Archive/Dongs 2021

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No.264037 : Anonymous [2020-08-20 19:01] [Report] 1597964514069.jpg (66240 B, 640x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
66240 B

Probably posted but anyone has video of him?

No.264039 : Anonymous [2020-08-20 19:06] [Report] []

>>264037 holy fuck.

No.264041 : Anonymous [2020-08-20 19:14] [Report] []

wish someone can repost his video again

No.264042 : Anonymous [2020-08-20 19:14] [Report] []

Never saw the full video get posted. Just that stills blocking his dick

No.264045 : Anonymous [2020-08-20 19:18] [Report] []

can someone post this time?

No.264064 : Anonymous [2020-08-20 20:23] [Report] []

It's been discussed for years but that person still doesn't wanna post it and ask for a lot of money. Come on!

No.264069 : Anonymous [2020-08-20 21:04] [Report] []

lets see it

No.264101 : Anonymous [2020-08-21 00:07] [Report] []

dont bother.. never gonna surface .. NEXT

No.264154 : Anonymous [2020-08-21 07:08] [Report] []

Whoever uploads his nudes the next, can you please announce a time so we can check back fast enough before they get taken down?

No.264176 : Anonymous [2020-08-21 10:23] [Report] []

>>264154 yes I have it. I will post it on my mom's birthday. File will be up for 30 mins only.

No.264187 : Anonymous [2020-08-21 12:06] [Report] []

>>264176 gtfo

No.264206 : Anonymous [2020-08-21 14:12] [Report] []

>>264176 you should post it on HIS mom’s birthday

No.264242 : Anonymous [2020-08-21 16:47] [Report] []

Who is this guy?!

No.264306 : Anonymous [2020-08-21 23:40] [Report] []

>>264242 Christian Hogue. Apparently someone has his jerk off vid but it’s not been leaked yet.

No.264311 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 00:14] [Report] []

>>264176 When is your mom's birthday? I call bovine dung

No.264327 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 01:53] [Report] []

>>264311 sorry, I meant I will post it on CH's mom birthday. Not hard to find out. Be ready! File is up for 30 mins!

No.264343 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 02:18] [Report] []

>>264327 So where exactly will you post it? and can you tell us the date of CH's mom's b-day? Any details about how long the video is and what it might show?

No.264344 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 02:19] [Report] []

here is some t! his GF is from my country and she gain popularity because she married a comedian (he was hot) short after they meet, and aparently she literally drive him crazy, like full on mental breakdown.

No.264350 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 02:52] [Report] []

>>264344 doesn’t answer my question, but thanks for the info. Lol

No.264415 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 09:45] [Report] []

My dream

No.264496 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 15:37] [Report] []


Omg thanks so much! Luckily I have fast Internet that I downloaded them all. I love u! I have been waiting for these for years :)

No.264518 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 17:26] [Report] []

>>264496 did something get posted?

No.264519 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 17:31] [Report] []

>>264496 ???

No.264520 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 17:44] [Report] []


Its gone now. Damn.

No.264523 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:03] [Report] []

Please repost them!

No.264524 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:05] [Report] []

>>264520 what was posted? Can someone reshare please?

No.264525 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:11] [Report] []

>>264518 yeah it was 3 videos. Only up for like 20 mins or so. Link is not working now. I cum 5 times watching his cock finally yummmm

No.264526 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:12] [Report] []

Re up plz

No.264529 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:26] [Report] []

>>264525 Damn I wanna see. Reupload please :)

No.264531 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:37] [Report] []

>>264525 I was at *bucks when it got posted. I quickly came home to watch it lol. I could defo watch this the whole weekend over and over again.

No.264532 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:38] [Report] []


Dumbass liar. How pathetic do you have to be to come to this site and lie about having videos just to feel special? Get a life.

No.264533 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:39] [Report] []

someone clearly got them as the link is missing.
hoping someone reups

No.264536 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:44] [Report] []

nothing was posted. just a desperate cry for attention

No.264537 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:45] [Report] []

>>264536 😩

No.264538 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 18:47] [Report] []

>>264525 can u reup please? I started downloading it but my Internet is too slow it didn't finish downloading, when I refresh it says the link couldn't be found anymore. Please please please! I can trade it with all my actors collection I baited. Give me your kik I will talk to u there.

No.264542 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 19:02] [Report] []

https://we. tl/t- elR6Eutx0g

No.264544 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 19:09] [Report] []

Fake link...

No.264546 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 19:13] [Report] []

can you recheck the link? it is a aberration

No.264550 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 19:25] [Report] 1598138742537.png (0 B, 2740x1730) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail


keep crying :) karen like you is the reason people wont bother re-share

No.264551 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 19:30] [Report] []

pls, re-share it, just for once, im sure they are not aware of it!!!

No.264553 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 19:33] [Report] []

Oh, I remember that pic.
He’s that guy that was camming with some girl and then she went and tried to sell it for a grand or something.

No.264559 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 20:30] [Report] []

>>264550 When in C H's mom's birthday? Is this the link? It would be amazing to see this. Don't pay any attention to the haters. The rest of us appreciate you

No.264562 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 20:46] [Report] []

That's one of the pictures the girl was using when she was trying to sell the videos. There was also a teaser vid.

No.264564 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 20:50] [Report] []

>>264562 This looks real. There pictures that were teasers looked somewhat different.

No.264565 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 20:51] [Report] []

Who is Karen? Is that his girlfriend

No.264566 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:07] [Report] []

No it was exactly like that one. Same time stamp

No.264567 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:08] [Report] []

>>264564 agree. those teasers pics are of low quality. this one looks legit screenshot of a computer screen and resolution is 2740x1730. Please share!

No.264568 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:09] [Report] []

why is it gone so fast? shouldn't it stay 7 days on wetransfer?

No.264570 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:10] [Report] []

>>264567 The original photos did not have a timestamp. This appears to be real. Proof would be if someone posted a pic from a slightly different segment of the video. Then we would know if it’s real or if people are just baiting us all

No.264571 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:12] [Report] []

>>264566 u r just one jealous BS. the ori teaser has no timestamp. do your research before you lie Karen

No.264572 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:15] [Report] []

You are adorable

No.264573 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:20] [Report] []

to the kind soul who shared the videos, can you please upload the rest of the videos? i m sure there is more where he cums? please post the rest. i really want to see him cum!!

No.264574 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:21] [Report] []

>>264572 why am I adorable? Do you know Karen? Is that the name of the person that posted? Can Karen kindly re-share? I’d glad trade some great material in return :)

No.264575 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:22] [Report] []

>>264573 what videos? Can you kindly share with the rest of us or prove it’s real?

No.264577 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:27] [Report] []

>>264531 Can anyone else reshare it, please? I've been waiting to see if this is real for almost 2 years. We are begging here, please.

No.264578 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:33] [Report] []

>>264575 sorry i m not here to prove u anything. i m not the one posted it. i managed to grab it but it didnt include the cum video. all i care now is for him to post the rest! maybe if u all stop bitching around he might post it. If you dont believe the video exists then go cry somewhere else and leave us alone

No.264581 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:38] [Report] []

>>264578 We believe you that it was posted. If you were lucky enough to get it, that's awesome. It would be great if you can share your luck with the rest of us. And hopefully the OP will also share the cum video. It would make a lot of people happy during these days.

No.264582 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:38] [Report] []

The videos DO exist, but that screen shot was shared back when they first surfaced.

I thought I saved the pictures, but I only have the two teaser videos the girl uploaded.

No.264583 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 21:43] [Report] []

What exactly was posted and for how long? And when was it posted?

No.264588 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 22:24] [Report] []

OP: can you give us another 30 minutes and give us some warning when you will part the veil again? We bow to you great one!

No.264602 : Anonymous [2020-08-22 23:34] [Report] []

>>264583 nothing was posted but a fake link to troll the thread, and someone posted (probably the same anon) acting like they were able to get the download to rile the girls up. lol

No.264610 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 00:15] [Report] []

How come there is only one person saving the video if it is really upload?

No.264612 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 00:19] [Report] []

Malegeneral has post number conventions, like all forum websites. A new comment would get the next number immediately after the last comment.
It doesn't take a genius to deduce that>>264496 posted >>264495 and immediately deleted it. In >>264496, the comment says that >>264495 is the comment that has the file. That means >>264496 was the first comment posted IN THE WHOLE BOARD after >>264495 was posted.
The proof, >>264550, is a screenshot of a 25 second video teaser posted on lpsg where no nudity was shown. I'm uploading it right now to wetransfer and I will be posting a link below.

No.264613 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 00:22] [Report] []
posts with links are moderated so it is highly unlikely that it will immediately be posted and commented upon before any other post will be made anywhere on the board.

No.264619 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 00:35] [Report] []

After some search, I find that his mother's birthday is not on August 22.

No.264620 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 00:43] [Report] []

the true posting date is:

∫d D x (14FaμνFaμν+∂μ ̄ca(Dμc) a+iBa∂μAaμ-Karen

No.264622 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 00:58] [Report] []

>>264613 hot, is there any video fo his cock

No.264623 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 01:07] [Report] []

Lol. I just zoomed in on the picture. It’s poorly photoshopped.
Zoom in on the bottom right. The image doesn’t line up properly.

The picture he used is from the teaser. I don’t think anyone managed to buy the $400 video from the girl.

No.264625 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 01:19] [Report] []

>>264623 Wow, good work! You are totally correct, it's a fake. You can even see in the center area below the pic and above the time scrolling bar, there is a thin line that does not line up. I want you on my team. Great sleuthing :)

No.264626 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 01:20] [Report] []

>>264612 Also a great pick up! Thanks for your diligence on this. So no one continues to have these.

No.264631 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 01:54] [Report] []

>>264623 I'm confused. I thought u girls said the picture was the same exact picture posted by the girl last time with same timestamp. And now u said it is photoshopped. Gtfo!

No.264632 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 01:59] [Report] []

>>264631. There was no timestamp on the original photos. Notice how the punk who "claims" to have the video has gone silent...with his dirty, stool covered tail between his

No.264640 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 02:17] [Report] []

>>264632 I read the whole thread again. u r the one who said that is the same pic it was leaked last time and with same timestamp. Seems like u r willing to say anything just to "prove" no one has the vid.

No.264644 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 02:45] [Report] []

You’re the type that watches fake, I mean Fox News.

No.264645 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 02:49] [Report] []

>>264644 yeah just realised i am watching fox right now. u r fake news

No.264648 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 02:59] [Report] []

>>264640 I agree with you, someone has the video...But that someone ain’t you! Lol hehe! it’s pretty pathetic if you have to spend 20 minutes making a bad photoshop just to get a couple hours worth of attention. Enjoy!

No.264651 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 03:17] [Report] []

Funniest thread on MG for a long time. Congrats to the sadistic birthday throwers ^^

I kinda wish i weren't a bad person and i didn't laugh at credulous people, but well.

To people not familiar with US humor, please check Urban Dictionary when you don't get a reference. The Karen article for instance might interest you.

No.264670 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 04:26] [Report] []

This thread is so fucking sad. I would say get a life loser but it will probably push you over the edge. So I wont say it.

No.264677 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 04:44] [Report] []

Considering posting "get a life loser" on an image board is already way over the edge though.

No.264709 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 08:28] [Report] []

>>264677 simmer down, Karen. Go eat your McDonald’s filet-o-fish and move along.

No.264717 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 08:56] [Report] []

You put too much salt on that :'(

No.264736 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 10:35] [Report] []

>>264709 aww u sound so salty. Is that what u do when u r sad? What a pity :)

No.264765 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 12:49] [Report] []

Please share full video 53:59 duration!

No.264792 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 15:07] [Report] []

My dream please please guys repost

No.264835 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 17:24] [Report] []

>>264765 Don't you get it? There is no video owned by anyone posting or reading this thread. Is there a lead shield between your eyes and brain?

No.264916 : Anonymous [2020-08-23 23:41] [Report] []

love seeing gays fighting omgasdasdasd

No.264943 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 02:46] [Report] []

>>264835 if u think no one here has it then gtfo. What r u even doing here Karen? Leave!

No.265042 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 15:39] [Report] []


No.265059 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 17:03] [Report] []

>>265042 Good afternoon, dear Madame, I'm that miserable sack of shit's manager, i'm very sorry he and his friend advertising for Mac Donald's kinda ruined the mood.

I suppose you'd like to fill a complaint, let me grab a pen : date of birth, please ? And your mom's ? Just in case you'd like to release a video.

No.265079 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 18:14] [Report] []

Did anyone download the video? Or was that a fake link?

No.265084 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 18:29] [Report] []

>>265042 simmer down and take a chill pill keyboard whore

No.265093 : Anonymous [2020-08-24 18:47] [Report] []

It was a preview the girl that was selling it uploaded a long time ago.
It's him standing up in his underwear. nothing special.

No.267326 : Anonymous [2020-09-01 13:32] [Report] []

anyone has seen the video without the image on top that covers his D?

No.267964 : Anonymous [2020-09-03 15:38] [Report] []

still being hoprful

No.271119 : Anonymous [2020-09-12 21:05] [Report] []

R.I.P his nudes

No.282666 : Anonymous [2020-10-19 20:52] [Report] []

dream man!!!!

No.282821 : Anonymous [2020-10-20 11:26] [Report] []

Please share. It’s been a century

No.284756 : Anonymous [2020-10-27 16:16] [Report] []

>>282821 indeed, any luck guys

No.286707 : Anonymous [2020-11-03 21:35] [Report] []


No one ever got the full video. People need to accept that.

No.287409 : Anonymous [2020-11-05 18:54] [Report] []

Baiters need to get him

No.295043 : Anonymous [2020-12-02 19:13] [Report] []

one of the hottest

No.307651 : Anonymous [2021-01-12 02:24] [Report] []

probably gonna properly leak when hes like not hot anymore IRL

No.307658 : Anonymous [2021-01-12 03:18] [Report] []

Sofia the scammer was so cruel. How could she do this to us.

No.330831 : Anonymous [2021-04-08 15:53] [Report] []

he has a video please share!

No.333008 : Anonymous [2021-04-17 20:28] [Report] []

no luck?

No.371696 : Anonymous [2021-10-27 13:04] [Report] []

His body is amazing

No.372515 : Anonymous [2021-11-02 02:03] [Report] []

>>307658 I doubt you're one of the people who paid money and got scammed.

No.372549 : Anonymous [2021-11-02 11:42] [Report] 1635867733214.jpg (2633682 B, 2250x3000) [YIS] [GIS] []
2633682 B

Any tea?

No.381952 : Anonymous [2022-01-03 18:11] [Report] []

can we finally get that video again


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