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closed No.103483 : anonymous [2019-04-28 10:31] [Report] 1556461891491.jpg (0 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
No thumbnail

Anyone got pics or vids of @ndrew from MoveU? He’s got such a great build.

No.103605 : Anonymous [2019-04-28 16:29] [Report] []

Vids please. Been waiting forever to see. Love him

No.103864 : anonymous [2019-04-29 08:06] [Report] []

There are videos? Must see!

No.103886 : Anonymous [2019-04-29 08:48] [Report] 1556542112648.jpg (0 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

I have a few of them but he’s been trying frantically to remove them from the internet

No.103928 : Anonymous [2019-04-29 10:15] [Report] 1556547327166.jpg (0 B, 609x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.104087 : Anonymous [2019-04-29 15:44] [Report] []

Any more of him?

No.104646 : Anonymous [2019-04-30 17:36] [Report] 1556660210840.jpg (0 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.104647 : Anonymous [2019-04-30 17:37] [Report] 1556660233866.jpg (0 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.104657 : anonymous [2019-04-30 18:02] [Report] []

>>104647 amazing!!! Is there really video out there? Is he bi?

No.104667 : Anonymous [2019-04-30 18:23] [Report] []

Damn Andrew fucked up!

No.104768 : anonymous [2019-04-30 22:55] [Report] []

>>104647 are these from Grindr? Anyone ever hook up with him? What else we got?

No.104773 : Anonymous [2019-04-30 22:59] [Report] []

More please! So hot that this guy managed to get exposed

No.104775 : Anonymous [2019-04-30 23:00] [Report] []

Andrew is married actually

No.104825 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 01:37] [Report] []

He posted these on ladybonersgw

No.104888 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 07:43] [Report] []

Why would he ever post these?!?! Seems like a moronic move

No.104934 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 10:48] [Report] 1556722118990.jpg (0 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

more where this came from :)

No.104935 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 10:49] [Report] 1556722182663.png (0 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.104936 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 10:49] [Report] 1556722193703.png (0 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.104982 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 13:23] [Report] []

Any guys from Chorley, Lancashire?

No.104985 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 13:40] [Report] 1556732426218.jpg (0 B, 609x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.104986 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 13:40] [Report] 1556732439727.jpg (0 B, 609x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.105031 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 16:09] [Report] []

Please post that video

No.105037 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 16:23] [Report] 1556742182094.png (5408098 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
5408098 B

For those who are out of the loop...

No.105038 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 16:23] [Report] []


Where is this vid?

No.105039 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 16:24] [Report] 1556742252642.png (6943570 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
6943570 B

Yeah we’re going to have to see those videos too....

No.105042 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 16:36] [Report] []

Hahaha Andrew got baited so bad!

No.105065 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 17:46] [Report] []


These were posted to reddit's ladybonersgw the fuck you smoking?

No.105098 : Anonymous [2019-05-01 18:54] [Report] []

>>105065 oh yeah? Like that video?

No.105128 : anonymous [2019-05-01 21:22] [Report] []

>>105065 can you share the link to the Reddit with his vid?

No.105250 : Anonymous [2019-05-02 04:14] [Report] []

Post the damn vid

No.105295 : Anonymous [2019-05-02 09:55] [Report] 1556805352092.gif (0 B, 260x409) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.105403 : Anonymous [2019-05-02 16:44] [Report] []

Post the vid please 😉

No.105413 : Anonymous [2019-05-02 17:21] [Report] []

Fuck you guys you’re all cunts, your going to ruin his career! This guy is a professional and the face of an organization!

No.105516 : Anonymous [2019-05-02 23:14] [Report] []

the whole business model is based on thirst trapping so I guess it must be better for business

No.105529 : Anonymous [2019-05-02 23:44] [Report] []

I hate to sound callous, but isn't that his own fault?

No.105676 : Anonymous [2019-05-03 12:23] [Report] []

>>105413 And in all honesty, its 2019. Are having nude photos online destroying anyone's career? I think you'd be hard pressed to find any employer who really gives that much of a shit

No.105702 : Anonymous [2019-05-03 13:54] [Report] []

While I think it’s fucked up to flat post someone’s name I don’t think it will ruin his career. People care about shit for like one second and move on.

No.105712 : Anonymous [2019-05-03 14:28] [Report] []


I think this would be different if he sent anon pics to people or posted them online and someone figured out who he was and exposed him. That happens and that's really fucked up. But this guy posted dozens of nudes of himself online (on Reddit, no less) WITH his face. His actions, his choice. Sadly, he has to live with the consequences now.

No.105760 : Anonymous [2019-05-03 17:31] [Report] []

>>105702 this guy is exhibitionist who posted his porn by choice. Porn is forever.

No.105762 : Anonymous [2019-05-03 17:37] [Report] []

>>105676 I know right. The fappening, male and female, has destroyed zero careers. Even when the public gets to see them playing with their hole like Sam Callahan or Bar Rafaeli. Having nudes leaked isn’t considered indecent anymore.

No.105785 : Anonymous [2019-05-03 18:51] [Report] []

>>105762 id go straight for bar.

No.105787 : Anonymous [2019-05-03 18:52] [Report] []

>>105762 not to mention kim k and paris hilton and colin ferrell

No.105846 : Anonymous [2019-05-03 22:41] [Report] []
No.105874 : Anonymous [2019-05-04 00:18] [Report] []

Speaking for myself (and I bet a lot of people here [no offense]) I would be terrified if my nudes were being paraded around... but that's because I'm completely average and not hot. If I were as hot as Andrew I'd probably want to flaunt it too but in this Internet age its a catch-22 between attention/admiration and worrying about psychos.

I feel bad that this stuff is out there and some weirdos might use it to harm him, but also think that he should maybe feel pleased that a lot of people think he is attractive. I wish I could say that about myself. The fact is he is in the prime of his life in his mid to late 20's and years from now won't even care and will be a little pleased that he was this fucking hot that complete internet weirdos were into him.

TLDR @ Andrew: You're hot and anyone that has a problem with your nudes being seen is a jealous bitch.

No.105951 : Anonymous [2019-05-04 07:44] [Report] []

No one on here said they have a problem with his pictures.

No.106025 : Anonymous [2019-05-04 13:02] [Report] []

>>105951 yea. Lol enough chat. Back to finding the video

No.106670 : Anonymous [2019-05-06 03:15] [Report] []

So does anyone have the video? What was his reddit username?

No.106705 : Anonymous [2019-05-06 07:55] [Report] []

Sure get to looking.
You're not required to read any of this so quit your bitching.

No.106717 : Anonymous [2019-05-06 08:39] [Report] []

And this is why people need to think before sending nudes on the internet. When you're hot, it's the first thing people search for!

No.106851 : Aussie [2019-05-06 16:09] [Report] []

>>105295 sexy cock! Let’s see the videos

No.107577 : Anonymous [2019-05-08 07:49] [Report] []

>>104936 do you have the actual video of this that you can share?


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