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No.45035 : Anonymous [2017-11-13 23:41] [Report] 1510634509478.jpg (262853 B, 748x596) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
262853 B

I have a few videos of guys I catfished on webcam so I figured I'd share

Here's the first two

No.45079 : Anonymous [2017-11-14 03:52] [Report] []

How did you do it? I managed to get hot guys but it becomes problematic when they ask me for titties and pussy :(

I still have their skypes though, in case you want to catfish them lol

No.45086 : Anonymous [2017-11-14 04:52] [Report] []

how u do that tho

No.45481 : Anonymous [2017-11-15 07:38] [Report] []

>>45086 there's a software you can use to stream a video as your webcam

>>45079 Skype is a little tricky lol chat roulette is easier because they're already horny and all the blood is going south so they're easier to fool

No.45510 : Anonymous [2017-11-15 09:44] [Report] []

>>45481 pls do share more..I heard there’s lots of hot guys on Omegle..perhaps ur next project? πŸ˜‚πŸ™

No.45512 : Anonymous [2017-11-15 09:49] [Report] []

>>45079 hey message or email me? I can try to help you with those hot guys. Do you have snap/email?

No.45537 : Anonymous [2017-11-15 12:18] [Report] []

>>45512 where can I message/email you?

No.45556 : Anonymous [2017-11-15 13:48] [Report] []

omegle's annoying because it bans you pretty quickly for nudity these days, and the unmoderated section is full of uggos

No.45558 : Anonymous [2017-11-15 13:56] [Report] []

>>45533 ur fuck!ng awesome man!! πŸ‘ thanks

No.45740 : Anonymous [2017-11-16 00:18] [Report] []

>>45537 whats your email? I'll email you.

No.45789 : Anonymous [2017-11-16 04:47] [Report] []

>>45481 well actually it was on omegle, I pretended to be a girl and it worked lol. I landed so many hot guys with big dicks, it all went good until they begged for pussy or titties and I had to pretend that my internet was having touble so I asked for their skypes. Managed to get one guy to cum just by slapping my arse haha.

>>45510 you have to be selective but you can get many hot guys provided that you can prove you're real.

>>45512 kik me at seductiveba.

No.45821 : Anonymous [2017-11-16 07:53] [Report] []

>>45740 kik me at meowfishvid


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