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No.264317 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 00:39] [Report] 1598071181455.png (465374 B, 561x757) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
465374 B

anything out there of MP besides his old Helix stuff? so much sexier with the scruff.

No.264318 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 00:42] [Report] []

what was his name at helix?

No.264319 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 00:52] [Report] []

>>264318 samuel nixon

No.264320 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 01:06] [Report] []

i remember he had a cute little cock. lol

No.264337 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 02:02] [Report] []

he's definitely getting fucked by some italian sausage right now.

No.264449 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 12:22] [Report] []

your dick will always come out with shit on it from this one.

No.264509 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 16:47] [Report] []

>>264337 he certainly has a type - preferably white, taller, fit guys that present as masc/straight... until they open their mouth. lol

No.264521 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 17:45] [Report] []

"you are loved"....if you're a white influencer with abs

No.264522 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 17:57] [Report] []

Dictionary definition of a pocket gay

No.264527 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:17] [Report] []

Stop saying pocket gay or other nicknames for short people, it’s fucking rude. For some reason nobody seems to bat an eye at this form of body shaming.

No.264548 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 19:25] [Report] []

>>264527 lmao, girl shut up.

No.264555 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 19:44] [Report] []

>>264527 I hear short guys call themselves pocket gays all the time lol

No.264606 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 23:46] [Report] []

Nah you first

No.264633 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 02:04] [Report] []


What's fucking rude is people looking for things to complain about when there is none. No one is "shamed" for being short because it's not something people can alter. Calling someone a pocket gay is an inoffensive and endearing way to say short. And some of us taller guys like 'em short.

No.264647 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 02:53] [Report] []

I’m short and I don’t care for it, I don’t speak for all short men but you don’t get to tell me it’s not rude either as a tall person. My irritation was raised when I saw someone post calling a guy a manlet. People overlook short men all the time because of their height. It’s mentioned on here regularly with things like oh he’s cute too bad he’s short.

No.264649 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 03:06] [Report] []

>>264647 honestly, I'm just mad at how easy it is for ya'll to put on muscle. not fair

No.264766 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 12:51] [Report] 1598201494920.jpg (195316 B, 800x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
195316 B

baby carrot for a penis

No.264784 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 14:12] [Report] []

I’m short and I think it’s funny.

No.264802 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 16:04] [Report] []

Complaining about body shaming on a site that is dedicated to straight acting muscle queens. Priceless.

No.264918 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 23:44] [Report] []

He's a classic Instagram hypocrite. Talks about being a great person etc etc etc, and is the most selfish and arrogant POS in real life. Typical LA instagay.

No.264958 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 06:46] [Report] []

Matt Crawf, that you making those mean comments?

No.265069 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 17:48] [Report] []

>>264317 he's all about his hole and interested in the cock stuffing it

No.265070 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 17:49] [Report] []

whos fucking him rn??

No.265078 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 18:06] [Report] []

>>265070 just go to his instagram and see

No.265095 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 18:52] [Report] []

>>265078 joe doesnt look like he can cum the way max likes it tbh

No.265271 : Anonymous [2020-08-25 11:18] [Report] []

>>265095 how's that

No.265423 : Anonymous [2020-08-25 19:53] [Report] []

>>265271 cuz mx likes it heavy and flooded. at least he used to

No.265456 : Anonymous [2020-08-25 21:32] [Report] []

>>265423 hot

No.265566 : Anonymous [2020-08-26 09:20] [Report] []

any pics out there besides his IG thirst traps and old porn stuff?

No.266771 : Anonymous [2020-08-30 12:48] [Report] []

incredibly poor hygiene.

No.267349 : Anonymous [2020-09-01 14:36] [Report] []

>>264317 bummp for this piece of trash

No.270272 : Anonymous [2020-09-10 16:42] [Report] []

>>265423 mmh love to see him get bred

No.270365 : Anonymous [2020-09-10 20:05] [Report] []

This guy doesn’t douche and it’s fucking disgusting

No.270420 : Anonymous [2020-09-10 21:46] [Report] []

>>270365 i mean he stays locking down boyfriends, and they ain't ugly, so he must be doing something right. lol

No.325389 : Anonymous [2021-03-16 19:29] [Report] 1615937370128.png (6155501 B, 1284x2211) [YIS] [GIS] []
6155501 B

guess he DOES like big loads


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