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No.4427 : Anonymous [2017-06-14 12:21] [Report] 1497457283457.png (3887326 B, 2560x1600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
3887326 B

anyone got vids of flagp0lef0ry0u (o's instead of zeroes)? he's on cb and has his own site.

No.4689 : Anonymous [2017-06-15 20:53] [Report] []

i second this! esp his sex vids!

No.4711 : Anonymous [2017-06-16 00:13] [Report] []

Why is it alway the mediocre looking, used up ol' hookers who have these kind of sites? Why not young, fresh jock meat?


No.4730 : Anonymous [2017-06-16 02:09] [Report] []


eh, he's not even that old. he's only like 24. i'm just tired of cute CB models who refuse to do buttstuff. it's're desperate and willing to do whatever for coins except spread your cheeks?

No.4844 : Anonymous [2017-06-16 15:57] [Report] []

Why is it there are always anonymous trolls who can't fathom the fact that not everyone has the exact same taste? His body and dick is far from mediocre.


No.4864 : Anonymous [2017-06-16 18:51] [Report] []

>>4844 Bitch you're anonymous too so don't try that. Anyway Flagpole is mediocre, he's a used up cam whore who has been plying his shitty trade on the inter web for years...shit is stale as fuck and BORING!

No.5077 : Anonymous [2017-06-17 21:51] [Report] []

>>4864: Clearly you're not smart enough to get the message. Namely, other people don't consider him to be mediocre. Calling people names just because they disagree with you on a completely subjective topic is tragic.

What a sad life you must live...constantly spreading negativity.

No.5794 : Anonymous [2017-06-20 21:55] [Report] []

sooooooo anyone?

No.7398 : Anonymous [2017-06-27 17:35] [Report] []

anyone have the vids he's selling on his site and would like to nicely share a few?

No.7429 : Anonymous [2017-06-27 19:50] [Report] []

Ugly face, like a drug addict ....

No.96058 : Anonymous [2018-05-02 00:19] [Report] []

i guess he's finally gotten desperate enough to start making videos and photos of his butthole. anyone got them?

No.96351 : Anonymous [2018-05-02 23:25] [Report] 1525317900915.jpg (72221 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
72221 B

bump for this vid


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