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No.25451 : Anonymous [2015-11-30 14:37] [Report] 1448912246435.png (1871524 B, 1368x770) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1871524 B

does anyone have more pics/videos of this guy?

full vid: http ://www .gayboystube. com/video/322991/twink-jack-off-tease

No.25545 : Anonymous [2015-12-02 10:12] [Report] [] is his tumblr. He used to have a NSFW tumblr but deleted it, not sure if he ever made a new one. Seems like he's not sharing n00dz on the webs anymore.

No.26196 : Anonymous [2015-12-16 17:11] [Report] []

http://www. gayboystube. com/video/322970/twink-scout-jacks-off-and-cums

This one?

No.25453 : slamm [2015-11-30 14:43] [Report] 1448912607123.gif (1055417 B, 500x281) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1055417 B

Anyone got any nudes of Youtuber Joe Santagato?

No.25454 : slamm [2015-11-30 14:44] [Report] 1448912673028.jpg (238629 B, 960x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25488 : Anonymous [2015-12-01 02:19] [Report] []

wow. he's gorgeous!

No.25556 : Anonymous [2015-12-02 18:02] [Report] []

second this!

No.25680 : Anonymous [2015-12-06 03:20] [Report] []

>>25454 bump on this thread! He's so cute and such a flirt!!

No.25820 : Anonymous [2015-12-08 22:33] [Report] 1449632006391.jpg (86841 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.25455 : OP [2015-11-30 15:03] [Report] 1448913792883.jpg (93394 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
93394 B

His name in IG is Julesincanada and he's the perfect ginger. He likes to show off so there must be nudes out there!

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.25458 : OP [2015-11-30 15:04] [Report] 1448913897892.jpg (83710 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25459 : OP [2015-11-30 15:05] [Report] 1448913934516.jpg (120661 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25468 : Anonymous [2015-11-30 17:31] [Report] []

Just checked his ig and he can sing really well too. I'm jealous.

No.32347 : Anonymous [2016-03-17 00:51] [Report] []

>>25455 there is

No.32358 : O.P [2016-03-17 10:13] [Report] 1458224017537.png (563766 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
563766 B

Where are the nudessss

No.32376 : Anonymous [2016-03-17 16:28] [Report] []


You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.

No.25489 : Anonymous [2015-12-01 03:31] [Report] 1448958672459.jpg (310356 B, 800x1018) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
310356 B

Anybody know who this beautiful male model is ??
Came across this picture but had no name or anything.

No.25496 : Anonymous [2015-12-01 07:27] [Report] 1448972860335.jpg (145438 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
145438 B

Kyle Kuhlman. I haven't looked recently, but this was the best I could find back when I first discovered him.

No.25502 : slamm [2015-12-01 12:02] [Report] 1448989349289.jpg (20704 B, 525x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25503 : slamm [2015-12-01 12:02] [Report] 1448989375048.jpg (33229 B, 700x525) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25504 : slamm [2015-12-01 12:03] [Report] 1448989395988.jpg (19659 B, 525x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25505 : slamm [2015-12-01 12:03] [Report] 1448989436494.jpg (22627 B, 525x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25660 : Anonymous [2015-12-05 11:58] [Report] []

Thank you so much for the photos, Slamm!!
Any more?

No.25492 : Anonymous [2015-12-01 04:47] [Report] 1448963223983.jpg (22286 B, 387x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
22286 B

what are you guys' thoughts on Mikey. All I want to say is that I wish he is posting for himself. AND NOT THAT MIDDLE AGED FAT GUY.

4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.25517 : Anonymous [2015-12-01 19:59] [Report] []

What's his name? What's his tumblr?

No.25543 : Anonymous [2015-12-02 08:38] [Report] []

Who is he and who is the middle aged guy? I've never seen them before. So pics are welcome also

No.25575 : Anonymous [2015-12-03 01:30] [Report] []

Yes! That old fat guy creeps me out! I just get really bad vibes from him. And I really don't what I think is happening/happened to be true.

No.25577 : Anonymous [2015-12-03 03:56] [Report] []

What's this mystery story that everyone seems to know?

No.25593 : Anonymous [2015-12-03 16:22] [Report] []

ok. So he is only given the me "Mikey" and given the age "18". He has about 3-4 Popular tumblr pages from 2013-2015 and I believe Tumblr deleted them all. You can literally still find hundreds of pics on google by searching "mikey tumblr nude" or what not. He is extremely cute but some of his pictures are not. I've seen a picture of him holding a video game and naked with his legs up and spread open. You don't get to see the middle aged fat guy's face at all or of him often but he's almost always the one holding the camera. and yes they made three sex tapes and you can still find it on tumblr if you have good searching skills.

No.25662 : Anonymous [2015-12-05 12:47] [Report] []

>>25593 Interesting. Can someone upload the video to a streaming site?

No.25500 : Anonymous [2015-12-01 09:04] [Report] 1448978654743.jpg (72472 B, 300x398) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
72472 B

who can share this guy (thecamguys)model thank you so much please...

No.25529 : Anonymous [2015-12-01 23:57] [Report] 1449032229279.jpg (180961 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
180961 B

anyone have anything on this guy? his name is Colton. tumblr: godwears-gucci and his snapchat: godwears_gucci

No.25530 : OP [2015-12-01 23:57] [Report] 1449032251010.jpg (326928 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25531 : OP [2015-12-01 23:58] [Report] 1449032283000.jpg (254797 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25534 : Anonymous [2015-12-02 00:54] [Report] []

I'm not interested in things that associate with gucci.

No.25548 : d-bwoi [2015-12-02 13:16] [Report] 1449080183565.jpg (114056 B, 640x1138) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
114056 B

Looking for some pics on this beautiful twink.

No.25554 : Anonymous [2015-12-02 16:45] [Report] []

over filtered peanut butter

No.25568 : d-bwoi [2015-12-02 20:47] [Report] 1449107277434.jpg (69379 B, 640x1138) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25569 : d-bwoi [2015-12-02 20:48] [Report] 1449107303004.jpg (55968 B, 640x1138) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25572 : d-bwoi [2015-12-02 20:49] [Report] 1449107389340.jpg (105254 B, 640x1138) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.25557 : Anonymous [2015-12-02 18:07] [Report] 1449097652591.png (2706866 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2706866 B

Anyone have nudes of him and his bf? ?

No.25637 : Anonymous [2015-12-04 18:38] [Report] 1449272292159.jpg (106969 B, 1106x1106) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
106969 B

Anybody recognize this guy from porn? I went to school with him and rumor went around he did a video once. I'd like to see it. hopefully someone has!

No.25638 : Anonymous [2015-12-04 18:38] [Report] 1449272309615.jpg (61138 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25683 : Anonymous [2015-12-06 04:55] [Report] []

Yes please! He's hot

No.25977 : Anonymous [2015-12-12 11:41] [Report] []

wow bump

No.36984 : Anonymous [2016-05-13 00:21] [Report] []

bump apparently he went by the name ryan?

No.36986 : Anonymous [2016-05-13 00:28] [Report] []

his snap is ryandamiano hes gay can someone catfish him?

No.25666 : Anonymous [2015-12-05 21:22] [Report] 1449368564561.jpg (460743 B, 1024x811) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
460743 B

holy crap gorg new guy on cb. name is Bjasstronaut
hottest guy yet. any vids?

19 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.43765 : Anonymous [2016-07-20 10:30] [Report] []

bump here too! yes please share his recent ticket shows :)

No.47650 : Anonymous [2016-08-19 19:52] [Report] []

His cum shows aren't that hot. He doesn't show face in them and he always blocks most of the cumshot with his poor angle choice.

No.47659 : Anonymous [2016-08-19 21:22] [Report] []

Oh pls share some

No.48940 : Anonymous [2016-11-10 14:07] [Report] []

>>25778 can someone reupload please :( xx

No.48966 : Anonymous [2016-11-12 20:19] [Report] []

bjasstronaut vids anyone?

No.48986 : Anonymous [2016-11-15 10:40] [Report] []

>>48966 yes please :D

No.25686 : slamm [2015-12-06 08:31] [Report] 1449408707206.jpg (762316 B, 1780x1423) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
762316 B

Anyone know the names of the three guys in karmamansionparty on chaturbate? I'd like to see if I can find some individual vids of the members.

And does anyone have any cum videos? They don't really jerk off in any of the nude videos I've seen.

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.25689 : slamm [2015-12-06 08:34] [Report] 1449408883715.jpg (800030 B, 1780x1423) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.25691 : Anonymous [2015-12-06 09:48] [Report] []

No cum but thanks for the vids.

ANybody know these guys' names?

No.25692 : Anonymous [2015-12-06 09:48] [Report] []

No cum but thanks for the vids.

ANybody know these guys' names?

No.25764 : slamm [2015-12-07 16:26] [Report] []

Bump! Would really love to find some cum shows! Or even some solos of the two bearded guys!

No.30273 : slamm [2016-02-14 07:35] [Report] []

Anyone know their names and if they cam under different names?

No.25695 : slamm [2015-12-06 10:05] [Report] 1449414313292.jpg (261503 B, 1187x1920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
261503 B

Anybody have these uncensored Jeff Seid nudes?

17 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.39270 : Anonymous [2016-06-04 10:59] [Report] []

seriously. if you are that image-obsessed and you're about to take a photo in tight underwear that you KNOW will show off your dick, you're gonna fluff it first. nothing wrong with that, but let's be realistic

No.39282 : Anonymous [2016-06-04 14:15] [Report] []

is that white underwear from a blog. if so does anyone have the link

No.39347 : Anonymous [2016-06-05 07:39] [Report] []


It's from a video, not a photo. His bulge is huge throughout. Pretty much every single bulge shot (photo & video) of Jeff looks like he's packing and the person who had his nudes said he's definitely way above average.

I have a friend who used to work for Sean Cody and apparently Jeff applied to do a solo when he just turned 18 (way back before he was well known at all) and back then Jeff was 8". They didn't think Jeff had an attractive face and admittedly at 18 he was kind of awkward looking.

No.39360 : Anonymous [2016-06-05 10:15] [Report] []

do you have that video

No.39380 : Anonymous [2016-06-05 14:22] [Report] []

>>39347 he definitely isn't that cute in the face imo. His body is what makes him.

Wanna see this apparently 8 inch dick though.

No.50178 : Anonymous [2017-03-09 16:50] [Report] []

No.25701 : slamm [2015-12-06 11:22] [Report] 1449418939527.jpg (141257 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
141257 B

Any nudes of underwear model Greg Lobdell?

No.25760 : Anonymous [2015-12-07 16:13] [Report] 1449522797856.jpg (69137 B, 507x660) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
69137 B

Does anybody know if Machine Gun Kelly / MGK
has ever got naked for a camera?

No.25762 : Anonymous [2015-12-07 16:24] [Report] 1449523471142.jpg (72001 B, 555x988) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.25763 : Anonymous [2015-12-07 16:24] [Report] []

No.25765 : Anonymous [2015-12-07 16:43] [Report] 1449524589214.jpg (46276 B, 500x501) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
46276 B

Nolan Ritter anyone?

No.25953 : Anonymous [2015-12-11 12:29] [Report] []


No.25769 : Anonymous [2015-12-07 17:28] [Report] 1449527318313.gif (975522 B, 400x225) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
975522 B

anymore got more of this him?

the stamp at the top seems to say ""horniest in all the land" but I could not find anything.

No.25772 : Anonymous [2015-12-07 18:57] [Report] []

It's Justin Owen, there's tons of him out there.


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