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No.51410 : Anonymous [2016-09-01 06:50] [Report] 1472727006136.jpg (212686 B, 747x851) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
212686 B

Continuing from old thread

these two are just fucking gorgeous. who has more?
jacob's ig: jselmo1
alex's ig: seductivevibration

No.51502 : Anonymous [2016-09-01 21:34] [Report] []

What's new in their "Telenovella" life?

No.52578 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 13:24] [Report] []

Do we have anything new on Alex?

No.52680 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 02:36] [Report] []

No, sadly, he's been really boring recently

No.52704 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 08:36] [Report] []

>>52680 recently?

No.52708 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 09:49] [Report] []

I unfollowed Alex after he posted some Pro Trump stuff. I DM'ed him to ask if he supported Trump and he replied 'Yes, Proudly'. I have no time for morons.

No.52726 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 12:09] [Report] []

Saw he posted about Trump and was hoping that wasn't the case. Wow that's disgusting

The man just spoke at the Values Voters Summit too, can't stand gays that vote against their own interests

No.52727 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 12:28] [Report] []

i found the retards who don't want to make America great.

No.52746 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 16:22] [Report] []

News flash, America never stopped being great
False premise

No.52747 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 16:30] [Report] []

anti-usa scum

No.52779 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 22:28] [Report] []

he's such backwater trash

No.52785 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 22:54] [Report] []

Unfollowed him as well because of being a Trump fan

Honestly deserves to have a video leak of his big butt being double fucked mercilessly raw by two daddies

No.52805 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 03:43] [Report] []

>>52708 MESSSSS

Does he even know about Mike Pence being anti-LGBTQ? These fucking children are stupid.

No.52806 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 03:52] [Report] []

He must be privileged to be voting for Trump. I'm sure the racist, homophobic, bible pushing Trump supporters don't love Jews either, nevemind the fact that he's a fag.

No.52833 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 09:04] [Report] []

Alex isn't a good person in general and if you've had him on snap long enough you would know that. He has repeatedly trash talked Black Lives Matter and has said multiple islamophobic things, including but not limited to, "some dirty muslim just killed a bunch of gays in Florida". Him and his friends have also repeatedly used the N word on his story.

Also, he has called his followers "fans" on multiple occasions. He's just another basic white bigot with his head up his ass.

No.52837 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 09:55] [Report] []

I wasn't going to follow these guys until I found out they are Trump supporters. Thanks for pointing that out to me. Now I'm following them. I'm sick and tired of gay guys who are thought nazis...people who pride themselves on being "tolerant" and "open minded" but can't put up with any dissent. LMFAO! Grow up or go to your "safe place."

No.52838 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 10:23] [Report] []

Trump has too many qualities similar to Hitler and authoritative figures. You'd think that would be an automatic "Fuck No" knee jerk reaction from anyone who's Jewish

No.52846 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 11:30] [Report] []

"I'm sick and tired of Gay people who don't support racists and homophobes! Thought police!"

Fucking Moron

No.52848 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 11:57] [Report] []

>>52837 lol bitch, what? No one should be 'tolerant' of another's hate or bigotry. What kind of bullshit is that? So, we should all be 'tolerant' of drunk drivers or rapists or murderers? What a fucking idiot. It takes all kinds.

No.52852 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 12:30] [Report] []

Yeah. It does take all kinds. Stop lapping up everything you see and hear on NPR and MSNBC. Trump worked for NBC for over 10 fucking years you idiots. He's been in the public eye for 30 years. Why is this the first time I'm hearing about him being a homophobic Nazi? He wasn't...until he went up against your fucking queen Hillary. Pull your heads out of your asses. Stop thinking about just yourselves and your fucking gay agenda.

No.52854 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 12:36] [Report] []

And as for your precious Democrat party, your messiah, Obama, OPPOSED GAY MARRIAGE as did QUEEN HILLARY. They only changed to get votes. And all you morons willingly forgave them. Have some self respect. And nobody made you the arbiter of "hate." Anything a republican says you turn into some type of bullshit "dog whistle." VOTE TRUMP.

No.52857 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 12:52] [Report] []

y'all derailing this thread into edgy political bitching is just.... sad.

No.52860 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 13:18] [Report] []

There's zero reason to get into the gay marriage debate on this thread nor the difference between supporting Civil Unions versus not but believe me you will lose and lose badly

One note though: When you're a candidate for President and you speak at the Values Voters Summit and praise Tony Perkins (a known Homophobe) and pick Pence as your running mate (one of the most Socially Conservative Governors out there) you are no friend to the gay community.

No.52874 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 14:42] [Report] []

>>52837 oh shit, we got an edgefag over here! He's not like a regular gay, he's a cool gay. Fuck conforming! Fuck PC culture! SJW's are cancer!

Bet money this is Alex commenting with this bullshit too LOL what a tool with his droopy ass pecs and cheese doodle tinted teeth.

No.52885 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 15:53] [Report] []

Is someone really trying to push Trump as more LGBTQ friendly? The same man who earlier this year said he'd consider appointing justices to overturn the same-sex marriage ruling? The man who LITERALLY said "I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist."

Nevermind the fact that he praises Putin as a better leader than Obama. I mean do we really need to get into the violent history of Putin vs the LGTBQ community? Or should we get into the fact that he chose Mike Pence, the face of anti-LGBTQ, as his running mate? Pence said gay couples would bring a societal collapse, he opposed a law that would prohibit discrimination against LGBT people in the workplace, and he rejected the Obama administration directive on transgender bathrooms.

Mess at you edgy gays though. Do you I guess.

No.52938 : Anonymous [2016-09-12 23:08] [Report] []

We have war all over the globe. The middle east is in complete turmoil. People are being killed in medieval ways. Europe is dealing with a terrorism crisis and a refugee crisis. Global financial markets are unstable. America has soaring debt and major job loss. The level of poverty in the nation is on the rise. The divide between rich and poor is widening. We are experiencing racial divisions. The Zika virus is spreading. That's just to name a few.

But of course the most important problem we face, the one on which the nation's future rests, is transgender bathroom policy. When I was in high school, I didn't want to go anywhere near the bathrooms. They were disgusting. Take the energy you waste on hating the GOP and go save a kid from hunger. Do you really want your headstone to read..."He fought his whole life to let men use the womens room?"

No.52944 : Anonymous [2016-09-13 00:35] [Report] []


>He has repeatedly trash talked Black Lives Matter

smart guy. he clearly doesn't support terrorists.

>and has said multiple islamophobic things, including but not limited to, "some dirty muslim just killed a bunch of gays in Florida".

great! islam is a disease, along with every other oppressive/militant religion/cult

>Him and his friends have also repeatedly used the N word on his story.


No.52947 : Anonymous [2016-09-13 01:35] [Report] []

>>52938 oh, stfu with your #AllLivesMatter, 'other people have it worse, your problems don't matter' hand-waving BULLSHIT as if you give a fuck. Disgusting.

No.52958 : Anonymous [2016-09-13 04:44] [Report] []

LMAO. I knew I would see the day where someone would get earnestly ofended by someone trashing islam in a board that is 99% gay.

Let me tell you something hon, the muzzies want you DEAD. Being nasty to them is the least you can do.

No.52962 : Anonymous [2016-09-13 05:42] [Report] []

A video will probably leak of Alex taking a BBC in his ass and loving it. Moaning like a bitch as the guy seeds in his big butt

No.52968 : Anonymous [2016-09-13 08:08] [Report] []

Like I said in the other thread, Annoying and now stupid fags.

No.52986 : Anonymous [2016-09-13 13:07] [Report] []

So any new nudes?

No.53020 : Anonymous [2016-09-13 20:53] [Report] []


Those are the best ones, tbh...

No.53336 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 10:40] [Report] []

less bickering and more nudes :)

No.53405 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 23:11] [Report] []

this guy from kik : rand251010 has some like from alex idk how many but been told he knows him and a friend told me he hook ups with a lot of tumblr guys and has nudes from a lot but i have nothing to trade or anything :s someone maybe can get them

No.54995 : Anonymous [2016-10-05 05:10] [Report] []

bumb, any new nudes?

No.56666 : Anonymous [2016-10-22 15:01] [Report] []

Fuck this ignorant fag. I unfollowed him on snapchat.

No.56683 : Anonymous [2016-10-22 16:06] [Report] []

>>56666 thanks for sharing

No.56684 : Anonymous [2016-10-22 16:10] [Report] 1477167033709.jpg (146344 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
146344 B

he's pretty much naked here. big old mushroom head!

No.56879 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 00:04] [Report] []

Unfortunately the trolls at /hm/ are having a fucking meltdown over him.

No.56890 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 01:07] [Report] []

Gross I didn't know he was a Trump supporter. He's clearly one of those privileged gays.

No.56896 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 02:37] [Report] []


You should read the shawn mendes thread. hahaha

No.56897 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 02:44] [Report] []

>>56879 I have his nudes

No.56905 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 07:15] [Report] 1477307743478.png (452153 B, 750x1297) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.56906 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 07:25] [Report] []

Nice. Where did he post that? Looks like about 7 inches

No.56907 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 07:40] [Report] []

>>56879 I just read it. It is actually hilarious and he /Alex/ reads it. I can't believe how sad some people can be instead of just enjoying life /and Alex/ and just be possitive in general

No.56926 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 14:02] [Report] []

Did this rand guy hook up with alex or something? Or just sexting?

No.56936 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 15:57] [Report] []

>>56879 what is HM? someone have a link?

No.56942 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 17:05] [Report] []

I know this guy and he did NOT fuck alex. And he definitely doesnt have any secret pics of him you gullible fools

No.56955 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 18:51] [Report] []

>>56942 IKR! rand251010 is a known cunt who enjoys going from thread to thread touting himself in order to lure people into giving him 'celeb' nudes. He is notorious on the Anthony Stefanelli thread. The guy is a control freak with no life whatsoever.

No.56957 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 19:10] [Report] []

>>52837 lol bitch, what? No one should be 'tolerant' of another's hate or bigotry. What kind of bullshit is that? So, we should all be 'tolerant' of drunk drivers or rapists or murderers? What a fucking idiot. It takes all kinds.

Your argument about being tolerant about murderers and drunk drivers is the same argument whack job Christians use against gay people "If we accept homosexuals soon we'll have to accept murderers and rapists".

Him not supporting BLM as an organisation doesn't mean he thinks black peoples lives are of no value.

Can't stand gays that want to be friends to everyone. BLM has done fuck all for gay people. Islam has done fuck all for gay people. So why bother kissing their ass?

You're calling him intolerant, yet your just as intolerant of his poltical views. Irony is astounding. 😂😂

No.56964 : Anonymous [2016-10-24 21:12] [Report] []

Can we just get back to talking about his dick?

No.57008 : Anonymous [2016-10-25 01:54] [Report] []
> Anthony Stefanelli

Oh what's new with this closeted bottom bitch these days?

No.57574 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 23:38] [Report] []

According to Jacob's snapchat today they broke up because Alex cheated on him

No.57591 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 01:59] [Report] []

He needs to post the videos he has of Alex then lol

No.57661 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 18:40] [Report] []

I doubt such videos exist. I also doubt Alex cheated on him. Alex also suspected Jacob of cheating. Theyre probably just being hormonal 28 year olds tbh.

No.57664 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 19:28] [Report] []

*oops i meant 18 yr olds

No.57690 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 00:26] [Report] []

I wouldn't be surprised if they both did. Similarly, when it comes to some of the dumb shit Alex has said, lets not forget that he's very young. I'm not trying to excuse it, but just try and remember some of the dumb shit you did/said when you were barely 18. Hopefully he'll grow out of it.

No.57695 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 01:03] [Report] []

Yeah, I keep forgetting he's only 18. The pics make him seem 20ish. I said and believed a lot of stupid shit until I graduated college. It was embarrassing

No.57722 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 11:24] [Report] 1478013872935.png (356521 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
356521 B

>>57661 Jacob's snapchat today had an exposed text conversation of Alex where he admits to cheating on Jacob because he wasn't sexually satisfied with the relationship

No.57723 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 11:24] [Report] 1478013893873.png (311648 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
311648 B

And here's part 2

No.57729 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 13:18] [Report] 1478020716813.png (290449 B, 639x347) [YIS] [GIS] []
290449 B

Oh my glob, oh my glob!

No.57730 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 13:20] [Report] []

Well this is a shitshow. Why Alex, why??? I thought you were into twinks?? Jacob is like the twinkiest twink that ever fucking twinked!

No.57732 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 13:43] [Report] []

Theres no way to tell who "Alex" is. For all we know it could be Jacob making a Snapchat account with the name Alex

No.57751 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 15:48] [Report] []

I agree, but Jacob is the one posting it on social media. Dont know how Alex feels about that

No.57752 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 15:52] [Report] []

they're both such messy queens.

team no one.

No.57753 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 16:05] [Report] []

Agreed... neither is coming out of this totally clean. Although Alex is arguably on the bottom atm...

No.57755 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 16:55] [Report] []

>>57746 Jacob put this all over his snapchat. He wanted it to go public.

No.57756 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 17:25] [Report] []

>>57755 do you think he'll post nude pics/videos of alex? i dont think he would go that far.

No.57757 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 17:30] [Report] []

Notice how Jacob conveniently left out the one physical aspect that Alex said he couldn't deal with.

We've never seems Jacob nude so who knows what Alex may have been dealing with. (Maybe a small dick or something)

If someone isn't sexually satisfied in a relationship it can be really hard if you seriously love the person. I don't see the point in publicly shaming people who cheat, just get over it and move on

No.57761 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 18:19] [Report] []

>>57757 thats dumb. If you really love the person you wouldnt fucking cheat on them. Either break it off first or dont do it at all. You cant have your cake and eat it too

No.57766 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 18:57] [Report] []

>>57761 to the moderator, theres still a post waiting for approval further up

No.57769 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 19:01] [Report] []

It's only dumb for people who seem to think love and being sexually fulfilled go hand in hand. They don't. You can easily not live without someone or not want to destroy them/your life together but still not be sexually fulfilled. That doesn't make you a villain

It happens constantly

No.57773 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 19:25] [Report] []

>>57769 im not saying that loving someone but being sexually unfulfilled is villainous. Im saying its villainous to hide that fact from your partner, sleep with other ppl behind your partner's back, and then hide the evidence so your partner is never the wiser because you knew it would break his heart but you did it anyway cause you were too afraid. Is that clear enough for you, moron?

If you and your partner are in a sexually open relationship and it works for you guys, thats great. but that clearly wasnt the case here.

No.57774 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 19:39] [Report] []

>>57757 lmao, how progressive of you... I'm gonna assume you're forever alone? Because that kind of thinking is childish at best, and delusional at worst. If you can't work out how you aren't being fulfilled sexually w/ your partner and are regularly cheating on them behind their back... that shit is doomed. Not from the constant cheating, but because you are so afraid to be real with the one person you should not be afraid to be real with.
I feel like most are just giving Alex a pass because 'OMG, he's so hottttt' and the other guy should just deal with it... rollseyes

No.57782 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 21:13] [Report] []

>>57723 WHAT IS THE "ONE PHYSICAL ASPECT" ?!?!?!?!?!

No.57794 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 22:11] [Report] []

Clearly several of you have never been in a long term complicated relationship before, get off the high horses already. None of this is anyone's business regardless. Some people here are saints apparently. Certainly far from realists

No.57795 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 22:26] [Report] []

Saying the truth is bad? Alex is hot and has a banging body, plus he's 18, AND looks like that. Who in their right mind would think he wasn't getting laid regularly. Who gives a fuck

No.57797 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 22:50] [Report] []

anyone watching alex's snapchat? i'm pretty sure he's lowkey having some sort of meltdown

No.57804 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 23:58] [Report] []

don't lump the rest of us in with your scummy ass, please and thank you

No.57808 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 00:16] [Report] []

Whats going on on his snapchat?

No.57815 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 01:04] [Report] []

>>57794 it's disgusting how some people think... no one is saying you can't fuck around. Go ahead. The world id your oyster... But have the courtesy to dump your SO, first? If you don't want to let them go, then keep it in your fucking pants, and talk to them about how your 'needs are not being met sexually' etc. It doesn't take a high horse to not lounge around in the gutter with trash.

No.57818 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 01:35] [Report] []

Preach it gurl

No.57825 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 03:06] [Report] []

Are people actually defending his disgusting actions and blaming Jacob? I mean, we already knew Alex was a shitty person with a dumb political opinion, but now we really know he ain't shit.

But hey, you know, he has a nice body and pale skin so whatev's ¯\(ツ)/¯

No.57864 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 12:14] [Report] []

Man, I'm just here to see him naked. I don't care if he's shitty. It's not like I'm supporting him financially. If he were somehow benefiting from all of this then it would be a different story.

No.57886 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 18:41] [Report] []

ok again theres so much drama and bad news theres this fucking asshole guy rand251010 on kik ... he has alex nudes someone talk to him i couldnt get the nudes im tired hes so fucking arrogant just because he fucks everyone .. someone fucking get the nudes and videos please

No.57887 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 18:55] [Report] []

I care that hes shitty, but doesnt keep me from thinking hes hot. In fact id like to bend him over and teach his pale, young ass a good, hard lesson.

No.57893 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 19:48] [Report] []

Relax dude. Rand doesnt fuck anybody. Hes just some sad old guy who collects pics of guys on the internet... basically just one of us

No.57894 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 20:00] [Report] []
No.57910 : Anonymous [2016-11-02 22:56] [Report] []

>>57893 I'm 19, not all of us on here are old. Some of us just like seeing nudes.

No.57966 : Anonymous [2016-11-03 16:10] [Report] []

Where are the revenge nudes and videos? That's all anyone here cares about lol

No.57998 : Anonymous [2016-11-03 19:05] [Report] []

Pretty sure jacobs is too nice for that shit

No.58014 : Anonymous [2016-11-03 20:57] [Report] []

>>57998 Jacob might not be mean enough to release any nudes of Alex, but he definitely is mean enough to publicly release the instagrams of the people Alex cheated with

No.58018 : Anonymous [2016-11-03 22:01] [Report] []

>>58014 And what were those usernames? Is there a screenshot of this or

No.58084 : Anonymous [2016-11-04 12:51] [Report] []

Who knows. Seems like hes pretty fucking pissed still. Why tf did Alex give him the names? Why tf are they still talking. Its almost like Alex is trying to add fuel to the flames

No.58085 : Anonymous [2016-11-04 12:56] [Report] []

Jacob has gone all Fatal Attraction on Alex. Publicly announcing the shit was enough once but now he just looks psychotic lol

No.58089 : Anonymous [2016-11-04 13:22] [Report] []

Yeah... hes having a bit of a meltdown isnt he. Meanwhile Alex seems relatively unphased and even defensive. These two are hot messes all around

No.58099 : Anonymous [2016-11-04 14:39] [Report] []

lol. Again, Jacob's very young and very hurt, I'm sure. Drama was inevitable.

No.58100 : Anonymous [2016-11-04 14:41] [Report] []

>>58085 I agree. Kid seems like he's going to have a breakdown soon.

No.58104 : Anonymous [2016-11-04 16:54] [Report] []

Looks like alex is turning to drugs to escape the shitstorm...

No.58125 : Anonymous [2016-11-04 22:10] [Report] []

>>58104 Recreational marijuana use is common among millennials. I don't think he's "turning to drugs."

No.58129 : Anonymous [2016-11-04 22:45] [Report] []

>>58104 What's his snap?

If it's weed, it's nothing special. The white stuff is where you should start paying attention.

No.58135 : Anonymous [2016-11-04 23:57] [Report] []

Normally i would agree but hes going at it hard. Overindulging for sure

No.58145 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 01:42] [Report] []

You know what people i just want alex jerkoff video with cumming included

No.58157 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 03:06] [Report] []

Lol there's nothing wrong with smoking weed

No.58159 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 04:04] [Report] []

this thread is wild smh

No.58160 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 04:29] [Report] []

What a mess. Can we delete this thread?

This dude actively watches threads about him on 4chan. I'm sure he posts there and here too. He thrives off attention. Very much the cheating personality tbh.

No.58195 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 13:40] [Report] []

You can fuck right off m8

No.58217 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 17:14] [Report] []

How do we not have a jerk off video of Alex yet? Also who cares if Alex enjoys attention. Everyone does...

No.58234 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 18:59] [Report] []

I hope he considers doing Chaturbate at some point. He'd probably rake in the $$$

No.58251 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 21:16] [Report] []

Yeah, lets get back to focusing on the nudity here. He should def join chaturbate. I'd buy tokens for that.

No.58284 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 05:41] [Report] []

Is Alex posting on this thread? Give us what we want! You'd be perfect on Helix, being fucked raw by Evan Parker...

No.58298 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 08:38] [Report] []

>>58251 I would buy too :O

No.58324 : Anonymous [2016-11-06 13:27] [Report] []

A Twunk bottom for Helix. He's definitely more muscular than most of their bottoms so would work lol

No.58830 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 06:32] [Report] []

Seems he's trying to get pictures deleted?! Changing his usernames etc?

No.58977 : Anonymous [2016-11-13 16:37] [Report] []

Anything new?!

No.59835 : Anonymous [2016-11-20 01:45] [Report] []

rand251010 on kik has nudes of him and videos of his dick but someone fucking offered to buy them and then tried to expose him so he wont reply to me anymore

No.59879 : Anonymous [2016-11-20 12:29] [Report] []

Need a video of his ass, want to see his hole

Seems like he likes to get fucked because that's how he cheated on Jacob. Getting that big booty tapped

No.60211 : Anonymous [2016-11-22 10:40] [Report] []

Alex is now looking for a daddy on Daddyhunt lmao. Guess he's done with twinks for awhile.

No.60220 : Anon [2016-11-22 11:47] [Report] []

what's his profile name?

No.60221 : Anonymous [2016-11-22 11:49] [Report] []

>>60211 -- Link / screenshot please.

No.60235 : Anonymous [2016-11-22 12:28] [Report] 1479835709617.png (948668 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
948668 B

Here you go

No.60257 : Anonymous [2016-11-22 15:24] [Report] []

rand251010 kik guy has a vid of alex hole ! and videos fml

No.60324 : Anonymous [2016-11-23 02:05] [Report] []

ive been asking about this rand guy apparently he was on tumblr couple years ago thats how he knows so many tumblr boys but im trying to find out who he is and apparently it got harder to make him share because some crazy ass girl tried to expose him for not sharing content with her hahah crazy but if its hard i pretty much think he is legit because ive been told he traded a couple screens of what he has with someone and its a lot of popular guys that people is asking here on MG and if hes not sharing probably he could get recognized by the guys or someone and that is really intriguing me because that means he may have nudes as well cause hes apparently really hot as well

No.60339 : Anonymous [2016-11-23 07:03] [Report] []

This thread is the only one creepyer than the Pietro Boselli one.

No.60342 : Anonymous [2016-11-23 07:24] [Report] []


No.60348 : Anonymous [2016-11-23 08:10] [Report] []


No.60407 : Anonymous [2016-11-23 17:37] [Report] []

Seems like Alex deleted his Daddyhunt profile. I wonder why

No.67181 : Anonymous [2017-01-07 17:05] [Report] []

Any new content?

No.67551 : Anonymous [2017-01-09 15:32] [Report] []

Nothing at all?

No.73830 : Anonymous [2017-02-14 01:31] [Report] []

nothing new?

No.91124 : Anonymous [2017-05-15 23:06] [Report] []

please, something new???


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