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No.117079 : Anonymous [2019-06-03 15:14] [Report] 1559589270386.png (995987 B, 1057x858) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
995987 B

hottest guy in NYC- justin james- can't find anything out there- anyone have anything?

No.117599 : Anonymous [2019-06-04 20:44] [Report] []

>>117079 yes please.

No.122913 : Anonymous [2019-06-18 18:10] [Report] []

>>117079 damn, I was hoping there was SOMETHING floating around the interwebs...

No.123183 : Anonymous [2019-06-19 10:49] [Report] []

Is he even gay? If you look at the people he follows, it's ambiguous.

No.123192 : Anonymous [2019-06-19 11:27] [Report] []

Yes he’s very gay lol. He’s been on tinder in NYC too.

He also dated jordyn Carlyle

No.123243 : Anonymous [2019-06-19 14:48] [Report] []

Both this guy and Jordan are beautiful in photos because they both photoshop the fuck out of their photos...but are just OK in person. Meaning that they're sufficiently attractive but are relatively normal looking. Jordan is tiny and weighs maybe 140 pounds wet, and James just looks basic. But I'd still hit both


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