] [Report] []



One guy posted two BLM post, I went through the 1.2K accounts he follows because I had a hunch and I was right. Guess how many of the account were non-white? FIVE out of 1.2k...

4 black, 1 Asian but it's a mini-influencer OF Asian so I feel like he doesn't count.

No.311280 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 17:48] [Report] []

This oompaloompa is no longer relevant so now he’s acting all bitter on social media and throwing tantrums while trying to revive his nonexistent career 😂😂

No.311290 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 18:47] [Report] []

what did he say about Yummertime?

No.311292 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 18:59] [Report] []

>>311206 am I allowed to use soap? what about deodorant?!


No.311371 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 23:40] [Report] 1611463234718.jpg (171175 B, 1080x716) [YIS] [GIS] []
171175 B

This mad ratface dwarf is now blaming black suffering on his bulimia!

No.311378 : Anonymous [2021-01-23 23:58] [Report] []

I'm obsessed with him. His rants are giving me so much life

No.311389 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 00:56] [Report] []

everyday gets better and better

No.311390 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 01:00] [Report] []

I heard he has a new boyfriend named Sam.

No.311397 : 💯 [2021-01-24 01:55] [Report] []

>>311206 "most of those wipes have chemicals in them that can cause more bacteria to grow around your hole".
This is not true. I have used them for almost a year and so far I have no problems. The wipes I use are chemical free. ✌️😜

No.311405 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 02:36] [Report] []

Barrett on instagram: blm, dear white people, antifa...

Barrett on Grindr: no fats, no fems no blacks...

No.311490 : Anonymous [2021-01-24 11:25] [Report] []

>>311371 is she trying to be the next rachel dolezal or something?

No.311749 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 02:49] [Report] []

how do we really see this ending?

No.311767 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 06:19] [Report] []

>>311371 Fucking hell

No.311799 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 09:37] [Report] []

There is definitely meth in his matcha.

No.311907 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 16:51] [Report] []

>>310739 He gets praise from me for at least asking the vapid superficial gays to be slightly less myopic. Any Nazi with abs gets attention from a far too large number of gay men; it is disgusting and pathetic.

No.311958 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 18:30] [Report] []

>>311907 agreed. The Starbucks gays and their sympathizers are real bothered by what he is serving.

No.311982 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 19:49] [Report] []

just give us the nudes

No.311989 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 20:09] [Report] []

>>311907 I will take Nazi's with abs over a woketard any day.

No.312015 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 21:20] [Report] []

>>311989 nazis ain't interested in your ugly ass

No.312035 : Anonymous [2021-01-25 22:29] [Report] []

>>311989 You do realized Nazis killed people for being gay, right?

No.312070 : Anonymous [2021-01-26 00:18] [Report] []

Is there a mental asylum in San Diego for this crazy? How has he not been committed?

No.312131 : Anonymous [2021-01-26 06:38] [Report] []

Never trust a man that claims to be evolved if the message is broadcast behind lights, makeup and filters on an IG account with 200k followers lol

No.312231 : Anonymous [2021-01-26 14:01] [Report] []

>>312131 Never trust an anon comments "wisdom"

No.312288 : Anonymous [2021-01-26 16:07] [Report] []

To show how much he hates white people, he needs to poke those Arian blue eyes out on Instagram LIVE! Now that will be entertaining!

No.312554 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 11:51] [Report] 1611766271602.jpg (246751 B, 1080x1349) [YIS] [GIS] []
246751 B

She's a "life coach". Just sayin'...

No.312567 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 12:41] [Report] []

>>312554 oh god, can some sjw find any excuse to cancel her?

No.312572 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 12:56] [Report] []

He is so obnoxious. Im sure POC really appreciate another 'white woke guy' lecturing others on their struggles.

Just shut up and take a dick, Barrett

No.312587 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 13:43] [Report] []

Bullying whites is so last year. She should support a more worthy cause... may I suggest fighting for dwarf or midget rights?

No.312589 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 13:44] [Report] []


This. If you're a white person who wants to be a BIPOC ally, you should be amplifying BIPOC voices, not acting as a spokesperson. That's just narcissism because you want to be recognized. And actions > social media activism

No.312624 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 15:54] [Report] []

I was going to suggest he redistributes his wealth to POC's but he's poor white trash & unemployed with $0 in his bank account so nevermind.

No.312628 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 16:15] [Report] 1611782130078.jpg (525594 B, 924x1000) [YIS] [GIS] []
525594 B

The shaaaaaade of it all!

No.312651 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 17:17] [Report] []

Wait, what happened?

No.312668 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 18:18] [Report] []

OOooo fuck I just saw a clip on insta of him getting ROASTED by an indie musician guy. Transcribed convo in the clip went as follows:

BARR3TT: .... and done mistakes in the past.
GUY: yea I have but I guess the difference is that I...
BARR3TT: Ok but wait wait wait, I'm not looking for a but!
GUY: Ok no but! Yea, for sure, I have.
BARR3TT: Ok, are you learning?
GUY: I'm learning, and 1 of the core things I've learned, and am still learning, is to not center myself in other peoples struggles and I think maybe that's where we differ here.
BARR3TT: I'm not centering myself in anyone else's struggle.
GUY: honey, you post shirtless photos to bring attention to political issues, how is that not self-centering?

fucking DEADDDdddd

No.312715 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 20:12] [Report] []

>>312668 omg i need to see this

No.312732 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 21:13] [Report] []

>>312727 ... LMAO WOW. This is gold.

No.312756 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 22:42] [Report] []

lol, i'm not on either side here but all that "honey" guy did was re-enforce binary thinking. two things can exist at once, you can post shirtless pics and also be compassionate. this is only in regards to this exchange, not commenting on other stuff here cause i'm not informed about it. i watched that clip though and died from the gatekeeping going on ha

No.312774 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 23:50] [Report] []

>>312668 This is why woke people are just pathetic. The only time they are assertive is to condemn others and enforce current social orthodoxy. The rest of it is endless platitudes and pandering. Princess needs a ball gag in her mouth, handcuffs and a cock in his precious ass.

No.312778 : Anonymous [2021-01-27 23:55] [Report] []

I am starting to wonder if he is actually conservative and doing this as a satire of the modern left and how insufferable it is?

No.312780 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 00:00] [Report] []

>>312778 ha. Doubt it. There’s hundreds of gays like him online. They do it to get them likes and attention... which he’s succeeding since here we are talking about him.

No.312786 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 00:12] [Report] []


full clip as I transcribed it is on an IG account called 'neoliberalgayfriends'

No.312846 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 02:54] [Report] []

He’s the absolute fucking worst. Literally the dumbest person I’ve ever met in person

No.312855 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 03:44] [Report] []

what's rich is him putting down sex workers when there is plenty of proof he used to escort in LA.

No.312858 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 04:17] [Report] []

I understand Big Tech cancelling Trump, but shouldn't there also be censorship of people suffering from mental instability? His deranged mad eyes will give anyone nightmares!

No.312891 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 08:17] [Report] []

What’s the tea on him escorting?

No.312892 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 08:36] [Report] []

he worked at fiesta cantina in Weho when he moved to Los Angeles; was an easy but boring fuck.

No.313005 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 13:46] [Report] []

how are there no nudes?

No.313018 : he him his [2021-01-28 14:18] [Report] []

I can't stand the guy but what he has over everyone who uses this site is his willingness to put his name and face on his thoughts, feelings, words and opinions. And that's why he makes money and the people here just jo and go.

No.313023 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 14:44] [Report] []

>>313018 lol how much money do you think he’s making sis? I can’t imagine thousands are flocking for him as a “life coach”. Everything is about him getting attention and maybe some free sponsored shit but what he’s serving is paying the bills.

No.313037 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 15:29] [Report] []

>>313018 1000 percent. If you cant name any other white influencers putting their neck out to talk about inequality, then y’all need to stfu

No.313210 : Anonymous [2021-01-28 23:12] [Report] []

does he have nudes tho??

No.313235 : Anonymous [2021-01-29 00:46] [Report] []

>>312855 I bet he still escorts. His skills likely center around his mouth, hands and hole. Unless he comes from money, that has to be how he is paying rent.

No.313237 : Anonymous [2021-01-29 01:05] [Report] []

>>313018 bitter self post

No.313765 : Anonymous [2021-01-30 15:17] [Report] []

Love the tea

No.314615 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 13:55] [Report] []

His Instagram was deleted?

No.314631 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 14:22] [Report] []

Never mind.. maybe he blocked me ;)

No.314635 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 14:28] [Report] []

>>314631 yep lol

No.314725 : Anonymous [2021-02-02 19:47] [Report] []

Has anyone actually seen or heard anything about this retarded hottie's cock? Anything decent?

No.314974 : Anonymous [2021-02-03 17:02] [Report] []

>>314725 exactly; where’s the beef??

No.315932 : Anonymous [2021-02-07 14:14] [Report] []

Very small dick, bordering on micro penis, no wonder he's so angry at the world

No.315950 : Anonymous [2021-02-07 16:16] [Report] []

>>315932 You seen it in person? I was looking at photos of his bulge and it is underwhelming for an underwear model, saw one with some VPL that looked decent. I figured he just had balls the size of cherries.

No.316166 : Anonymous [2021-02-08 15:27] [Report] []

>>315932 you’re such a goddamn liar lol

No.316685 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 14:25] [Report] []

its average

No.316817 : Anonymous [2021-02-10 19:46] [Report] 1613004403051.jpg (276668 B, 1144x958) [YIS] [GIS] []
276668 B


Sorry, I couldn't resist lol

No.316946 : Anonymous [2021-02-11 11:35] [Report] []

>>316685 pic?

No.319591 : Anonymous [2021-02-21 07:45] [Report] []

I love how he walked into the room at @homegrownterrorists, sniffed out the owner as homo (cause we all figured out that sass real quick), and they had that magical gay agreement to support and elevate one another. Now BP is the duchess of that page and HGT went from civil servant to gay royalty. It’s like a digital suckfest using like/comment/share

No.319622 : Anonymous [2021-02-21 11:18] [Report] []

>>319591 GOOD. Privileged gays who think their privilege insulates them from criticism when doing bad shit should be shamed. I hope BP continues everything he’s doing!

No.319664 : Anonymous [2021-02-21 14:13] [Report] []

>>319622 I guess the point is that HGT was purposeful and selfless until BP saw it as another soapbox to climb onto for his own ambitions, then HGT got all starry-eyed and lost that authentic feel because now it’s more a store-brand version of gaysovercovid. Once the gays get an audience they only speak to each other and it’s no longer about service to the community, it’s maintaining stature; audience is an addiction that distracts from primary purpose.

No.319701 : Anonymous [2021-02-21 16:38] [Report] []

>>319664 I suppose my point is that rn there are so many Insta gays doing so many selfish and conceited things that having someone with a high follower count shining light is a good thing. But yea I get what you’re saying.

No.319920 : Anonymous [2021-02-22 19:09] [Report] []

I can't look at his account and think that he's actually "sane". He's clearly got issues and rants like a crazy man. It's wild because he leads the most showy life with pretty NYC gays posting thirst shots on IG and is actually a terrible person irl - the exact person he claims to hate online. It's crazy.

No.319971 : Anonymous [2021-02-22 23:33] [Report] []

I don’t care if he’s a good or terrible person irl. That’s not the point. His point is showing the hypocrisy of all the white gays with huge followers doing nothing with that power but make of their followers. Is he making money off his followers? Maybe. Is he also creating a conversation to talk about racism, transphobia, fat shaming as well? Yep.

No.320019 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 06:36] [Report] []

having a conversation? Creating awareness? That's the biggest copout. Let's see him get off his ass and devote an entire day to phone banking and other social action activities. And then repeat week after week. Between SURJ, BLM and WP4BL there are DOZENS of weekly initiatives that require selfless commitment and I have yet to see him at any of them. This dude is no diff than all the guys he hates on. His "activism" is all performative and does not expand past what he can broadcast on IG.

No.320053 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 11:03] [Report] []

she at least tells it like it is, annoying as she is, compared to the other basic white gays... we white cis gays are the biggest hypocrites.. we've been so busy hopping from one super spreader party to another, posting black tiles on our instas while never inviting one Blaccquuee to our orgies, thinking were #1 when Asians have exponentially outearned us in the last couple of years..time to learn how to speak sushi.

No.320178 : Anonymous [2021-02-23 21:48] [Report] []

>>320053 You are so enlightened honey, hating on your own race. I am sure if the hoards come for us, you will be spared. ::Eyeroll::

Now feel free to go back to jacking it to the pretty faces on here like the rest of us heathens.

No.320340 : Anonymous [2021-02-24 14:17] [Report] []

>>320019 what are you talking about he fucking does! He marches, he gives money. Are you blind? You don’t have to like him but he does a hell of a lot more than 90% of these lame ass white gay influencers.

No.320360 : Anonymous [2021-02-24 15:16] [Report] []

>>320340 check his Twitter. People of all races hate him so I guess that’s unifying

No.345765 : Anonymous [2021-06-22 15:53] [Report] []

are there still no nudes?

No.345776 : Anonymous [2021-06-22 17:12] [Report] []

>>345765 no, so give up, grandpa. Buy your own porn and viagra.

No.350471 : Anonymous [2021-07-19 17:22] [Report] []

He is going wild in Instagram right now .

No.355191 : Anonymous [2021-08-10 16:46] [Report] []


What’s the latest!?

No.369210 : Anonymous [2021-10-13 12:51] [Report] []

Anyone here knows any actual "instagay" who is not so woke?


No.369241 : Anonymous [2021-10-13 17:31] [Report] []

He needs to shut his fucking mouth and show us his likely very average boner and call it a day.

No.369294 : Dennis [2021-10-13 23:30] [Report] []

he is literally 5'4 and the most shrill and annoying WOMAN on earth. blocked him on every platform

No.407798 : Anonymous [2022-06-15 23:17] [Report] []

>>310739 so nothing from him yet?

No.407800 : Anonymous [2022-06-15 23:19] [Report] []

>>369294 you get is kinda annoying haha

No.407851 : Anonymous [2022-06-16 13:34] [Report] []

Barrett is so hot

No.407856 : Anonymous [2022-06-16 13:54] [Report] []


No.407869 : Anonymous [2022-06-16 16:30] [Report] []

>>369241 Agree. I want deets of the D. He cut? Any ideas on size?

No.407921 : Anonymous [2022-06-17 10:05] [Report] []

>>407869 No clue and given how much of a self admitted hoe he was in surprised nothing is out there

No.407930 : Anonymous [2022-06-17 12:38] [Report] []

>>407921 No one else cares

No.407981 : Anonymous [2022-06-18 00:06] [Report] []

I think everything Barrett's been doing is incredibly brave and inspiring! A friend hooked up with him and said he was amazing and masc in bed!

No.407985 : Anonymous [2022-06-18 02:34] [Report] []

>>407981 Sounds like BS. Nothing masc. about this guy beyond his jawline.

No.408010 : Anonymous [2022-06-18 09:25] [Report] []

He speaks a lot of hard truths about gays (especially white gays and the gays who are part of the “scene”). And that pisses people off. He should keep doing what’s he’s doing.

No.408011 : Anonymous [2022-06-18 09:28] [Report] []

>>408010 or that’s he’s just an annoying twink with silo-ed and divisive view points accompanied by photo shopped pics and an ego bigger than manhattan. This hoe is desperate for attention and will say or do anything to get it. You’re just a depressing sucker if you fall for it

No.408022 : Anonymous [2022-06-18 13:28] [Report] []

>>408011 They are “divisive” views because you don’t want to talk about issues that make you uncomfortable. Sorry but we’re not gonna shut up anymore.

No.408031 : Anonymous [2022-06-18 16:43] [Report] []

>>408022 And you will be identified as a self-righteous, jealous, attention-seeking, insufferable cunt just like Pall. Gay men are not hard to figure out. Be a loyal friend, be young, have a fit body, good hygiene, good humor and be a slut and you are going to find a social group. Money and industry create different conclaves and this is true with straight people too. Being a buzzkill annoys everybody.

No.408035 : Anonymous [2022-06-18 18:00] [Report] []

>>408031 you sound miserable and jealous. Find faith in twink god Barrett!!!

No.408047 : Anonymous [2022-06-18 20:41] [Report] []

>>408035 Jealous of what? I never said he was ugly. I said his personality was pure trash and no matter how pretty exterior, that is true. What he needs is a cock in his mouth and his own cock posted in here to we can all be happy.

No.408052 : Anonymous [2022-06-18 21:20] [Report] 1655601648022.gif (94317 B, 500x280) [YIS] [GIS] []
94317 B

>>408047 I won't be happy unless we get fuckvids.

No.408056 : Anonymous [2022-06-18 23:07] [Report] []

>>408052 Valid point. Fuck vids would be ideal.

No.408088 : Anonymous [2022-06-19 08:54] [Report] []

>>408056 that twink hole has been used a lot do they might be out there. Heard he only bottoms for white guys too

No.408099 : Anonymous [2022-06-19 11:59] [Report] []

>>408031 It’s always so interesting to see across this board how angry y’all get when people point out the truth. Calm down love or you’ll give yourself an aneurysm.

No.408121 : Anonymous [2022-06-19 15:43] [Report] []

I can't believe ANYONE is still following Barrett Pall in 2022

No.408140 : Anonymous [2022-06-19 21:57] [Report] []

>>408099 Just because you call it truth, does not make it so. Race essentialism is disgusting and Pall, parroting the narrative without actually reflecting on its implications, is part of the problem. Not that truth is the point, of course. It is about appearing more moral and pure than "those gays" who happen to always be white, with nothing but outpouring of love and support for the innocent and eternally downtrodden POC. It is a repulsive pile of horseshit drowning in racism that ironically calls itself antiracist. He is neither moral nor pure. He is a pretty simpleton.

No.408145 : Anonymous [2022-06-19 23:29] [Report] []

>>408140 wtf is “race essentialism? You’re just making shit up now lol

No.408147 : Anonymous [2022-06-19 23:33] [Report] []

>>408140 God, learn how to edit yourself.

"Pall parrots narratives without actually reflecting on their implications. That's his problem."

Same point, less wordy.

No.408157 : Anonymous [2022-06-20 00:29] [Report] []

>>408145 It is a common term in social science. It means that race in itself endows individuals with privledge, qualities of goodness or evil, or helplessness. In Pall's belief system, when it really gets boiled down, being white automatically invests one with power and a variety of evil thoughts and instincts that only enlightenment can cleanse (though the cleansing never seems to make any fucking social progress). Conversely non-white people are just blobbed together as "POC." Being POC means you are always a victim of the ingenious machinations of white people who have constructed systems that ensure you and your kind can never rival white people. You are a victim and also inherenly good. Your race is fetishized by Pall and his ilk. Everything can be viewed through this prism and it is totally self serving as it puts Pall and white people in a place of default power and decision-making. It is a fucked up ideology that actually enhances what it claims to fight, white supremecy.

No.408158 : Anonymous [2022-06-20 00:35] [Report] []

Anyone remember when he was called babywipes?

No.408160 : Anonymous [2022-06-20 01:16] [Report] []

>>408157 Did you lose your way and think this was reddit?

Gurl, I get your point by shorten the fucking sermon

No.408347 : Anonymous [2022-06-21 19:47] [Report] []

lets just post the nudes mk?

No.408361 : Anonymous [2022-06-21 22:25] [Report] []

Is it true he's 1.65 and living on someone's couch?

No.408371 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 01:27] [Report] []

1.65 what? Meters? :/

No.408374 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 01:39] [Report] []

>>408371 inches. actual pocket gay.

No.408376 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 01:41] [Report] []

Does his life coaching service involve taking off his underwear and letting me touch his wiener?

No.408416 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 12:47] [Report] []

1.65 meters? Fits on anyone's 1seater couch

No.408441 : Anonymous [2022-06-22 17:29] [Report] []

>>408416 1seater... so a chair?


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