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closed No.57507 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 14:21] [Report] 1477851681925.jpg (0 B, 1920x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Anyone knows the real name of this guy? goes by Seth on but I can't find anything else about him

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.57528 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 16:47] [Report] []

It shouldn't be too hard to find him, I mean the reason he stopped doing videos for TFE was because people started pestering him IRL about his porn work.

If so inclined, I guess it wouldn't be too hard to find his real name etc.

No.57540 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 19:27] [Report] 1477870041276.jpg (0 B, 1920x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

I've been trying to find anything about him for weeks but nothing so far...If someone can help it will be deeply appreciated....

No.57556 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 21:31] [Report] []

Any vids available also? Hard to find.

No.57560 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 21:55] [Report] []

Can't seem to find any personal info or even any links to his vids anywhere. Looks like I'll just have to sign up to the damn site :(

No.57575 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 00:05] [Report] []

I'll join the damn site if I wasn't this link you can find 3 of his videos, I've been looking for the last one everywhere but nothing so far....hope anyone can find anything else

No.57596 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 02:30] [Report] []

>>57575 There is another torrent on that site which consists solely of Seths scenes. Just try typing 'seth' in the search bar and look back a month or two till you find it.

(There was also a torrent with Seths friend Bryans scenes collated together).

Just posting this as a heads up so anyone who wants his scenes doesn't have to download a 17GB+ torrent.

No.57517 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 15:13] [Report] 1477854812083.jpg (188930 B, 1044x1600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
188930 B

Anyone have any nudes of Owen Devalk? His instagram is @owen_devalk and tumblr is omicron.

No.57518 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 15:13] [Report] []

I know they were leaked on tumblr but they are nowhere to be found :'(

No.57524 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 15:56] [Report] 1477857388662.jpg (119256 B, 583x940) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.75519 : Anonymous [2017-02-22 17:22] [Report] []

I want to see these leaked pics you mention

No.57519 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 15:19] [Report] 1477855195093.jpg (39963 B, 384x384) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
39963 B


39 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.82457 : Anonymous [2017-04-01 21:06] [Report] []

Yeah. I talked to him through Instagram

No.82703 : Anonymous [2017-04-03 14:08] [Report] []

>>82404 Amazing insights into this psyche of the American teen muscle bottom. I would buy your book, as long as it has pictures :)

Anything more on this stud?

No.82906 : Anonymous [2017-04-04 22:52] [Report] []


No.84587 : Anonymous [2017-04-14 17:07] [Report] 1492204048271.jpg (377965 B, 1242x1724) [YIS] [GIS] []
377965 B

From his instagram. More please.

No.84887 : Anonymous [2017-04-16 08:26] [Report] []

bump...i want to see his pink hole and that cock...bump bump bump

No.88263 : Anonymous [2017-05-03 22:37] [Report] []

Anything new?

No.57523 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 15:52] [Report] 1477857155803.jpg (69532 B, 292x733) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
69532 B

Anyone have anything of Colby Loetz?


No.57527 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 16:38] [Report] 1477859896341.jpg (0 B, 681x1199) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Any new gymnastkid589?

9 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.57981 : Anonymous [2016-11-03 18:30] [Report] []

>>57969 Bump! More please!

No.57994 : Anonymous [2016-11-03 19:01] [Report] []

That butt photo is definitely not him. The frontal pic is though. There are other pics of Anthony with those medals behind him.

No.58075 : Anonymous [2016-11-04 11:46] [Report] []

"Last photo definitely not him" I posted this after the butt photo was posted while the frontal was being moderated. I meant the butt photo is definitely not him. The frontal I've seen before and totally agree that's him.

No.84355 : Anonymous [2017-04-13 08:25] [Report] []

Anyone have pics or vids of anthony Stefanelli -- gymnastkid589

Can you email me -

No.84364 : Anonymous [2017-04-13 10:33] [Report] []

what happent to the photos??

No.57532 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 17:34] [Report] 1477863265147.jpg (486283 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
486283 B

who is this??

No.57566 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 22:11] [Report] []

He's escortkor on tumblr. One of my faves.

No.57544 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 20:00] [Report] 1477872035595.jpg (81464 B, 540x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.57616 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 08:55] [Report] []

HOLY SHIT! yes he is so hot!!

No.57637 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 12:48] [Report] []

Reddit user BabyFabling

No.57546 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 20:04] [Report] 1477872252564.jpg (38385 B, 336x450) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
38385 B

Anymore of this guy from here:

No.57550 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 20:48] [Report] 1477874926168.jpg (678486 B, 1024x811) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
678486 B

Anyone have any/ know where to get some free videos of him? Cody bakx? His CB name was bakxattack420

5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.57670 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 21:21] [Report] []

Here is a few that I have to share. I hope you like them.

No.57747 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 15:00] [Report] []

>>57670 Thank you for this. He is certainly nice to look at!

No.57779 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 20:52] [Report] []

Yes, thank you for posting these!!! <3

No.75116 : Anonymous [2017-02-20 23:38] [Report] []

Where's that fuck vid?

No.75184 : Anonymous [2017-02-21 10:43] [Report] []

Post his wank vids too. I think he's done broadcasting.

No.75730 : Anonymous [2017-02-23 22:05] [Report] []

Anyone have anymore of this guy??? Would love to see more!

No.57554 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 21:09] [Report] 1477876151991.jpg (483145 B, 2448x3264) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
483145 B

Posted this as a reply by accident. Anyone know this hottie?

No.57557 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 21:44] [Report] 1477878298152.jpg (136403 B, 500x749) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
136403 B

Can anyone id this guy please!!

No.57622 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 09:36] [Report] []

He is one of the guys on tomropesmcgurk , I'm not gonna sit and search for which one. You can do that.

No.57562 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 21:57] [Report] 1477879042555.jpg (689595 B, 1234x1920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
689595 B

Anyone have anything more for this guy? Snapchat rips or videos? He has a tumblr called bromofratguy and has a nice dick and talks dirty a lot :)
Snap is bromo_fratguy

No.57567 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 22:14] [Report] 1477880073223.png (787954 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
787954 B

Anything on K j e l l?

No.59049 : Anonymous [2016-11-14 02:27] [Report] []

anybody got this vid or knows who this is?

No.57569 : Anonymous [2016-10-30 22:53] [Report] 1477882438211.jpg (69838 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
69838 B

Does anybody have any nudes from Forrest? He used to be 234rest and -gif on tumblr. He had some floating around, but I can't seem to find them.

3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.57785 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 21:25] [Report] 1478049902979.jpg (90204 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.57786 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 21:25] [Report] 1478049920544.jpg (34634 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.57788 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 21:25] [Report] 1478049953627.jpg (72232 B, 1024x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.57789 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 21:26] [Report] 1478049972303.jpg (42122 B, 400x320) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.58163 : Anonymous [2016-11-05 05:57] [Report] []

Thank you!!!!

No.62436 : Anonymous [2016-12-07 08:55] [Report] []

nice cock on him anymore?

No.57598 : ANONYMOUS [2016-10-31 03:55] [Report] 1477900518107.jpg (49519 B, 500x667) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
49519 B

Anyone have more on this guy?

No.57765 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 18:56] [Report] []

He used to be on dudesnude don't have saved pics tho

No.57800 : Anonymous [2016-11-01 23:09] [Report] []

what was his name on dn?

No.68687 : Anonymous [2017-01-16 01:24] [Report] 1484547867791.gif (443272 B, 498x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.69114 : Anonymous [2017-01-17 22:06] [Report] []

do you have anymore?

No.69565 : Anonymous [2017-01-19 21:24] [Report] []


No.57612 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 08:05] [Report] 1477915531077.jpg (50151 B, 393x700) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
50151 B

looking for more pics of this kiwi hottie, he's gay and a dancer his snapchat is tumhotskins

12 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.62515 : Anonymous [2016-12-07 17:17] [Report] []

>>62440 a gay one

No.62589 : Anonymous [2016-12-08 07:43] [Report] []
No.62593 : Anonymous [2016-12-08 08:55] [Report] []

haha I wanna see more too

No.62772 : Anonymous [2016-12-09 00:52] [Report] []


No.62846 : Anonymous [2016-12-09 17:43] [Report] []


No.62898 : Anonymous [2016-12-10 07:17] [Report] 1481372233206.jpg (225652 B, 1572x1302) [YIS] [GIS] []
225652 B

he was on cam just then

No.57613 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 08:07] [Report] 1477915665883.jpg (67600 B, 700x700) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
67600 B

really wanna see more of this sexy aussie, he's on dn as cut1935 and recon and xtube as cutscut but his vids are only short. If anyone has anything on him please help!!

No.60837 : Anonymous [2016-11-27 07:01] [Report] []

anything? his xtube vids haven't been updated in ages

No.61179 : Anonymous [2016-11-29 08:05] [Report] []


No.61568 : Anonymous [2016-12-02 02:40] [Report] []

anyone find anything of this guy? I realised he works in the same mall as me lol, he's super tall and fit as!!

No.57614 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 08:10] [Report] 1477915832050.jpg (118996 B, 768x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
118996 B

anyone with lfc_lambert vids he's selling? He keeps posting these teasers and I just wanna see more haha

No.60838 : Anonymous [2016-11-27 07:01] [Report] []

anything new or has anyone actually bought anything from him or his bf?

No.60918 : Anonymous [2016-11-27 17:57] [Report] []

Anyone got a screen shot of them fucking?


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