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No.67765 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 00:23] [Report] 1484112238651.jpg (131386 B, 1045x1200) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
131386 B

anyone have anything on this guy? not sure who he is but i've seen his pics a few times & boy is he a cutie.

No.67781 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 02:16] [Report] []

His name is Aaron Fuller, he's apart of a youtube collab channel called 'trash', his Insta and twitter are aaronxfuller but he just private his account on Insta yesterday and his twitter is going off about something that might've happened recently? Idk too much I don't watch him, but just letting you know who he is. Also I have no idea how old he is.

No.67783 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 02:27] [Report] []

I think there might be nudes or something coming out of him if you check out his,-2017 the moments on it kind of are leaning towards it.

No.67784 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 02:32] [Report] 1484119974380.png (232659 B, 366x360) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67785 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 02:33] [Report] 1484120000671.png (262700 B, 366x360) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67786 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 02:33] [Report] 1484120018946.png (246056 B, 377x360) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67797 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 05:58] [Report] []

So what's this drama about? Did he send nudes to people to get money or what?

No.67798 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 06:17] [Report] []

Does anyone have the uncensored version?

No.67813 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 09:02] [Report] []

He apparently sent nudes to some guy who was gonna pay for the nudes and to have sex with him I guess but I believe Aaron said he just stopped hitting the guy up and now he leaked them. He said this was a while ago and he told this guy a lot of stuff he never told anyone before so we'll see. I don't have the uncensored but he said there was a lot of texts and pictures he sent this guy so if anyone has anything else please share.

No.67847 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 12:10] [Report] []

Probably a PR stunt I reckon :( he's always being really dramatic and crying like a little bitch. I'm sure we'll get them eventually though.

No.67928 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 19:29] [Report] []

where can i find the rest of the pictures?

No.67947 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 22:34] [Report] []

Bumping, the intensity of his stare is hot as fuck, plus it really reminds me of someone I know.

No.67951 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 23:01] [Report] []

I doubt its a PR stunt, he's only posted like 6 videos I don't know what he'd need the PR for. Lol

No.67960 : Anonymous [2017-01-12 00:42] [Report] []

He accidentally posted a dick pic to his story once but very few people actually have the picture

No.67962 : Anonymous [2017-01-12 01:14] [Report] []

i hope the texts leak too. I'm curious what other "private stuff" he's never told anyone else before...

No.67968 : Anonymous [2017-01-12 02:54] [Report] 1484207692294.png (137009 B, 202x358) [YIS] [GIS] []
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He has another one similar to this but I don't have it.

No.67969 : Anonymous [2017-01-12 02:57] [Report] 1484207849888.png (422564 B, 592x588) [YIS] [GIS] []
422564 B

From his Instagram, its unprivate now. He has a boyfriend Jackson something, maybe we can get some of them together

No.68243 : Anonymous [2017-01-14 07:44] [Report] []

Anyone have the uncensored ones?

No.68464 : Anonymous [2017-01-15 11:03] [Report] []

FFS people, he is 16. Stop being creepy.


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