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No.122191 : Anonymous [2019-06-16 17:59] [Report] 1560722343084.jpg (269834 B, 2136x1274) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
269834 B

This is a new Chaturbate couple and the guy is smoking hot. Like top tier fucking hunk of a man! Their username is on the pic so you can use it to get to their page where you'll find he is selling a solo video. Sadly, it doesn't tell you it's length plus it's going for the astronomical price of 2500 tokens. Anyone bought it already and can share?


No.122279 : Anonymous [2019-06-16 23:39] [Report] []

LMAO 2500 tkns!! and this guys is hot?? hes only a 7/10 in my books. I have seen plenty hotter dudes at my gym.. Like way hotter!! I guess diff strokes for diff folks tho. just dont see how hes worth that price..

No.122401 : Anonymous [2019-06-17 09:48] [Report] []

>>122279 Honey he is hot. Since most guys on here are chasing gayfaced emaciated runts and skeezy looking muscle marys, take your comment and shove it up your loose pooper.

I do however agree that he isn't hot enough to be worth that much tokens especially since there are no details on the videos length, contents etc.

No.122581 : Anonymous [2019-06-17 20:53] [Report] []

>>122401 lol bitch please, this dude is SUPER gayfaced.

No.122672 : Anonymous [2019-06-18 00:09] [Report] []

>>122581 He has on what planet do you think that even remotely makes sense? Go get your defective eyeballs checked pronto girl :)


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