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No.53322 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 04:02] [Report] 1474099356206.gif (781237 B, 500x375) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
781237 B

Anyone have videos of S2them from chaturbate? He's fucked a girl on cam b4 and I really wanna see it. :'(

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.53402 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 21:55] [Report] []
No.53429 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 05:47] [Report] []

Yes please post if you have it! ☺

No.53579 : Anonymous [2016-09-19 16:19] [Report] []

I would really love to see him fucking a girl

No.53649 : Anonymous [2016-09-20 08:45] [Report] []

I think there are some vid on his bio

No.54191 : Anonymous [2016-09-27 06:28] [Report] []

smh, he needs to come online more

No.74232 : Anonymous [2017-02-16 07:31] [Report] []

anything new on him?
he has not been online for a year :'(

No.53325 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 07:09] [Report] 1474110566875.jpg (60952 B, 700x788) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
60952 B

anything on this guy?

No.53332 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 09:59] [Report] 1474120761701.jpg (61475 B, 421x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
61475 B

New thread on Seaton Reid: this is basically everything that can be found on the internet

does anyone have anything more??

13 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.70492 : Anonymous [2017-01-24 08:56] [Report] []

those are pretty old actually.. is it possible there's nothing more interesting than that?

No.70508 : Anonymous [2017-01-24 12:11] [Report] []

Cute dude. No jerk off vid?

No.70509 : Anonymous [2017-01-24 12:14] [Report] 1485278083862.png (487828 B, 443x829) [YIS] [GIS] []
487828 B

he's a cutie

No.70519 : Anonymous [2017-01-24 12:43] [Report] []

That Seaton kid and Jethro seem dumb as wood.

No.70536 : Anonymous [2017-01-24 14:00] [Report] []


Hehe just how I like 'em, dumb and cute.

No.53339 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 11:45] [Report] 1474127133471.png (2023161 B, 927x905) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2023161 B

Any1 got some nudes of this guy :) ? goes under the name mossyoctopus and littlemonster1618 :d
he is so sexy :)

9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.54576 : Anonymous [2016-09-30 21:01] [Report] []

bump so the forgotten post gets moderated?

No.55754 : Anonymous [2016-10-12 16:15] [Report] []

This guy is hot as hell! Any updates?

No.61638 : Anonymous [2016-12-02 13:40] [Report] []

Any nudes ?

No.65213 : Anonymous [2016-12-26 19:20] [Report] []

Any updates here :) ?

No.68782 : Anonymous [2017-01-16 14:26] [Report] []

any1 got something? :)

No.87918 : Anonymous [2017-05-02 09:51] [Report] []

this guy is from the us i think. Does crossfit or gym a lot

No.53340 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 11:46] [Report] 1474127188352.jpg (162520 B, 750x1040) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
162520 B

Anyone have anything on Ashton?

No.53343 : cali-boy [2016-09-17 13:07] [Report] []

I have a video of him doing a cam show where he jerks off and shows his butt too. It's being uploaded to a site right now :p

No.53349 : cali-boy [2016-09-17 14:03] [Report] []

Okay, here is the video link. Pin is 1007. Enjoy!

No.53351 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 14:49] [Report] []

Thanks for sharing

No.53358 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 16:14] [Report] []

There is also a part 2 with a dildo but it seems hard to find or atleast I couldn't find it

No.53366 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 17:13] [Report] []

Thank you for uploading and sharing! ❤️

No.58367 : cali-boy [2016-11-06 20:04] [Report] []

I found the second part of this video where he fucks himself with a dildo. YOU ARE WELCOME!!!!

No.53344 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 13:16] [Report] 1474132563368.png (1018774 B, 1001x797) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1018774 B

Anything on this guy? He's really hot and rumor is he has a big dick

No.53345 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 13:19] [Report] 1474132786972.jpg (58215 B, 600x600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
58215 B

anyone knows where i can find this?

No.73518 : Anonymous [2017-02-12 06:46] [Report] []

I think I've seen this on tumblr before, but then again I'm not really sure

No.53346 : ANONYMOUS [2016-09-17 13:23] [Report] 1474132980765.jpg (108061 B, 750x725) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
108061 B

Anyone have Milehighbrian (IG)? He's on scruff all the time.

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.54700 : ANONYMOUS [2016-10-02 01:37] [Report] []

anyone find anything?

No.62947 : ANONYMOUS [2016-12-10 16:36] [Report] 1481405778174.jpg (184684 B, 725x732) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87860 : Anonymous [2017-05-01 23:17] [Report] []


No.88307 : Anonymous [2017-05-04 01:03] [Report] []

Don't think I still have it but he sent me a dick pic once. I'll take a look but I remember it was short and thick.

No.88322 : Anonymous [2017-05-04 01:44] [Report] []

>>88307 please do I've been dying to see it.

No.90040 : Anonymous [2017-05-10 15:54] [Report] []

Any luck?

No.53350 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 14:33] [Report] 1474137185029.jpg (102606 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
102606 B

Does anyone have nudes of alex kuzjomkin?

49 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.73539 : Anonymous [2017-02-12 10:58] [Report] []

I need this guys cock for valentines day

No.73723 : Anonymous [2017-02-13 11:44] [Report] []

yeah someone bait him already...

No.77061 : Anonymous [2017-03-04 04:40] [Report] 1488620428779.jpg (31829 B, 500x375) [YIS] [GIS] []
31829 B

so i found this on tumblr.

No.77063 : Anonymous [2017-03-04 04:41] [Report] 1488620460083.png (521539 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
521539 B


No.77130 : Anonymous [2017-03-04 14:26] [Report] []

looks fake to me, bummer.

No.77653 : Anonymous [2017-03-07 13:54] [Report] []

I'm pretty sure he's uncut

No.53364 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 17:05] [Report] 1474146349766.jpg (46740 B, 550x814) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
46740 B

He's adorable! Did Nick W from pumping..muscle ever do nudes? I can't seem to find anything out there and would really appreciate it if anyone had anything to share!

6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.53615 : Anonymous [2016-09-19 23:39] [Report] 1474342791073.png (2122456 B, 2560x1600) [YIS] [GIS] []
2122456 B

Ummm did you actually watch it? If you did you would have seen it in Photo Shoot 2010 1 ...

No.53655 : Anonymous [2016-09-20 12:02] [Report] []

>>53615 Nice shot...and no I didn't watch it. Mainly cause i'm not gonna download a YYYUUUUUGGGGEEE file just to see if I can catch a few fleeting glimpses of peen.

No.53687 : Anonymous [2016-09-20 19:42] [Report] 1474414966672.png (574567 B, 999x666) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.53688 : Anonymous [2016-09-20 19:45] [Report] 1474415107654.jpg (22075 B, 306x459) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.53924 : Anonymous [2016-09-23 15:08] [Report] 1474657684596.png (371815 B, 997x618) [YIS] [GIS] []
371815 B

Where can I download these videos free?

No.53942 : Anonymous [2016-09-23 18:58] [Report] []

>>53924 Torrent sites, gay porn know the usual places.

Anyhoo, I finally bothered watching the video and it was decent enough for Pump1ngmu$cle standards. Although Nick clearly didn't want to show the peen you do see it in various states, like when he is on the beach the videographer tells him to put on these skimpy blue shorts, that when they get wet, show EXTREME VPL. Also you see a lot of ballsack near the end of the video when Nick goes nude. And like the pic up there ^ shows, the guy filming got a decent brief cock shot before Nick W realised his sexy brown wrinkled cawk was available for all to see lmao (BONUS:nice foot shots for the kinky foot fetishists like little ol' me ;P)

Nick W ain't at all, he is average as average can be, but he damn hot as fawk so imma dream 'bout his cute babymaker for the forseeable

No.53368 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 17:48] [Report] 1474148908268.jpg (120550 B, 456x810) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
120550 B

Anyone know who this is? Hot abs.

No.53373 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 18:10] [Report] []

Gayhoopla Sebastian Hook

No.53369 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 17:50] [Report] 1474149012337.jpg (84901 B, 455x810) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
84901 B

Whos this? amazing hole.

No.53374 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 18:12] [Report] 1474150376643.jpg (86966 B, 422x750) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
86966 B

Does anyone know the background for this pic? It's on a bunch of tumblrs but can't find the original source. It would be great to learn who these guys are and that the really are brothers.

No.53409 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 23:58] [Report] []

The snapchat line is fake. As for the original source - I don't know.

No.53399 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 21:43] [Report] 1474162993120.jpg (524559 B, 1045x1920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
524559 B

Anybody know who this is?
I know he's from Washington but don't know his name.

No.53400 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 21:43] [Report] 1474163010281.jpg (138284 B, 500x745) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.53401 : Anonymous [2016-09-17 21:43] [Report] 1474163030744.jpg (298836 B, 1224x1529) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.53621 : Anonymous [2016-09-20 01:17] [Report] []

idk where those other pics came from, but those aren't him. his insta is blakesaintlaurent and hes super boring and incredibly pretentious.

average dick, slightly gnarled and theres a large distracting mole right on his hip. he also has a lot of really tacky tattoos which would be a dead giveaway in nudes.

closed No.53414 : [2016-09-18 01:39] [Report] 1474177158320.jpg (0 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

from the old thread, who has him? IG tylerjh

24 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.64938 : Anonymous [2016-12-24 17:15] [Report] []

Skype name?

No.64979 : Anonymous [2016-12-24 21:33] [Report] []

Any vids?

No.66628 : Anonymous [2017-01-04 19:16] [Report] []

I sent email but haven't heard anything back...

No.66665 : Anonymous [2017-01-04 23:47] [Report] []

Can't someone just share the vid here?

No.66823 : Anonymous [2017-01-05 20:12] [Report] []

Shit, a screenshot of him nude would do it! this guy is hot as hell.

No.67629 : Anonymous [2017-01-10 02:43] [Report] []

>>66823 i second the motion

No.53420 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 02:57] [Report] 1474181834503.png (432753 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
432753 B

Anyone got nudes on Alex Bar? He was the model in Troye Sivan's music video "YOUTH"!

insta/snap: alexbar7

No.53505 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 19:25] [Report] []


No.53422 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 03:21] [Report] 1474183300603.jpg (24366 B, 554x416) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
24366 B

help me id this cam doll please, found the video here

No.53452 : [2016-09-18 10:29] [Report] []

Are you lost?

No.53458 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 11:01] [Report] []

I also thought he was lost.. but it actually is a "dude"... chick with a dick.. dude with boobs ...

No.53424 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 03:33] [Report] 1474183984580.jpg (119205 B, 700x565) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
119205 B

Anyone has sonic_nick 's cum show? I can't seem to find any of his videos. Love to see him cum!

No.53425 : Anonymous [2016-09-18 04:08] [Report] []

oh yes i want too see his cum too

No.55799 : Anonymous [2016-10-13 03:00] [Report] []


No.55807 : Anonymous [2016-10-13 04:25] [Report] []

I second this

No.61965 : Anonymous [2016-12-05 00:26] [Report] []

agreed! he is one of my faves


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