Archive/Dongs 2018

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No.316 : Anonymous [2017-05-23 21:02] [Report] 1495587764890.png (332105 B, 837x636) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
332105 B

Does anyone know any other cam names this guy might use? He teases a lot and rarely shows anything. On CB he goes by feelmydartos and feelthedartos. Just want to find vids that show him wank and cum.

No.322 : Anonymous [2017-05-23 21:23] [Report] 1495589032225.png (402896 B, 759x566) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.323 : Anonymous [2017-05-23 21:24] [Report] 1495589057571.png (308996 B, 690x564) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.324 : Anonymous [2017-05-23 21:24] [Report] 1495589071715.png (548695 B, 962x727) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.813 : Anonymous [2017-05-26 06:58] [Report] []

I loved this guy. Has be broadcasted recently, and what is his current screen name?

No.976 : Anonymous [2017-05-26 22:06] [Report] 1495850768761.png (438950 B, 843x632) [YIS] [GIS] []
438950 B

His most recent cam show was Feb 2017 - his CB screen name was feelthedartos.

Anyone seen him wank or cum using other cam names? Since he has at least two screen names that I know of (feelthedartos and feelmydartos), it seems likely he has more.

No.977 : Anonymous [2017-05-26 22:06] [Report] 1495850818872.png (420293 B, 845x633) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.978 : Anonymous [2017-05-26 22:07] [Report] 1495850829555.png (383829 B, 847x634) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.71495 : Anonymous [2018-02-10 20:44] [Report] []

Bumping this to see if any of you guys recognize him? He doesn't use these cam names anymore (feelthedartos or feelmydartos) but maybe he is camming under a new name? Anyone help?

No.97431 : Anonymous [2018-05-06 16:33] [Report] []

he is on right now as feelthedartos

No.97497 : Anonymous [2018-05-06 20:12] [Report] []

>>97431 thanks for the heads up! Don't you just hate when you've been waiting forever for you favorite cam guy to show off, and after almost a year of nothing, he shows up again, but STILL doesn't show you anything worthwhile. C'mon dude, why so shy?


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