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No.32736 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 07:58] [Report] 1458561496717.jpg (101148 B, 500x625) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
101148 B

Anybody know more about frequent-sea on Tumblr?

5 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.36201 : Anonymous [2016-05-04 19:57] [Report] 1462406236415.jpg (217247 B, 960x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.36203 : Anonymous [2016-05-04 19:57] [Report] 1462406268569.jpg (362288 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.36204 : Anonymous [2016-05-04 19:58] [Report] 1462406295310.jpg (446114 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.36206 : Anonymous [2016-05-04 19:58] [Report] 1462406315900.jpg (137592 B, 1280x853) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.36208 : Anonymous [2016-05-04 19:59] [Report] 1462406340231.jpg (208306 B, 1280x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.36572 : Anonymous [2016-05-08 21:41] [Report] []

omg more pls!

No.32740 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 08:37] [Report] 1458563860796.jpg (17552 B, 200x200) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
17552 B

Anything on This twink?
Goes by halfpintofinnes

35 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.42603 : Anonymous [2016-07-09 11:22] [Report] 1468077776615.jpg (94076 B, 422x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.42844 : Anonymous [2016-07-11 13:06] [Report] []

Wow bump

No.43164 : Anonymous [2016-07-14 17:45] [Report] []

Is he a tease?

No.45972 : Anonymous [2016-08-09 13:42] [Report] []

Anymore?? Btw anyone know where that watermark is from?? Curious if it's a tumblr??

No.49801 : Anonymous [2017-01-22 20:22] [Report] []

He's cute, but he's one of the biggest cunts out there. He'll use you then throw you away when someone new comes along

No.49809 : Anonymous [2017-01-23 09:04] [Report] []

anyone have the vids? Please re-upload.

No.32741 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 08:53] [Report] 1458564809287.jpg (276933 B, 1242x1754) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
276933 B

Anyone have anything on this guy? :)
I've been following him on IG forever.

No.32764 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 17:30] [Report] 1458595838203.jpg (43270 B, 500x375) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
43270 B

Anyone got more of Rob Spears from tumblr?

No.32835 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 10:37] [Report] []

bump please!

No.32875 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 19:04] [Report] 1458687883271.jpg (114002 B, 480x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.32928 : Anonymous [2016-03-23 13:26] [Report] []

any more?

No.32766 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 17:32] [Report] 1458595945279.jpg (83120 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
83120 B

Any pics of Chris Stafford, tumblr:
Heard he looks awesome naked

No.32836 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 10:38] [Report] []

lets see this guy plz

No.32848 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 14:40] [Report] 1458672001067.png (252137 B, 308x488) [YIS] [GIS] []
252137 B

i've got this. any more?

No.32871 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 18:57] [Report] 1458687459800.jpg (81316 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
81316 B

mmm. tasty.

No.32927 : Anonymous [2016-03-23 13:26] [Report] []

bump for more of him!

No.32769 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 17:50] [Report] 1458597044979.png (1047920 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1047920 B

Any wanna try to catfish this dude? He's pretty cute IMO. I'd like to see why he's packing.

No.32770 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 17:55] [Report] 1458597349576.jpg (8129 B, 160x120) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
8129 B

Does naybody know this guy? His nick is Proutprout and he is a french guy who cam on cam4 years ago? Does anybody have pics or videos of his?

No.32781 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 19:02] [Report] []

i remember this guy - he was so gorgeous on cam4 so long ago. i dont remember ever seeing him doing anything X Rated though

No.32784 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 19:39] [Report] []

There are photos or videos for sure. I had time ago but i losted them qhen my hd crashed down

No.32795 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 20:54] [Report] 1458608096306.jpg (638616 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
638616 B

Anyone got any naked pics of phil from:

No.32881 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 20:18] [Report] []

I'd really love to see more of this guy he's adorable.

No.32987 : Anonymous [2016-03-24 04:37] [Report] []

he's been on my wishlist for years, but he's quite suspicious of random people who talk to him. good luck to anyone who tries though id love to see him naked

No.33288 : Anonymous [2016-03-28 11:24] [Report] []

yes please!

No.32806 : Anonymous [2016-03-21 23:25] [Report] 1458617116636.jpg (32796 B, 400x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
32796 B

Anyone have anything from the Viner Guglielmo?

No.32815 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 02:17] [Report] 1458627462557.jpg (66779 B, 400x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
66779 B


No.34947 : Anonymous [2016-04-22 20:46] [Report] 1461372365511.jpg (75517 B, 400x533) [YIS] [GIS] []
75517 B

Bump cause I see this guy's pics all over Tumblr but have no idea who he is. So hot tho!

No.34951 : Anonymous [2016-04-22 21:28] [Report] []

He posted @ LPSG under the username DonkeyD for a bit, don't know where else though.

No.32825 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 07:53] [Report] 1458647606253.jpg (341626 B, 1280x1432) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
341626 B

Who is this and does anyone have more pics of him?

No.32830 : slamm [2016-03-22 09:46] [Report] []

David Ortega Hurtado

No.32826 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 08:10] [Report] 1458648619694.png (93802 B, 640x456) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
93802 B

who is this boy?? more of him???

No.32831 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 09:54] [Report] 1458654847243.png (962404 B, 582x1170) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
962404 B

anyone have any nudes of durrymuncher from tumblr?

13 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.33329 : Anonymous [2016-03-28 23:00] [Report] []


No.33369 : Anonymous [2016-03-29 13:42] [Report] []

Bump for some dick pics

No.33674 : Anonymous [2016-04-03 16:19] [Report] []


No.35230 : Anonymous [2016-04-25 23:00] [Report] []

What's his snapchat

No.47441 : Anonymous [2016-08-18 08:04] [Report] []

Bump for this.
What's his snap?

No.47792 : Anonymous [2016-08-20 21:39] [Report] []

This is the only guy that deserves a bump, hot AF!

No.32845 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 14:11] [Report] 1458670317792.jpg (37937 B, 499x700) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
37937 B

Please tell me somebody knows who this is!!

No.32846 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 14:12] [Report] 1458670346057.png (5421978 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
5421978 B

Anybody have any naked pics of the Paul brothers? (especially Jake) They're both so hot I would love to see at least one of them naked.

No.32892 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 21:58] [Report] 1458698310999.png (2612572 B, 2001x1125) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2612572 B

A new Mark and Ethan thread since the old one won't bump.

58 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.46024 : Anonymous [2016-08-09 18:26] [Report] []

>>46007 LA gays are the WORST.

No.46026 : Anonymous [2016-08-09 18:30] [Report] []

>>46007 Well, they pretty much never show intimacy on their vlogs lately (not on this level) and if they do it's almost never Ethan all over Mark, but the other way around...yet, for some reason there we have a scene with Ethan all over Mark. HMM. I WONDER WHY?! Ha! >.> Stay mad & thirsty.

No.46066 : Anonymous [2016-08-09 22:09] [Report] []

>>46007 you sound super pressed and way too involved in someone else' relationship. Sea kelp.

No.47001 : Anonymous [2016-08-15 10:14] [Report] 1471270471684.png (2894116 B, 1920x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
2894116 B

>>46007 Well, Ethan's smart, cooks for Mark, keeps his body tight, seems to be down for whatever Mark's up for, and has a FAT ASS... WHY OH WHY DOES MARK PUT UP W/ HIM? hehe

No.47022 : Anonymous [2016-08-15 12:00] [Report] []

>>47001 Not to mention in spite of what jelly, deluded Interweb queens would like to think; Ethan's handsome af. Definitely out of their league.

No.47083 : Anonymous [2016-08-15 19:18] [Report] []

>>47022 Ethan is beautiful. Period.

No.32899 : Anonymous [2016-03-22 23:23] [Report] 1458703438350.jpg (473753 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
473753 B

Does anyone have anything on Sean? He's seanographic on tumblr, scopiobro on chaturbate and just-a-dude on xtube, he posts a lot of stuff and already did some shows and I'm dying to see it.

No.32969 : Anonymous [2016-03-23 22:25] [Report] 1458786318189.jpg (339831 B, 1091x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.32904 : Anonymous [2016-03-23 01:33] [Report] 1458711203854.jpg (141853 B, 640x717) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
141853 B

Anything one this guy? His name is Mike and together he and his boyfriend have a moderately successful Youtube Channel - pkcreedon514. He's on instagram with the handle mr_mikeyv.

No.32905 : Anonymous [2016-03-23 01:35] [Report] 1458711351774.jpg (104543 B, 640x589) [YIS] [GIS] []
104543 B

Another pic

No.32906 : Anonymous [2016-03-23 01:36] [Report] 1458711386762.jpg (113620 B, 640x594) [YIS] [GIS] []
113620 B


No.32907 : Anonymous [2016-03-23 01:37] [Report] 1458711471899.jpg (119628 B, 640x601) [YIS] [GIS] []
119628 B


No.33132 : Anonymous [2016-03-26 00:56] [Report] []

I know PK didn't send nudes when he was single, doubt he did either.


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