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No.76772 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 12:00] [Report] 1488474003789.jpg (236646 B, 1280x853) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
236646 B

I know this is a super long shot but I'll post anyway:

Does anyone have the password to the locked sections of ninfes' blog or have old videos of him saved? There used to be vids and stuff all over his page but I just rediscovered him after a few months and everything is taken down or behind a passwall now. Anyone?

No.76775 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 12:58] [Report] 1488477521735.png (412311 B, 784x475) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
412311 B

Does anyone know who this is and if there is more?

37 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.78469 : not OP [2017-03-11 15:18] [Report] []

>>78434 What is the current CB name?

No.78504 : Anonymous [2017-03-11 18:22] [Report] []

How do you buy a private show from him

No.78508 : Anonymous [2017-03-11 19:00] [Report] []

>>78434 I would, if I can afford one. His prices are often way over $100 for cum.

No.78611 : Anonymous [2017-03-12 13:35] [Report] []

I'm a follower of him since long time ago. I don't think he still gets on CB! Could you share please?

No.79015 : Anonymous [2017-03-14 18:51] [Report] []

Anyone willing to share the videos? Anyone?


No.80256 : Anonymous [2017-03-20 22:42] [Report] []

Lol the person that posted those pics should have just kept them to him/herself if they weren't going to trade. What's the point in telling everyone that you have the videos, yet don't feel like sharing?

No.76778 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 13:22] [Report] 1488478939474.png (847555 B, 1280x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
847555 B

anyone know who this is or where we can find more? not the best screen, but the video is hot and I'm dying for more. vid at link.

No.76781 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 14:10] [Report] 1488481856708.jpg (127146 B, 1200x1200) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
127146 B

Long shot since this dude is relatively well known in the world of Internet celebs but anything x-rated exist of J0h4nn3s b4rtl?

Dude is fit as fuck!

No.76807 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 17:41] [Report] 1488494467318.jpg (45740 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76849 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 01:24] [Report] []

Oh. My. God. Yes, please.

No.77083 : JackHarrer444 [2017-03-04 06:58] [Report] 1488628697944.jpg (148488 B, 939x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
148488 B

Oh yessss Johannes is so hoot! And his buddy Mark Dohner too

No.78729 : Anonymous [2017-03-13 03:53] [Report] []

Holy hell, someone get something from this guy

No.76787 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 14:55] [Report] 1488484556876.jpg (84205 B, 500x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
84205 B

Anything on p ierscc?

No.76841 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 00:11] [Report] []

Seconded! Oh please!

No.76793 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 15:48] [Report] 1488487703871.jpg (111658 B, 750x936) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
111658 B

Anybody have anything on him? Great body

Snap is cjw.1986

No.76797 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 16:07] [Report] 1488488855885.jpg (98761 B, 750x937) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.78167 : Anonymous [2017-03-09 19:54] [Report] []

Would anybody be up for catfishing this hottie? Based on the amount of skin he shows on Insta, I don't think it'd be too hard but I'm just not good at it. Thank you!!

No.76799 : [2017-03-02 16:35] [Report] 1488490557443.png (1036600 B, 1033x710) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1036600 B

@bretts cock shots? His ass is pretty hot.

No.76942 : [2017-03-03 16:26] [Report] 1488576377063.jpg (36393 B, 477x429) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.91856 : Anonymous [2017-05-19 14:30] [Report] 1495218652008.jpg (60158 B, 540x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
60158 B

Sweet bod.

No.76806 : anony [2017-03-02 17:27] [Report] 1488493657786.jpg (35979 B, 236x1090) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
35979 B

does anybody know who this guy is? he's on sticky queerclick, but 40$ for a video nty

No.76809 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 17:55] [Report] 1488495355244.jpg (100955 B, 960x603) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
100955 B


No.76824 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 21:31] [Report] 1488508285899.jpg (296528 B, 683x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
296528 B

Still waiting for Nick Hagelin's stuff to leak. Does anyone have it? It's been a year now. :(

No.77056 : Anonymous [2017-03-04 03:21] [Report] []

To bad he deleted his Snapchat. It was fun playing with him on there

No.77065 : Anonymous [2017-03-04 04:47] [Report] []

does anyone has his pic or video?

No.77190 : Anonymous [2017-03-04 21:16] [Report] []

What did alist have of him? Were they just pictures or did they include videos too?

No.77271 : Anonymous [2017-03-05 11:05] [Report] []

I don't think his stuff is ever gonna get shared which sucks... Lol

No.77317 : Anonymous [2017-03-05 16:32] [Report] []


I'm pretty sure they were videos

No.76830 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 23:30] [Report] 1488515409404.jpg (77016 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
77016 B

Erikjuh91 thread.. I know he vanished then came back. I'm sure there's much more out there than I can find.

I've snapped with him quite a few times, so I have unseen videos and pictures, etc.

Does anyone have any of his videos and pictures that are difficult to find on Google/they saved before he deleted his blog?

No.76834 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 23:49] [Report] 1488516568048.png (2431080 B, 1206x1214) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2431080 B

Anything on these guys? I saw them in the past at my gym and around town. Really cute couple but both are short.

No.76843 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 00:22] [Report] 1488518571615.jpg (36200 B, 670x683) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
36200 B

Anything on Michael Aranda? I just want to see his body.

No.76851 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 01:35] [Report] 1488522909638.png (2093208 B, 1238x1302) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2093208 B

Anyone know who this is?

12 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.77567 : Anonymous [2017-03-07 01:50] [Report] []

Must of us just want to see his nudes and videos to be honest

No.77579 : Anonymous [2017-03-07 03:32] [Report] []

Trump supporter ≠ self-hating homo

No.77641 : Anonymous [2017-03-07 13:15] [Report] []

Fine, maybe it's not a 100% overlap, but that venn diagram overlap is pretty fuckin' large.

No.77668 : Anonymous [2017-03-07 15:43] [Report] []

Not even. If we're going to be the more tolerant side, we need to start acting like it, instead of the bunch of hysterical brownshirts the progressive left has become since the election.

No.77672 : Anonymous [2017-03-07 15:53] [Report] []

>>77668 go cry about it.

No.81666 : Anonymous [2017-03-28 13:13] [Report] []

add me on snap if you want to trade pics. ive got plenty of alex and hot tumblr boys

add theglowinghill

No.76859 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 04:01] [Report] 1488531683605.jpg (156933 B, 683x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
156933 B

Comment on the IG of everyones nudes you want and I'll get them and post on this thread.

122 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.78055 : Anonymous [2017-03-09 06:19] [Report] []

100 % waste time for this treat ..... nothing happen :(

No.78238 : Anonymous [2017-03-10 05:29] [Report] 1489141795559.jpg (652166 B, 1280x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
652166 B

>>77077 Leandre

No.78276 : Anonymous [2017-03-10 12:30] [Report] []

To be fair, I posted my own IG in this thread to see if/when anything happens. Someone's definitely trying to fish my barely-used account now. :D

No.82788 : Anonymous [2017-04-04 05:59] [Report] []

Latreljohnsonxiv (straight)
Coachpineda (gay)
Reyypapi (gay)
Novela_papi (straight)

No.83896 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 14:01] [Report] []

>>78238 thank thank you so much for Leandre D. Love you!!
Pleaseeeee I thirsty for >>76859 pleaseeeeeee catfish these IG
GMLR2016 hot daddy!!!

Thanks in advance.

No.85199 : Anonymous [2017-04-17 18:57] [Report] []

>>77212 this guy has the smallest dick i've ever sucked

No.76860 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 04:12] [Report] 1488532339945.jpg (677437 B, 782x1157) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
677437 B

Does anyone have any nudes of this guy?

No.76903 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 12:42] [Report] 1488562946552.jpg (73277 B, 480x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
73277 B

So hot. Any nudes?!!

No.79997 : Anonymous [2017-03-19 14:13] [Report] []

I could see him posting this himself lol

No.76867 : JayStar [2017-03-03 05:22] [Report] 1488536523563.jpg (73350 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
73350 B

Anyone got anything on Jaco Kroon? His IG is @jacokroon.

No.76868 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 05:31] [Report] 1488537078739.png (1097259 B, 748x1202) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1097259 B

Here's another London boy for you guys. Oliver Hayden (@ohayden94) anyone have his nudes?

No.76869 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 05:31] [Report] 1488537108883.png (1630809 B, 826x1196) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76870 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 05:32] [Report] 1488537137463.png (1448595 B, 1008x1184) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76871 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 05:33] [Report] 1488537180327.png (1578646 B, 1016x1448) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76872 : Anonymous [2017-03-03 05:33] [Report] 1488537199562.png (1095774 B, 852x1178) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.82502 : Anonymous [2017-04-02 06:48] [Report] []

Has anyone gotten an update on these? He's in Sydney now


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