Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.19388 : Anonymous [2015-06-15 06:06] [Report] 1434362765314.jpg (140732 B, 1024x811) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
140732 B

He used to be on chaturbate as swagg_on and I've only found one video

I was wondering if anyone has any other videos of him? All the other links I've found are dead/deleted :(

No.19419 : ScorpioFever [2015-06-17 01:51] [Report] 1434520314583.png (309005 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
309005 B

god this guy is so fucking cute i could eat him.

No.19423 : ScorpioFever [2015-06-17 02:02] [Report] []

it's your lucky day ;)
i happen to have a video of him from a few years back.

there isn't sound though :/
and the video sped up for some reason. the video converter i had sucked lol.

better than nothing righ? here you go:

No.19451 : Anonymous [2015-06-18 11:17] [Report] []

ahhh thank you so much!! It's a shame he doesn't cam anymore, he was my favorite!

Completely devastated when he deleted lmao

No.19465 : Anonymous [2015-06-18 20:19] [Report] []

He actually did cam briefly under a new account. I almost didn't recognize him at first (the facial hair threw me off), but once I was in the room, it was obvious it was good old Swagg. I'll try to see if I can find the name and report back. If I can find the name, there might be some videos to share...

No.19466 : Anonymous [2015-06-18 20:55] [Report] []

Ok, his new account was swaggybaby4, but that one's now deleted too. :( It looks like he had it from late December to mid-March (I first found it at the beginning of the year). You can find him on chaturbatemales. I've linked a vid for the rest of you, just click Anonymous above.

No.19508 : Anonymous [2015-06-20 15:12] [Report] []

Wow thanks a lot! Here's to hoping he pops up again under another name lol

No.33094 : Anonymous [2016-03-25 12:24] [Report] []

Anyone have more of him, before he grew out his beard?

No.35316 : Anonymous [2016-04-26 17:44] [Report] []

anyone have anything else on him?


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