Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.86518 : Instaboyz [2017-04-25 02:14] [Report] 1493100894036.jpg (168566 B, 750x1006) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
168566 B

Anything on Charlie (Charlzton) on insta? See him flirting with loads of boys online there must be some pics laying around...

No.86614 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 16:16] [Report] []

i second this...

No.86771 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 12:52] [Report] []

literally has the smallest dick i've ever sucked and he's shit in bed

No.86900 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 00:38] [Report] []

omg details? Do you have pics? I don't even care how small he is, he's so cute

No.86520 : Stagberg [2017-04-25 02:21] [Report] 1493101298993.jpg (0 B, 1082x650) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Holy Shit!

No.86646 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 19:35] [Report] 1493163334540.jpg (0 B, 462x604) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

is this him?

No.91320 : Anonymous [2017-05-17 01:26] [Report] []

Please more of him

No.91406 : Anonymous [2017-05-17 12:27] [Report] []

Please share the uncensored version of this.

No.91885 : Anonymous [2017-05-19 16:43] [Report] []

Looks like there's some leg spreading going on with this shoot. To the people who has seen the photos, are there any glances of his hairy asshole by any chance?

No.86522 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 02:24] [Report] 1493101472278.jpg (184055 B, 1080x1349) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
184055 B

Anyone got anything on the official Tro?

6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.86843 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 21:04] [Report] []

Does he get fisted?

No.87011 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 14:50] [Report] []

Seems like it...if you look at the other thread he has pics of huge toys and talks about getting his cunt stretched

No.87012 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 14:58] [Report] []


and dick ?

No.87410 : Anonymous [2017-04-29 20:10] [Report] []

yeah I need to know what he's packing, who has frontal pics?

No.87700 : Anonymous [2017-05-01 04:39] [Report] []

He's a total fist pig bottom.

No.87809 : Anonymous [2017-05-01 17:43] [Report] []

Need to see more of him!

No.86524 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 02:38] [Report] 1493102300776.jpg (122492 B, 600x900) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
122492 B

Anything on him?
He's Guy from capturedguys

No.86525 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 02:38] [Report] 1493102316540.jpg (123205 B, 600x900) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86526 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 02:39] [Report] 1493102386675.jpg (241916 B, 600x900) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86907 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 01:33] [Report] []

isnt that kevin from camwithhim

No.86985 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 12:36] [Report] []

>>86907 Yup

No.86528 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 02:49] [Report] 1493102993997.jpg (49203 B, 600x900) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
49203 B

Hi! Has anyone please got any videos of Johnny B? I'm especially after his audition at M@P (M3n at pl@y). Also, has anyone got any social media links for him? Cheers!

No.86531 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 03:13] [Report] 1493104407800.jpg (144198 B, 1242x1216) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
144198 B

Anyone know if Blaine Strong is gay? Any nudes?

No.86532 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 03:13] [Report] 1493104429026.jpg (145223 B, 805x1205) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.86544 : D$ [2017-04-25 06:50] [Report] 1493117426367.jpg (61460 B, 423x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
61460 B

Anybody have anything on unit03 on Tumblr? He said there's an old pic on his blog that shows his dick but I searched for so long and couldn't find it. He's also posted dick pics in the past but I always missed it..

7 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.87491 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 05:59] [Report] 1493546378410.png (730381 B, 422x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
730381 B

Here's a few of Justin and his girlfriend from his blog

No.87492 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 06:00] [Report] 1493546400579.png (743360 B, 422x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87542 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 11:41] [Report] []

>>87491 God, I hate straight people.

I hope all her future employers see these.

No.87628 : Anonymous [2017-04-30 19:34] [Report] []

>>87542 lol same.

No.87797 : Anonymous [2017-05-01 16:39] [Report] 1493671193102.jpg (59319 B, 400x534) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87939 : Anonymous [2017-05-02 12:07] [Report] []

>>87542 and also his employers, that's it if anyone wants to hire them.

No.86553 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 07:56] [Report] 1493121363028.png (1062884 B, 1080x1451) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1062884 B

Look at the ass on this fit twink

4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.86716 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 03:46] [Report] []

>>86648 No I will not post his nudes.

No.86818 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 18:27] [Report] []

>>86643 prove it?

No.86952 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 09:33] [Report] []

bet you've got a tight hole too :P

No.87028 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 16:53] [Report] []

>>86952 i have

No.87207 : Anonymous [2017-04-28 14:49] [Report] []


No.89585 : Anonymous [2017-05-08 21:04] [Report] []

bump, anyone any nudes of this twink?

No.86555 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 09:04] [Report] 1493125474569.png (929789 B, 901x669) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
929789 B

Anyone can id this guy? He has a chaturbate account

No.86562 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 10:01] [Report] []

His screen name is vafilly. He has a few videos for sale of him fucking a guy.

No.86600 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 14:13] [Report] []

Fuck he looks amazing!

No.86709 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 02:28] [Report] []

His pits are so hot.

No.86746 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 10:30] [Report] []

They are super hairy, it's really hot. He probably smells all the time hehe

No.86763 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 11:51] [Report] []

they are too much but somehow turn me on, I reallt want to sniff them :[

No.86561 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 09:36] [Report] 1493127391556.jpg (693856 B, 1011x1508) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
693856 B

Anything on Steven dehler? Grindr /scruff profile? I'd try to catfish him if I knew his profile.

No.86568 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 11:05] [Report] 1493132706565.jpg (156401 B, 750x1072) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
156401 B

Anybody know who this guy is? He says he cams and I want to know what his username is and on what site he's on. Or if anyone has videos that'd be great.

No.86691 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 00:08] [Report] 1493179685961.jpg (68837 B, 750x549) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86692 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 00:08] [Report] 1493179707446.jpg (109589 B, 750x1013) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86693 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 00:08] [Report] 1493179724779.jpg (74105 B, 462x1092) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.86579 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 11:44] [Report] 1493135071877.png (860439 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
860439 B

Anyone have anything on Jim!? His name's Joseph Perricone he's gay a d a bottom. Great ass very sexy. But I need the nudes.

No.86580 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 11:49] [Report] 1493135385309.png (576425 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
576425 B

Jonan wiego so sexy and has to have something g he's gay and single soon nudes??

No.86642 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 19:12] [Report] []

Someone please come thru

No.86773 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 12:56] [Report] []

Bump. He's hot af

No.86594 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 13:41] [Report] 1493142063252.jpg (20661 B, 225x225) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
20661 B

Does anyone have nudes of this guy? His name is Igor Thomaz Malgueira, if you have orders here.
Instagram: ithomaaz

No.86595 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 13:43] [Report] 1493142226802.jpg (21374 B, 313x470) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
21374 B

Does anyone have nudes of this brazilian guy? His name is Junior Haikel, if you have orders here.

No.86601 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 14:14] [Report] 1493144083341.jpg (371025 B, 1280x1027) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
371025 B

Anyone know who this is?

No.86645 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 19:30] [Report] []

ur mom

No.86616 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 16:40] [Report] 1493152836791.jpg (386226 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
386226 B

Any info on this guy? he's a model? IG, Snapchat? anything? Thanks!

No.86621 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 17:14] [Report] []

mikkel jensen. super hot. no nudes.

No.86618 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 17:11] [Report] 1493154699585.png (1312346 B, 1439x984) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1312346 B

This is ian felton from flirt4free. Hes very hot but doesnt show much. Does anyone have some videos of him or do you guys know if he is on any other websites?

No.86619 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 17:12] [Report] 1493154753130.png (1862972 B, 1743x986) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86620 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 17:13] [Report] 1493154834453.png (1484777 B, 1563x977) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87049 : Anonymous [2017-04-27 18:03] [Report] []



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