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No.130945 : Anonymous [2019-07-14 00:28] [Report] 1563078517294.jpg (205667 B, 1123x1045) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
205667 B

There’s got to be something on an old thread but I can’t track it down. Anything?

No.130951 : Anonymous [2019-07-14 00:38] [Report] 1563079136512.jpg (85727 B, 1080x1350) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.130975 : Anonymous [2019-07-14 02:18] [Report] []

He looked better before he got the implants.

No.131077 : Anonymous [2019-07-14 13:49] [Report] []

Any pics of that ass uncovered?

No.131131 : Anonymous [2019-07-14 15:53] [Report] []

Is that a known fact about the implants? The waist is also crazy small

No.131553 : Anonymous [2019-07-15 20:28] [Report] []

>>130945 wtf is he doing looking down at his bare wrist under the pavilion outside the Texas Schoolbook Depository in Dallas? lmfao

No.131561 : Anonymous [2019-07-15 21:08] [Report] []

Anything is possible.
That's typically what butt implants look like.
I tried searching his older pictures and profiles but he didn't start showcasing it until recently.
His body, as a whole, seems a bit "off." He's too big for someone of his stature.

No.131573 : Anonymous [2019-07-15 21:44] [Report] 1563241488516.jpg (35876 B, 512x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.131574 : Anonymous [2019-07-15 21:46] [Report] []

Who the hell is he?

No.131813 : Anonymous [2019-07-16 14:34] [Report] []

sum random.

No.131919 : Anonymous [2019-07-16 19:51] [Report] 1563321097511.jpg (1005648 B, 998x1567) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.132343 : Anonymous [2019-07-17 21:21] [Report] []

How many extra inches long would a dick need to be to get past his ass cheeks and into that hole?

No.140305 : Anonymous [2019-08-11 03:31] [Report] []

Has anybody fucked that ass?

No.140312 : Anonymous [2019-08-11 04:49] [Report] []

Nice body

No.142816 : Anonymous [2019-08-18 12:25] [Report] 1566145505952.jpg (2070407 B, 1242x1961) [YIS] [GIS] []


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