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No.302968 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 10:50] [Report] 1609343412581.jpg (420310 B, 1125x2000) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
420310 B

Anything on this sex positive cutie

No.302969 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 10:50] [Report] 1609343433969.jpg (789594 B, 1125x1300) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.302977 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 11:12] [Report] []

That’s a fancy way to say bug chaser bottom.

No.302980 : Anonymous [2020-12-30 11:13] [Report] []

>>302977 What does that even mean? Lol

No.319735 : Anonymous [2021-02-21 19:27] [Report] []

He’s super cute

No.322197 : Anonymous [2021-03-03 21:04] [Report] []

>>302968 Anything?

No.322199 : Anonymous [2021-03-03 21:23] [Report] []


No.322235 : Anonymous [2021-03-04 01:42] [Report] []

>>302980 bug chasers were guys who would go out and bareback with the intention to get HIV, also known as the Gift. It was a thing before PrEP. Especially since bareback was a huge no no and shunned.

No.322310 : Anonymous [2021-03-04 11:15] [Report] []

>>322235 omgggggg

No.322311 : Anonymous [2021-03-04 11:16] [Report] []

Let’s see more he’s cute

No.322411 : Anonymous [2021-03-04 20:31] [Report] []

Thinking this is very much a self-post. Cute?...meh. Bulge seems to be all balls and no dick.

No.322471 : Anonymous [2021-03-05 03:53] [Report] []

He’s another one of those bare-minimum personable types who talk a big game online. His cock is okay, very average size. Oh and this is 100% a self post by him, he wants all the attention he can get and that ugly boring boyfriend won’t help in reeling in any. hi sweetie! -CG

No.322472 : Anonymous [2021-03-05 03:53] [Report] []

He’s another one of those bare-minimum personable types who talk a big game online. His cock is okay, very average size. Oh and this is 100% a self post by him, he wants all the attention he can get and that ugly boring boyfriend won’t help in reeling in any. hi sweetie! -CG

No.322505 : Anonymous [2021-03-05 10:33] [Report] []

His bf looks like a less hot version of him, I don't see the point of a bottom dating another bottom, lol

No.322885 : Anonymous [2021-03-06 16:58] [Report] []

>>322505 I can’t imagine that their sex is very interesting or good lol

No.325942 : Anonymous [2021-03-18 21:40] [Report] []

I know them in CHI. Boring guy, boring bf, and they have boring sex. Just boring boring white guys. Oh did I say that they’re boring?

No.331485 : Anonymous [2021-04-11 17:29] [Report] []

^Agree. Boring gays who def have boring sex. I doubt you’ll ever find anything on them

No.345829 : Anonymous [2021-06-23 00:15] [Report] []

>>325942 haha I guess they’re boring?? Anything?


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