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No.45310 : Anonymous [2018-11-02 16:30] [Report] 1541190643994.jpg (2155963 B, 1242x1703) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
2155963 B

Anything new on Mike R1zz1? He and his boyfriend recently posted a video on YouTube where they admit to being non-monogamous so there might be something out there!

No.45311 : Anonymous [2018-11-02 16:30] [Report] 1541190657171.jpg (1825980 B, 1242x1709) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.45837 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 10:48] [Report] []

i bet he's pretty careful with his nudes since he's a famous youtuber and all

No.45843 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 11:13] [Report] []

>>45837 Famous? LMAO.

No.45908 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 13:43] [Report] []

>>45843 more famous than you, baby girl

No.46068 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 20:42] [Report] []

Hooked up with him and the bf awhile back. Mike is hairy in all the right places.

No.46083 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 21:20] [Report] []

>>46068 spill it. from cock size, to positions, to how long it went on for

No.46093 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 21:27] [Report] []

>>46068 like, go on? Who has a bigger dick? Top or bottom? Was it good? LOL

No.46099 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 21:37] [Report] []

Why all these youtubers have to be non-monogamous

No.46131 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 23:08] [Report] []

because most people can't stand to be in monogamous relationships. they're either constantly starting and ending relationships or cheating on their significant others. at least couples in open relationships get to explore their options without having to lie and hide stuff from the other.
humans aren't made for monogamy, we're too greedy and too sexual for that

No.46134 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 23:09] [Report] []

>>46099 lotta viewers who are down to fuck

No.46175 : Anonymous [2018-11-05 01:35] [Report] []

If these people live open relationship then why gay people fought for the rights of marriage. It is meaningless

No.46177 : Anonymous [2018-11-05 02:00] [Report] []

>>46099 because most of them didn't come out until later in life and it's their first serious + gay relationship, or they're shut-ins that never had any dick/attention until they became marginally "internet famous" lol and it's always the wonky-looking ones that are open, the really attractive ones generally don't mess with

No.52607 : Anonymous [2018-11-25 20:32] [Report] 1543195924762.png (1805295 B, 457x859) [YIS] [GIS] []
1805295 B

I mean, it looks like he's packing something...


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