Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.20890 : Anonymous [2015-08-03 16:14] [Report] 1438632860886.jpg (60768 B, 576x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
60768 B

General questions!

Hey! I know that is not exactly a dong request, but I guess it fits the theme. I'm wondering whats the best way to find nude pictures/videos of a guy (tumblr/insta)? You just google search its name + cock? I'm such an amateur at it!

Also, how does reverse image search work? Is google's service the best or is there a better site for it?

Thanks guys :)
Hope it's not in the wrong section

also: if anyone could find his nudes! He is zehzito on twitter/inst

No.20894 : Anonymous [2015-08-03 18:27] [Report] []

Hi! You can start searching on Google/Yahoo/whatever using the username of the person under quotation marks like "xxxxxxxx" and you can add the word 'tumblr' (for example), the result it's something like: ' "blahblahblah" tumblr '
Or, you can play with the username and the words 'shirtless' or 'nude', 'naked', whatever.
Google Image Search it's the best tool (that I know of) for reverse image search, there are others, obviously.
And last thing, remember that NOT ALL the guys on tumblr, Insta, Facebook, etc. have nudes or even shirtless pictures...
Hope this help you and sorry for my bad english :)


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