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closed No.10644 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 06:53] [Report] 1530528813462.png (0 B, 1868x1130) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
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Let's hear all about Jeremy Cormier! He's worked every disgusting Daddy out there starting with Bryan Singer to David Geffen to Peter Thiel and so on. There has to be tons of pics and tea out there him.

Bryan Singer is on the far left and Jeremy Cormier is in Bryan's arms just to his right.

No.10779 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 14:58] [Report] 1530557903840.png (0 B, 1864x1096) [YIS] [GIS] []
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Here is Jeremy Cormier again with Bryan Singer. He's second person from the left. Let the tea be served!!!

No.10799 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 16:19] [Report] []

Jeremy is also the one who “recruits” guys for the daddy that had everyone at his cabin for Ski week. Does the same thing H@nk does. The ski week with Charles and all of them.

No.10819 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 17:27] [Report] []

>>10799 That's so shady and fucked up. How do Jeremy and H**k "recruit" other guys to go on these trips? It's basically prostitution. Does these other guys know that they are being pimped out? Do Jeremy and H**k get paid for bringing these hot guys?

No.10858 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 18:58] [Report] []

Kevin miller (now ash_dakota) and the rest are so disgusting and slutty shame on them

No.10868 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 19:24] [Report] []

>>10644 oh wow so the Hugh Jackman rumors are true

No.10877 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 19:49] [Report] []

where is that fucking proof of this shit !!!

No.10887 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 20:19] [Report] []

>>10644 STOP JUST STOP. Nobody besides your old ass cares.

No.10889 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 20:21] [Report] []

umm... is that Hugh Jackman?

No.10930 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 21:59] [Report] 1530583181437.png (0 B, 1870x1110) [YIS] [GIS] []
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>>10858 They are all in the same circle of slutty whores that sell their bodies for what they think is status and fame. They get showered with trips and money so as long as they give the Daddies sex. Jeremy has been working the scene for over 6 years and now he "recruits" other insecure sluts like Kevin Miller for his many Daddies. I think guys like Jeremy and Kevin gets off on living this kind of life which is fucked up. These guys have a college degree but they are stupid as shit by pimping themselves out. This is going to ruin your life if it hasn't already and no one will ever trust you want to have anything to do with you. Everything you boys are doing is a lie and nobody is buying it. You will end up with a sad and lonely life. Get out while you can.

No.10933 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 22:06] [Report] []

>>10799 That was the shameful trip where all of those sluts like Kevin Miller, Jeremy Cormier, Justin Snyder, and all of the other sluts that can't be mentioned were posting on IG and FB all kinds of photos of the Beaver Creek Mountain trip where they were by an old rich daddy from Texas to party all weekend. Jeremy and H@nk recruited some of the sluttiest guys on IG like Kevin Miller and Charles Laurent Marchand, both of whom are self admitted prostitutes, that get paid by Daddies and have sex and to go on trips. It's ovbious what the trip was all about and people are asking for proof. Get a fucking clue people. We all know what is going on and you don't need sex photos to prove what was going on.

No.10936 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 22:09] [Report] []


Wolverine, no! :'(

No.10937 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 22:09] [Report] []


No.10998 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 23:55] [Report] []

where are the hot pics? come on guys.

No.11011 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 00:16] [Report] []

These are the best threads lol

No.11015 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 00:21] [Report] []

How do I meet these guys? I am a cute twink, and I need me a daddy to buy me shit.

No.11037 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 01:57] [Report] []

The stories are fun, but you don't have to be so self riotous about what these grown men decide to do with their body.

All of us sell our bodies or mind for a buck, unless your a trust fund kid. A few years of this can give these guys a nice nest egg and many more connections. Don't be fooled into thinking that hot men like these wont be able to bag a quality guy in their 30s when they are ready to settle down. Attractive white men still sit at the top of the gay hierarchy, so these guys will be just fine. Don't believe my last statement, look at type of men (white) typically requested on this site.

Now, please share your tea or pics, but do us all a favor and leave the judgement behind.

No.11052 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 03:47] [Report] []


No.11055 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 04:00] [Report] []

>>10936 why you all talk about that old queen? What about young hottie Nicolas Hoult?

No.11318 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 21:04] [Report] []

So what's the deal with this Jeremy Cormier? I want to see hot pics.

No.11334 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 21:54] [Report] []

Why are people so surprised that Jeremy Cormier and Kevin Miller are prostitutes? Look at their social media and look at their fake lifestyle. Anyone that have met them out at events will know right away that they are looking for rich daddies and will whore themselves out to anyone with money or fame. Talking about them just makes them feel that they are relevant and more important than they really are. Stop talking about losers like Jeremy and Kevin. Everyone have seen them naked anyways so why bother posting dick pics of them. It's not that special. Stop feeding their fucked up egos. They are nobodies and losers.

No.11630 : Anonymous [2018-07-04 22:38] [Report] []

Jeremy Cormier, Kevin Miller, and all of their gang have been spotted in Ptown this week with several older than death Daddies that are hosting the boys on a big yacht. The boys are allowed to party during the day with all of the shirtless hotties but at night, they have to return to the yacht so they can tuck their Daddies in or should I say fuck their Daddies. Way to use your degrees boys! This is going hurt your future opportunities when your reputation and character are factored in for jobs and promotions. Can't believe you use your brains to get your degree but become brain dead once you leave school and get mixed up with this kind of fake lifestyle.

No.11726 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 08:06] [Report] []

Jeremy Cormier is a washed up Queen. He's shady as hell and doesn't give a fuck about anyone ecept himself. He will pretend to be your friend and fake being totally happy around you but it's his trick to gain your confidence and trust so he can pimp you out to his rich daddies like Bryan Singer, Peter Thiel, and David Geffen to name a few. He is basically a recruiter and pimp who caters to predators. The only reason for a hot young guy to be associated with Jeremy is if they are a prostitute and wants to be pimped out to daddies.

No.11736 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 08:18] [Report] []

Bryan Singer is a predator and pedophile. Anyone connected to him and friends with him are equally as evil and disgusting as he is. Jeremy had willfully whore himself to Bryan when he was younger and now he is manipulating young hot boys to be molested by Bryan. You are who you surround yourself with and Jeremy is pure evil. I can't believe Kevin Miller is friends with Jeremy and a part of this fucked world. Why would anyone with an Ivy League Degree and great looks be mixed up with shitty and shady people like Jeremy and Bryan. I'll be staying clear away from all of them including Kevin. But I wouldn't mind seeing a few dick pics on here.

No.11746 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 08:49] [Report] []

This whole thread just sounds like more bitter old losers. These dudes could be everything you say but then again you're keeping up with them and their lives, so who is winning? And that's if I believed half of it, which I don't. Not that it would matter if was true.

No.11747 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 08:58] [Report] []

This is why I never take anything serious in this site. We've all seen stories and heard talk about Singer. But just like every other post here where anonymous people act like they are better than or have the moral high ground over the person if topic, the still wanna see pic/vids. Like let's bring it really down to earth for a second. Are we really talking about someone being a pedophile and a predator in the same breath that we request pics about those associated with said person?

No.11792 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 12:09] [Report] []

Really surprised nobody is posting pics and vids of Jeremy. He films himself all the time and keeps a big collection of vids of himself and others. There must be a ton people could upload (which seems a bit hotter than just spilling tea... even if it’s true)

No.11795 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 12:14] [Report] []

Speak for yourself bitch I care!
Mostly because it's a fun read.

No.11921 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 22:36] [Report] []

>>11795 I second that. It's fun and it's the truth. The blasted it out there on social media and flaunt it in every day life. It's all free game man!


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