Archive/Dongs 2019

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No.28947 : Anonymous [2018-09-04 20:33] [Report] 1536107593268.png (679891 B, 581x671) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
679891 B

ugh or m@tthew!

No.29371 : Anonymous [2018-09-06 11:51] [Report] []

oooh she cute too!

No.29600 : Anonymous [2018-09-07 10:53] [Report] []

Very cute

No.30417 : Anonymous [2018-09-10 19:20] [Report] []

his nudes are pretty easy to get

No.30440 : Anonymous [2018-09-10 21:32] [Report] []

>>30417 i've yet to see it posted here tho

No.30611 : Anonymous [2018-09-11 11:09] [Report] []

>>30417 yea, post away 😀

No.58583 : Anonymous [2018-12-17 05:09] [Report] []

I've yet seen any of his nude, i doubt it's online...

No.58625 : Anonymous [2018-12-17 09:32] [Report] []

proof in the pudding no?

No.58927 : Anonymous [2018-12-18 10:37] [Report] []

>>30417 Post away dear friend!

No.58928 : Anonymous [2018-12-18 10:40] [Report] 1545147612028.jpg (119896 B, 960x950) [YIS] [GIS] []
119896 B

and these two together...omg

No.59622 : Anonymous [2018-12-21 10:49] [Report] []

Handsomely guys. Bump for more

No.61658 : Anonymous [2018-12-28 00:22] [Report] []


Any to share?

No.62281 : Anonymous [2018-12-29 10:45] [Report] []

>>30417 So easy, but nowhere to be found...?

No.62465 : Anonymous [2018-12-29 20:48] [Report] []


Exactly. Bump still

No.62505 : Anonymous [2018-12-29 23:13] [Report] []

>>58928 Wait, the dude in the OP and this platinum dude are the same guy?

Yikes. The hair and Harry Potter glasses really bring him down.

No.63059 : Anonymous [2018-12-31 00:25] [Report] []


He kind of looks like seancody’s blake in this pic

No.63201 : Anonymous [2018-12-31 11:09] [Report] []


Is that a good thing?

No.63693 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 14:24] [Report] []

he has a really small dick

No.63874 : Anonymous [2019-01-02 02:14] [Report] []

I’m still curious about how he must be easy to come by but nothing has shown up. Bump

No.63960 : Anonymous [2019-01-02 11:44] [Report] []

Doubt it’s out there but I’m kore interested in LP. He gives of big d energy

No.64013 : Anonymous [2019-01-02 14:34] [Report] []

So interested in both these. Such an interesting pairing.

No.66858 : Anonymous [2019-01-09 03:07] [Report] []

Anyone have any updates?

No.73765 : Anonymous [2019-01-28 10:30] [Report] []

I’m really here for more information on L33 and him or just L33 lol


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